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Confederation of Wilhelmburg and Jeneva
County And Confederation
“Dinas y Heddwch”
ConfederationWilhelmburg And Jeneva

The Confederation of Wilhelmburg and Jeneva, commonly referred to as Wilhelmburg, is a semi-Independent Confederation in PyeMcGowan. The Confederation was founded in 1489, in Currently unclaimed Territory between the mountainous region along Lake Mountapricot and the Auraid Bay in Southerland, by a diverse group of settlers from South Mid Europa. The Confederation lasted until 1876 when they peacefully became a part of PyeMcGowan, as defined in the Treaty of Jeneva. The treaty states that the Confederation may never go to war, and it’s people may never be conscripted into any military apart from its police forces, therefore it has become one of the most peaceful cities in the world, and with low taxation and relaxed laws with regards to victimless crimes it has become a hub for arts and finance, as many financial crimes, illegal in PyeMcGowan, are legal in the Confederation.