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ⴽⴻⵍ ⵜⴻⵏⴻⵔⴻ
Tuareg men dressed for travel Algeria (6887747753).jpg
Tenerian men in traditional desert dress.
Total population
Kaharnic religions
Related ethnic groups
Other Amaziɣs

The Kel Tenere (Tamashek: ⴽⴻⵍ ⵜⴻⵏⴻⵔⴻ), also known as the Tenerians or Imuhaɣ, are a nomadic Amaziɣ group indigenous to central Scipia and have historically inhabited parts of Aɣmatia, southern Tyreseia, parts of Alanahr and the Charnean Empire. In the modern day they are less widespread and are found primarily in Charnea as the native people of the Tenere desert region. The term Kel Tenere translates to "People of the Desert" and is used by the Tenerians to differentiate themselves from the non-Amaziɣ Kel Eraahar or "People of the River", which encompasses the majority of the ethnic groups in modern day Charnea. In a more general context, the Tenerians refer to themselves as Imuhaɣ or "free people" , a term which relates them to their Amaziɣ cousins and distinguishes them from other desert dwelling non-Amaziɣ such as the Gharbaic Bedouins. Today most of those who self identify as Kel Tenere are have become urbanized and transitioned to a modern sedentary lifestyle, while a small minority retain the ancestral nomadic way of life. However, most Tenerians observe a version of the nomadic Tenerian culture including traditional music, festivities, customs, religion and other prominent features of the culture such as the martial art of Tebillant and a gun culture rooted in nomadic practices. The Kel Tenere united under a powerful chieftain Ihemod the Inheritor, who went on to establish the Charnean Empire in the latter half of the 14th century. These events represented a deep upheaval of the Tenerian social fabric, breaking down a large part of the caste system and begining a period of settlement and cultural exchange for the previously entirely nomadic and relatively isolated group. In the modern day, Tenerian society and culture is deeply defined by its role within the nation of Charnea and retains a system of clan membership and customs rooted in its nomadic past.


The social structure of the Kel Tenere is matrilineal and matriarchal in strong contrast to the many neighboring patriarchal cultures. While Tenerian society retains strong gender roles which discourage women from participating in activities such as hunting, herding or perusing a military career, positions of political and social importance such as healers, priestesses, certain types of artisans and most importantly leaders of the family unit have contributed to the prominence of Tenerian women wielding significant political and social power compared to their male counterparts. Because of its contrast with surrounding cultures, the prominence of women within Tenerian and by extension Charnean society is viewed as a novelty and a unique feature of the local culture by outside observers. Historically, the society of the Kel Tenere was highly stratified with a nomadic warrior caste at the top, ruling over semi-nomadic vassals and artisans which crafted goods and tend the herds of goats and camels which sustained the nomadic tribes, and finally the slave caste which acted as the captive labor force for stronger noble clans. Some vestiges of the caste system can still be seen in Tenerian society, such as the division between remaining nomadic and semi-nomadic clans largely descended from old noble lineages, in contrast to the vassal and artisan groups which settled and later urbanized through the middle ages and the early modern era. In addition, the slave caste has since come to be recognized as a distinct ethnic group in its own right known as the Ikelan, formed from the merging of diverse cultures of those enslaved under the Charnean Empire to produce a culture related to and molded by Tenerian overlords yet unique and distinct from the Kel Tenere. However, the mobilization of the Tenerian population by the conqueror Ihemod and the subsequent upheavals of society as the tribes became intertwined with the governance of the empire led to the overall dissolution of the once rigid caste structure and general homogenization of the Kel Tenere society.


Among the Kel Tenere, membership within a clan or Tawset is defined by common lineage stemming from a mother ancestor called the Tasna Anna, which usually lends her name to the surviving clan. According to tradition, the legendary Queen Kaharna is the universal mother ancestor or Erban Anna of all Tenerians and sister Amaziɣ nations, forming a common lineage transcending individual clanic and tribal identity called the Kel Kaharna, from which the name "Charnea" is derived. The social structure of the clan is based on the female descendants of the Tasna Anna, as the clans are matrilocal and the clan's men will often join other clans through marriage while the clan's women remain within the group through the generations. Therefore, the intra-clanic structure is defined by a network of related women while the inter-clanic structure of tribes is defined by the movement of men from one clan to another through marriage ties which serve to link the different clans together and maintaign cohesion within a wider political confederation. The top of the clan structure is occupied by the clan mother or Anna n Tawset usually called Tamghart or "Elder" alongside her husband the Amghar. This chief pairing of the female and male clan elders provide the civil and military leadership of the clan respectively. In the modern day, clan mothers act as matrons of these extended Tawset family units and provide political leadership to the community, while their Amghar husbands often act as the equivalent of police chiefs or leaders of the clan's militia as they continue to play the role of protector for their clans.


Numerous clans of the Kel Tenere will associate with one another in broader confederations, which have in the past been viewed as nations unto themselves but are seen today as large regional affiliations within the Tenerian led nation of Charnea. Historically, the political structure of the confederations was based on a system of elective rule by which the many clan mothers of the member clan lineages would elect one clan mother from among their number to serve as the confederation's Queen or Tamenokalt a title meaning "woman of the tents" or more loosely "mother of us all". The rest of the clan mothers would serve as the advisory council called the Agraw Imgharan to the sitting Tamenokalt, and would hold a new election for Tamenokalt in case of the current ruler's death or abdication. The Agraw Imgharan of each confederation also reserved the power to override or remove a sitting ruler if the consensus to do so was strong enough among the clans. In times of pronounced conflict and especially war between confederations or against outside forces, the male leader of the confederation, the Amenokal, would become the paramount chieftain instead of the usual female ruler and the confederation would temporarily transition into a form of military rule under the supreme command of the Amenokal and the military leaders from each clan, the Amghars. The selection of the Amenokal is based entirely on the will of the Tamenokalt and the female clan elders however, preventing powerful Amenokals from naming their own successors and wrestling power away from the matriarchy in the long run. Since the foundation of the Charnean Empire in the 14th century, the importance of the confederations has diminished significantly, as the Empire itself became a sort of super-confederation of all Tenerian clans under the Empress, the Tamenokalt-Gaabikoyo. Under the Imperial system, an element of elective monarchy was retained as the clan mothers of the many clans of the empire, along with the key military leaders, formed an Imperial Agraw Imgharan which served as the legislative body of the Empire and elected the successor to the Empress from among the suitable female members of the royal clan.



The only surviving Tenerian language in the modern day is Tamashek, a language originating with the historical Kel Awakar confederation in central Charnea. In the distant past, most Tenerian confederations possesed their own dialect or distinct variation of the root Amaziɣ language. However, through the homogenization and standardization which occured under the Charnean Empire, the diversity of the local languages was lost and only the Awakari Tamashek variation remained as the standard version across the Empire. Because of Tamashek's status as a lingua franca for many of the diverse ethnic groups residing in Charnea, many loanwords from the native languages of these non-Tenerian peoples have been adopted into common use in Tamashek, such as the Gharbaic word "sooq" meaning marketplace or the Zarma word "kaaruko" meaning horseman. The Academy of Tamashek Culture (Tamashek: Asinag n Tussna Tamashek, ⴰⵙⵉⵏⴰⴳ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵙⵙⵏⴰ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵛⴻⴽ) headquartered in Agnannet serves as the linguistic authority over Tamashek, and collaborates with language organizations in the Messidor Union over matters of Amaziɣ language and education.