1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora"

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1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora"
1° Reggimento Reali Carabinieri Paracadutisti "Podgora"
Battaglione Paracadutisti Tuscania.png
Coat of arms of the Battalion
CountryFlag of Italy.svg Kingdom of Italy
BranchStemma CC.png Royal Carabinieri
RoleSpecial operations, diplomatic protection
Size2,000 troops ca.
Part ofMobile Units Division
Garrison/HQPisa, Italy (Regimental command)
Naples, Italy (1st Battalion)
Pavia, Italy (2nd Battalion)
Pisa, Italy (3rd Battalion)
Nickname(s)"I Leoni del Deserto" (Desert Lions)
Parà Blu (Blue Paras)
Motto(s)"Se il destino è contro di noi, peggio per lui." (If Destiny is against us, too bad for him.)
MarchMarciando nella Terra Nemica
EngagementsLebanon, Namibia, Somalia, West Bank, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq
DecorationsValor militare gold medal BAR.svg
CommanderCol. Leonardo Sinagra
BeretBasco amaranto.gif

The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" (Italian: 1° Reggimento Reali Carabinieri Paracadutisti "Podgora") is a special operations unit of the Royal Carabinieri, tasked with the execution of rapid response and difficult public order services.

The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" consists of two battalions of operational rapid deployment, made up of men of great courage, significant ability, resistant to fatigue and of proven loyalty to Fascism. The Regiment is head-quartered in Pisa alongside the Training Battalion.

Officially, the Regiiment is a 24/24-hour standing force ready to receive information and resolve cases related to security, order and legitimate demands of the people.

The Regiment has been accused of various human rights abuses including extrajudicial killings and involvement in the disappearance of individuals.

The physical and technical-professional training is intense and exhausting and esprit de corps is very high; the Paratroopers Companies have environmental specializations, as well as the "Paratrooper Explorer" military qualification.


The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" traces its own origins from the immediate aftermaths of the African War (1950-1952), being established in 1955 as a C.P.R. unit. The legacy and traditions, on the other hand, directy descend from the line Carabinieri Regiment which fought on the Podgora in the First Battle of the Isonzo during World War 1.


After the African War (1950-1952), the Italian Armed Forces and Italy itself went through a convulsive period, full of tensions and dangers for internal security.

Some regions were reservoirs of weapons and subversive and dissident fascist movements and outright militias (stemmed from the M.V.S.N. and organized by ambitious P.N.F. leaders) that made themselves abusers and violence of all kinds, and the police, under staff and still suffering from the institutional trauma and the war trials could do very little, without uniform uniforms and without means, with semi-destroyed archives, often arriving themselves to be attacked and disarmed.

The Fascist leadership deemed necessary to set up an operational unit of rapid employment, made up of men of great courage, considerable ability, resistant to the efforts and proven loyalty to the Italian Social Republic. Lieutenant General Graziano Matteucci, the first head of the Republican Police Corps, remembered the El Alamein epic and with a happy intuition, at the beginning of 1955, he decided to set up a "Special Unit" (Reparto Speciale), contacting the former Carabinieri paratroopers and offering them enlistment in this new special unit, getting an enthusiastic response.
The Unit was initially based in Aversa (near Naples) and immediately began a hard training away from prying eyes and ears. The classification was likewise secured by parachuting officers who were veterans of war. The Command was assigned to Major Mario Gajeri. The Unit was thus formed:

  • 1st P.S. Paratroopers Company, equipped with light weapons, consisting of machine guns and submachine guns;
  • 2nd Motor-armoured Company, that had 9 armoured cars and a platoon of motorcycle paratroopers armed with submachine guns;
  • Command Company, that gathered offices and logistic and technical services.

Such configuration lasted until mid-1970s. The region where the most frequent were the violence and the aggressions to the citizens and the Police forces, with relevant problems of public order turned out to be Tuscany and the Decio Canzio Barracks was available in Scandicci (near Florence), the Unit was transferred sanctioning is official constitution on 29 September 1955.

On 1 February 1958 the Unit assumed the name of IV Special Celere Unit (IV Reparto Speciale Celere) and its Paratroopers Company was dismounted; on 1 February 1965 the name was reverted back to Special Unit of Public Security Paratroopers, the Paratroopers Company was brought back on the planes and the unit was transferred in Pavia.

Years of Lead

The Special Unit of Public Security Paratroopers has been engaged in numerous operations both in metropolitan Italy and overseas or in various theaters of external operations. Thus, for example, it was involved in the maintenance of public order alongside other Celere units during the episode of the Varese nuclear power plant (1978-1981), during the Years of Lead, and in Somalia, where it actively participated in the implementation and the smooth conduct of the referendum that brought the corporatist reforms on 27 June 1974.
In 1975 the Special Unit of Public Security Paratroopers was upgraded to a Grouping (Raggruppamento, Regiment-level unit). The organization of the new Special Grouping of Public Security Paratroopers (Raggruppamento Speciale Paracadutisti di Pubblica Sicurezza) was:

  • Command Company;
  • 1st P.S. Paratroopers Unit (1° Reparto Paracadutisti di P.S.);
    • 1st P.S. Paratroopers Company;
    • 2nd P.S. Paratroopers Company;
    • 3rd P.S. Paratroopers Company;
  • 2nd P.S. Mechanized Unit (2° Reparto Meccanizzato di P.S.);
    • 4th Motorized Riflemen Company;
    • 5th Motorized Riflemen Company;
    • 6th Motor-armoured Company.

The new organization was designed in order to provide a reliable maneuver mass outside the then-National Republican Guard and under the direct control of the Interior Ministry.

From 1980s to 2002

With the police reforms of the 1980s, the unit retained its paratrooper status and its particularities: separate recruitment, maroon beret, etc, but its missions shifted to support of special operations. In 1983, the Special Unit of Public Security Paratroopers received among its main attributions the support and the support of the special intervention units. In 1984, a Royal Carabinieri Company was formed and attached to the C.P.R. Special Unit. It grew into a full-blown Battalion in 1991.

Between the late 1980s and early 1990s the Special Grouping of Public Security Paratroopers was considered among the units most loyal to the ruling establishment; with the rise to power of Italo Debalti the Grouping was reduced in size. In order to face diminished tasks, the Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Battalion "Tuscia" was established on 23 March 1992. Over the years, this mission lost relative importance and the unit was also required to develop special know-how in the areas of security-protection and intelligence-gathering for the benefit of other units of the security establishment.

2002 - present

In 2002, with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, State police bodies were again merged, this time into the Royal Carabinieri. Until 2005 the two units coexisted, but on 1 March 2006 the 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" was established in order to increase efficiency and eliminate redundancies.


Tuscia Operator in French West Africa during an international mission.

Missions of the 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" are generally large-scale operations against terrorism and organized crime. It is also used for maintaining public order, for searches for persons in difficult environments, and for reinforcing the security of Italian diplomatic missions abroad. One of the unit's platoons specialised in VIP protection.

Missions entrusted to the Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Battalion "Tuscia" are of two broad types:

  • Military duties (typical of paratroopers):
    • Preventive occupation and defence of positions;
    • Guerrilla warfare and counterinsurgency;
    • Support to contingents of the Royal Carabinieri in operations abroad;
    • Entry force;
    • Quick reaction force;
  • Police duties:
    • Support to territorial units of the Carabinieri;
    • Riot control (particularly difficult or complex situations);
    • Security at diplomatic missions in "at risk" countries;
    • VIP escort.

The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" is a crowning units for special operations (Italian: Unità di coronamento per le operazioni speciali), i.e. is tasked with protection and belting of special forces, as well as operational support to Special Forces units. The Special Unit is also used in areas throughout the country, which are, due to morphological and social characteristics, difficult to control even by the Carabinieri counter-insurgency units.

The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" is also charged of carrying out special, both protective and security, missions, both at home and abroad (in the Italian Empire), especially for overcoming heavy resistance and destroying discovered terrorist, criminal, and rebellious groups. Although the main task is to crack down guerrillas or dangerous criminals, they can be used to support the local police in performing politically motivated arrests.

The Special Unit of Public Security Paratroopers is also charged of carrying out special, both protective and security, missions, both at home and abroad (in the Italian Empire), especially for overcoming heavy resistance and destroying discovered terrorist, criminal, and rebellious groups. Although the main task is to crack down guerrillas or dangerous criminals, they can be used to support the Imperial Guard in performing politically motivated arrests.

Support to territorial units

The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" can assist the territorial units of the Royal Carabinieri in the control and surveillance of mountainous or otherwise impervious terrain and the search for dangerous fugitives (alongside the specialized counter-guerilla battalions).


In order to cope with counter-terrorism needs, in 2016 the 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" formed four Counter-terrorism Combined Units (Unità Combinate Anti Terrorismo, U.C.A.T.) in Italy in order to allow the Special Intervention Group to carry out hostage rescue and urban warfare while being protected by the CC.RR. paratroopers units.

The counter-terrorist combined units are deployed in sensitive locations and on special occasions; these units are designed in order to be able to fight in urban warfare and terrorist attack scenarios, as well as hostage rescue, also in cooperation with forces of the G.N.R. Brigade "Etna" and M.V.S.N. G.I.S.Mi..

Recruitment and training

Those aspiring to the 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora", of all ranks, are first submitted to a psycho-physical selection, aimed at ascertaining their attitude to the specific employment; then they are admitted to taking a training course lasting 44 weeks, including:

  • Parachuting course;
  • Patrol and platoon-level training (guerilla warfare and counter-insurgency);
  • Training to the use of special weapons and materials.

Only one candidate out of four attains the rank of Explorer Paratrooper, but the training does not end then. After passing the final test of the course, the paratrooper Carabiniere passes in the Battalion, in which performs operational, maintenance training and further specialization activities. In particular, the Paratrooper Carabiniere specializes in:

  • Airborne assault
  • Shooting with individual and unit weapons;
  • Use of special and explosive materials;
  • Special fighting techniques;
  • Military police techniques;
  • Evasion;
  • Resistance to interrogation;
  • Tactical information gathering.


The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora" contains three Battalions and adds some support units. It is commanded by a full Colonel (currently Colonel Leonardo Sinagra). As of 2015, it consists of:

  • Command Office: Commander support;
  • Battaglione Paracadutisti Tuscania.png 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Tuscia":
    • Command Platoon;
    • Compagnia CC - 781° Compagnia CC Par.png 781st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Company "Leoni";
    • Compagnia CC - 782° Compagnia CC Par.png 782nd Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Company "Diavoli";
    • Compagnia CC - 783° Compagnia CC Par.png 783rd Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Company "Falchi";
    • Proximity Support Section.
  • Btg CC - Battaglione Carabinieri Paracadutisti Audacia 01.png 2nd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Audacia":
    • Command Platoon;
    • Compagnia Grifi PS.png 784th Royal Carabinieri Public Security Paratroopers Company "Grifoni";
    • Compagnia Draghi PS.png 785th Royal Carabinieri Public Security Paratroopers Company "Draghi";
    • Compagnia Aquile PS.png 786th Royal Carabinieri Public Security Paratroopers Company "Aquile";
    • Compagnia Tori PS.png Public Security Mechanized Company "Tori";
    • Public Security Motorcyclist Paratroopers Platoon
    • Support Platoon.
  • Battaglione Carabinieri Paracadutisti Eulet El Asel.png 3rd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Suppport Battalion "Eluet el Asel";
    • 787th Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Training Company;
    • 788th Royal Carabinieri Public Security Paratroopers Training Company;
    • 789th Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Support Company: logistics support;
    • 790th Command and Siglals Company: communications support.

Regimental Command

The Battalion Command has the traditional subdivisions of the Personnel, Operations Training Information, Logistics, Administrations and Health Sections; the Command controls the Training Unit, the Supports Unit and the Paratrooper Carabinieri Battalion. All Regiment personnel is considered capable to be deployed on operations and all personnel is sent on mission on rotational basis. The Training Unit, led by a field officer, provides recruitment, selection and training of the personnel of all ranks. This ensures a standard training.

1st Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Tuscia"

The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Tuscia" is the main operational element. It is tasked with military operations. The 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Tuscia" consists of a Battalion Command and of three operational Paratrooper Carabinieri Companies. The Battalion Command has a limited operational capability to make tactical plans, with a Tactical Command and Pianification Squad, a Specialist Training Squad and of a Proximity Support Section (in charge of weapons and vehicles).

Paratroopers Company

There are also four operational Paratrooper Carabinieri Companies almost identical in their organization and makeup. Each Company has three Platoons specialised in four different combat environments: mountain warfare, urban warfare or military free fall launch techniques. Each Company is 170-troops strong and consists of:

  • 1 Command and Services Squad: 10 troops;
  • 3 Paratroopers Platoons: 3 x 40 troops;
  • 1 Mortars Platoon: 35 troops.

Each of the four Paratrooper Carabinieri Companies includes a Command and Services Squad, a Mortars Platoon and three Paratroopers Platoons. The Command and Services Platoon consists of the Command Squad, consisting in turn of the Company Comamander, a Captain, the Deputy Commander, a Lieutenant, and of an experienced Chief Marshal or Marshal Major, and of the Services Squad, consisting of an experienced Chief Marshal, a radio operator and two messengers and drivers (usually Agents or Appointees).
The Paratroopers Platoons consist of 10 Teams of 4 Troops each; the organization is designed in order to operate in urban warfare scenarios and to be transported on a Lince vehicle. Each Team is led by a Subofficer, while a Team in each Platoon is led by the Platoon leader, usually a Lieutenant or an expert Marshal. Each Platoon also has specialized troops, organically part of the various Teams: joint terminal attack controllers, EOD experts, laser-guidance operators, snipers and military rescuers. The total strenght of a Platoon is 40 troops.
The Company also deploys a Mortars Platoon, which consists of a Command Squad, consisting in turn of the Platoon Comamander, a Lieutenant, and of the Deputy Commander, an experienced Chief Marshal or Marshal Major, a Target management squad, consisting of a Marshal and 5 Brigadiers and Appointees, and of three Mortars Squads, each consisting of a mortar and of three troops.

2nd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Audacia"

The old emblem of the then-C.P.R. Special Public Security Paratroopers Unit.

The 2nd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Audacia" is the secondary and support operational element. It is tasked with police operations. The 2nd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Battalion "Audacia" consists of a Battalion Command, three operational Paratrooper Carabinieri Companies, and a Mechanized Infantry Company. The Battalion Command has a limited operational capability to make tactical plans, with a Tactical Command and Pianification Squad, a Specialist Training Squad and of a Proximity Support Section (in charge of weapons and vehicles). In addition, a Motorcyclist Platoon carries out support functions.

Public Security Paratroopers Company

The Special Unit of Public Security Paratroopers (Compagnia Paracadutisti di P.S.) deploys three Public Security Paratroopers Companies almost identical in their organization and makeup. The Company's combat mission is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuvre in order to destroy or capture him or repel is assaoults by fire, close range combat and counter-attack. The Paratroopers Company provides a base of fire and maneuvre element, closes with the enemy to destroy or capture him, seizes and holds terrain, maneuvres in all types of terrain and under all climatic conditions, capitalizes on all forms of mobility, conducts parachute assaults, and conducts combat operations under limited visibility conditions. Each Company is 169-troops strong and consists of:

  • 1 Command and Services Platoon
  • 3 Paratroopers Platoons
  • 1 Mortars Platoon
  • 1 Anti-tank Platoon

The Command and Services Platoon consists of the Command Squad, consisting in turn of the Company Comamander, a Captain, the Deputy Commander, a Lieutenant, and of an experienced Chief Marshal. or Marshal Major, and of the Services Squad, consisting of an experienced Chief Marshal, a radio operator and two messengers and drivers (usually Carabinieri or Appointees).
Each Paratroopers Platoon consists of a Command Squad, consisting in turn of the Company Comamander, a Lieutenant, and of the Deputy Commander, an experienced Chief Marshal of P.S. or Marshal Major of Public Security, a radio operator and two messengers and drivers (usually Carabinieri or Appointees) and 3 Assault Squads, each consisting of 13 troops, a Sergeant (Brigadiere) and 12 Agents or Appointees.
The Mortars Platoon consists of a Command Squad, consisting in turn of the Company Comamander, a Lieutenant, and of the Deputy Commander, an experienced Chief Marshal of P.S. or Marshal Major of Public Security, a Target management squad, consisting of a Marshal and 5 Sergeants and Appointees, and of three Mortars Squads, each consisting of a mortar and of three troops.
The Anti-tank platoon consists of a Command Squad, consisting in turn of the Company Comamander, a Lieutenant, and of the Deputy Commander, an experienced Chief Marshal of P.S. or Marshal Major of Public Security, and of 3 Recoilless light guns Squads (6 troops and 3 guns each).

Public Security Mechanized Company

The Public Security Mechanized Company is comprised of three Mechanized Platoons with each platoon having 4 Dardo and 3 Infantry Squads. There are also two additional Dardo in the Company (one for the Commander and one for the Deputy Commander). A Mechanized Company can place 14 Dardo and 9 10-troops strong Infantry Squads on the battlefield, for a total of 110 troops.
Along with the Dardo, the company also possesses two Fiat VM 90 Torpedo Protetto wheeled vehicles in the Company Headquarters. One is for use for the Company Commander, while the other one is normally shared by the Deputy Commander and by senior Subofficers for use in making logistical runs to the rear. The company also has two Iveco ACTL 6x6 cargo trucks utilized in its supply section. Besides the organic vehicles in the company, the Commander may receive other vehicles and personnel to accomplish his purpose and task.

Public Security Motorcyclist Paratroopers Platoon

The Public Security Motorcyclist Paratroopers Platoon is the Special Unit's mobile tactical element with tasks of exploration, avant-garde, flanking and rearguard. The Platoon consists of a Squad Command (an expert Subofficer, a radio operator and two messengers), three Squads each consisting of 13 motorcycle paratroopers and two machine guns for a total of 43 troops. Tasks assigned to the Platoon include:

  • Exploration;
  • Preventive occupation of localities or road nodes;
  • Exploitation of success and pursuit;
  • Retreat protection;
  • Unit securiy during march;
  • Tactical support.

3rd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Suppport Battalion "Eluet el Asel"

The 3rd Royal Carabinieri Paratrooper Suppport Battalion "Eluet el Asel" is the support element of the 1st Royal Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Podgora". The Battalion is tasked with managing the two Training Companies and the two support Companies. In order to accomplish these duties, its Command Platoon is more oriented towards administrative activities.

See also