Nainese Civil War

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Nainese Civil War
Part of the Decolonisation of Southeast Coius
(Clockwise from top)
Nationalist troops south of Tài Lẽ, 1957 • Socialist soldiers at the Battle of Rêu Sơn, 1961 • Socialist Lavanan volunteers • Nationalists at the Siege of Setrong • Nieh militias in 1964
Date6 February 1956 - 27 October 1964 (8 years, 8 months and 3 weeks)

Nationalist victory

  • Overthrow of the Kingdom of Nainan (1956)
  • Capitulation of the Nainan People's Republic (1964)

Harmonious Republic of Nainan

Supported by:

Nainan People's Republic

Supported by:
United Zomi Councils

Kingdom of Nainan (1956)

Supported by: Werania
Commanders and leaders
Hoàng Viện Trai
Nghiêm Nài Phúc
Nguyễn Minh Trí
Kiều Mạnh Kiến
Văn Phú Thịnh
Kai Myin Hung
King Vinh Áo
~770,000 in 1961 ~890,000 in 1961 Less than 50,000
Casualties and losses
? killed
1.2 million excess deaths from famine, disease, exposure

The Nainese Civil War (Nainese: 内戰奈人; Nội chiến Nài Nhân), commonly referred to in Nainan as the Patriotic War for Revolution (Nainese: 戰爭愛國朱局革𠇮; Chiến tranh ái quốc cho cuộc cách mạng) was an armed conflict in Nainan between government the Kingdom of Nainan, socialist Nainan People's Republic, and the nationalist revolutionary Harmonious Republic of Nainan lasting from February 1956 to October 1964.

After the Naikolonie they declared independence from Werania in 1953, they became the Kingdom of Nainan, a constitutional monarchy. Socialist militias already existed but the government saw little completion due to disagreements in the government, especially from King Vinh Áo, the parliament dissolved in 1954, leading to political upheaval as an election was not declared. Though the government promised one it never came for three years. Political leader Hoàng Viện Trai began writing his ideals for his Tự Ý Chí (自意志; lit. "self-will") ideology, which became to be the ideology of his party, the Nainan People's Solidarity and Longevity (團結吧長壽𧵑人民奈人; Đoàn kết và trường thọ của nhân dân Nài Nhân). Socialists lead by union leader Kiều Mạnh Kiến became the Nainese Section of the Workers' International (分奈人𧵑國際公人; Phần Nài Nhân của quốc tế công nhân), both groups lead massive protests. Vinh Áo and his still in office Premier Đào Kái Sơn, became increasingly worried of the unrest and saw growing support for the nationalists in the military. They would attempt to fire and arrest supporters of the revolutionaries in 1956, this did not end well as many of the officers in the military joined them or were killed.

The failed attempt to purge the military of revolutionaries caused full on rebellion by them and lead to the takeover of Canhdong in February by military supporters of the NPSL, here Hoàng Viện Trai declared the Harmonious Republic of Nainan. After this supporters would arm themselves alongside the nationalist military, and after more defections quickly took the capitol Trinhieu less than a week later. In the south, the socialists had taken much of the city of Setrong, and leader Kiều Mạnh Kiến declared the Nainan People's Republic. The monarchy of Vinh Áo would retreat to the city of Tài Lẽ, with only around 50,000 troops still loyal to the government. The nationalist army numbering at 130,000 strong, now known as the Army of Solidarity and Longevity, quickly pushed towards Tài Lẽ and surrounded the city. By the end of April the Kingdom capitulated and Vinh Áo would run away to Werania.

The country was left between the socialists in the south and nationalists in the north. Danok and Ryo rebels quickly fell to the Nationalist army, the Makhao and Nieh minorities were predominantly pro-socialist and their rebel militias joined them. The first major battles took place in March south as Tài Lẽ, as part of a socialist offensive to take the city, it was repelled. The first year of the war was slow and mainly a stalemate. This would change as the Trucial Wars broke out in 1958 in Zomia, the United Zomi Councils quickly took much of the country and opened a supply line from Dezevau and Lavana to the socialists in Nainan. The socialists began to make small pushes in the east throughout 1960, much with their new supplies and aid. The only major battle at the time was around the city of Giáo Điện, and ending in a socialist victory. The nationalists began a major offensive to cut off their supply lines by attacking areas near the northwestern border with Zomia, and had their sights on Rêu Sơn.

Rêu Sơn was the central command center of socialist forces in the west, the offensive began at the end of 1960 and the nationalists adopted guerilla tactics to attack socialist guerilla forces. Many of the socialist forces were left static without any major targets. This lead to a quick defeat of socialist forces around the city and it fell in spring 1961, and the land supply lines in the north were cut off. The nationalists kept soldiers to watch the borders for any socialist movements southward. The nationalists then continued their offensive and took much of the west of the country by the end of 1962. This was also alongside offensives in the east and the capture of Cá Triều cutting off water supply lines. Shangea was now able to safely supply them through ships, greatly helping the nationalists. During these pushes ethnic cleansing was committed by both sides, targeting various minority and religious groups.

The nationalists would continue their push and began to lay siege of Setrong in December 1963, the battle would continue and saw the surrender of many socialist forces, the city fell in June 1964. In the west they lost the Makhao territories and many Makhao would join the nationalists. The socialist forces retreated south to the cities of Quan Kim and Jowkmat. More socialists forces surrendered as Jowkmat fell, eventually leaving Quan Kim as the last stronghold left. It then fell in September 1964, the nationalists declared victory and took down most remaining socialist forces by October. Though after the war socialist forces still continue to operate in guerilla warfare in the remote regions of the country. Hoàng Viện Trai declared a united Harmonious Republic of Nainan and created a constitution in the following months.