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Hüm Proklamata Repüblika

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Hüm Proklamata Repüblika
English: Hymn of the Proclamation of the Republic

National anthem of the Stedoria First Stedorian Republic
National anthem of the Stedoria Independent State of Stedoria

LyricsUnknown, 1793
MusicUnknown, 1793
Adopted4 October 1979 (1979-10-04)
Relinquished18 March 1980 (1980-03-18)

"Hüm Proklamata Repüblika" (English: "Hymn of the Proclamation of the Republic") is a Stedorian song that served as the national anthem of the First Stedorian Republic and the Independent State of Stedoria, and now serves as the official march of Stedoria.


The anthem's music and lyrics were written some time after the abolition of the monarchy in August of 1793. The lyrics and composers remain unknown.


Stedorian Official translation
Stabalon, leig, e lon obsik:
Prinsips Repüblika binon,
Binons lomäna leparats obsik;
Tikäl sludis obsik dugon.
The constitution, equality, and our law:
The principles of a free Republic,
They are the chief apparatuses of our homeland;
Reason guides our decisions.
Lailiforöd, o Stedoriän!
Binos gität obsik me tikäl, stetobs,
Laisublimoröd, o län!
Libiki Repübliki jelodobs!
Libiki Repübliki jelodobs!
Stedoria, live on!
It is our right by reason, we declare,
Oh homeland, continue to be sublime!
We are defending the free Republic!
We are defending the free Republic!
Stabalon obsik famafulik,
Ästiton balädi gretik,
Pälibükon Pöparepüblik;
Ätroivülons janis lunofik.
Our glorious consitution,
It established a great accord,
The people's Republic has been freed;
The ignominious chains have been smashed.
Lailiforöd, o Stedoriän!
Binos gität obsik me tikäl, stetobs,
Laisublimoröd, o län!
Libiki Repübliki jelodobs!
Libiki Repübliki jelodobs!
Stedoria, live on!
It is our right by reason, we declare,
Oh homeland, continue to be sublime!
We are defending the free Republic!
We are defending the free Republic!