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Nii Chika

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Nii Chika
Chika Nii 新井千佳

Other names"Sono-Nii"
Years active1593 - Present

Nii "Sono-Nii" Chika (Magian: 新井千佳) is a Magian citizen and the current Terminarch of the Atarashī Mahō. Nii is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and feared magical girls in the society. She is known for her ruthless and cunning tactics, and is willing to use any means necessary to maintain her grip on power. Nii is a Sono Shoujo; a magical girl with the ability to invoke the magic of the Sonohoka, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous and illegal forms of magic in Magia Regnum.

Early Life

Nii Chika was born in the outskirts of Emishoto, Magia Regnum, to a family of farmers. She was the youngest of three children and was raised in a modest household. Her parents were hardworking and instilled in her the value of perseverance and dedication. From a young age, Chika was fascinated with magic and often spent her free time reading books on the subject. She showed a natural aptitude for the craft and would practice spells whenever she could. As a teenager, Chika became involved in the local magic community and quickly made a name for herself as a skilled practitioner. However, Nii had a dark side to her. She was often manipulative of her family and peers.

She was known to use her charm and intelligence to get what she wanted, and sometimes even resorted to using magic to achieve her goals. Despite this, she was still well-liked by many and was a popular student in her local school. As she grew older, Nii became more and more obsessed with magic, especially the forbidden and powerful magic of the Sonohoka. She saw the traditional forms of magic as weak and limiting, and began to delve deeper into the darker arts. Her obsession eventually led her to leave her family and hometown behind in search of more knowledge and power.This led her to seek out alternative sources of power and knowledge, eventually leading her to make a contract with the Sonohoka Hantei. This contract gave her immense power and access to dark and dangerous magic that few could handle.

After forming the contract, Nii rejected her Magian traditions and became known as "Sono-nii"; a Sono Shoujo. She felt that the Sonohoka provided her with a level of power and control that the traditional Magian spells could not. She was relentless in her pursuit of power, and often resorted to violent and illegal means to obtain what she wanted. Her reputation as a ruthless and dangerous magical girl grew, and she became feared by many.

Atarashī Mahō

Nii's reputation as a Sono Shoujo grew rapidly and she became known as a force to be reckoned with in the world of magic. After being branded as a rogue magical girl and having to flee for her life, Nii Chika was forced to live in hiding and constant fear. She knew that she couldn't trust anyone, and had to keep her powers hidden from the authorities. It was during this time that she heard of Atarashī Mahō, a secret society of magical girls who had defied the Kotoba of Magia Regnum and carved out their own territory in the special administration zone of Emishoto.

As an endling, Nii was able to witness the inner workings of Atarashī Mahō and saw the potential for power and control that the organization could offer her. She was determined to prove herself and gain the trust of the higher-ups, and worked tirelessly to complete tasks and missions assigned to her. As she demonstrated her skills and loyalty, she gradually gained the favor of the Chukumortis and other members of the organization. She was eventually inducted as an Ender, a full-fledged member of Atarashī Mahō with official recognition and the ability to receive benefits and work from the upper echelons.

Nii took on more responsibilities within the organization, overseeing the tasks of other Enders and building her own network of supporters. She was cunning and strategic in her approach, carefully planning her moves and manipulating those around her to achieve her goals. After serving as an Ender for several years, Nii's talent and loyalty had earned her a reputation among the leadership of Atarashī Mahō. As the society continued to expand its influence and territory, they needed capable and reliable individuals to oversee different sectors. Nii was chosen to become a Chukimortis, responsible for managing a particular area of their territory and overseeing the Enders under her charge.

As a Chukumortis, Nii quickly proved herself to be an effective leader, using her intelligence and strategic thinking to improve the productivity and efficiency of her sector. However, Nii's ambition did not stop there. She saw the position of the Necro-Jokko, second in command of the society, as the next logical step in her ascent to power. Although the current Necro-Jokko was a formidable opponent, Nii believed that her skills and influence had surpassed her rival's, and she saw an opportunity to seize the position by force. Nii launched a surprise attack on the Necro-Jokko, using a combination of magic and physical combat to overwhelm her opponent. Despite being outnumbered, Nii's cunning and ruthlessness gave her the upper hand, and she emerged victorious. The other members of Atarashi Maho were stunned by Nii's audacity, but also impressed by her strength and determination.

With her victory, Nii became the new Necro-Jokko, second in command of the society. However, she knew that her position was not secure, as there were many others within the organization who coveted her power and would not hesitate to challenge her. Nii became increasingly paranoid and ruthless, using her position to eliminate potential threats and consolidating her power. Despite her accomplishments, many members of Atarashi Maho began to fear and resent her, and there were whispers of rebellion against her rule. After the passing of the previous Terminarch, Nii assumed the ultimate posistion as sole ruler of the society.

However, Nii's mental state has continued to deteriorate, She has become increasingly isolated and paranoid, and her behavior has become even more erratic and dangerous. As the current Terminarch of the Atarashi Maho, Nii wields immense power over the society and its territory. However, the position seems to exacerbate her already-existing tendencies towards megalomania, cruelty, and recklessness. Nii has become increasingly unstable and erratic, making decisions that put the society and its members in grave danger. Under Nii's leadership, Atarashi Maho has begun to engage in increasingly violent and unethical practices. The use of dark magic has become more commonplace, and the society has been known to prey on innocent civilians and other magical organizations. Nii's rule has been marked by a ruthless disregard for anyone who stands in her way, and she has shown little regard for the consequences of her actions.

Yes, despite Nii's unstable behavior, she still has devoted followers who believe in her cause and vision for the Atarashī Mahō. Nii's devoted followers are a crucial part of her power base within the Atarashī Mahō. They help her maintain control over the Society, carry out her orders, or even fight for her in conflicts with rival factions.