The Kōpeo Cat (Machiarodus kōpeo), also known as the the Kōpeo Lion, Kōpeo Tiger or just Kōpeo is a species of large Machairodontinae sabertooth cat endemic to Onekawa-Nukanoa. A surviving member of the subfamily Machairodontinae, despite it's name the Kōpeo cat is not closely related to lions, nor any other current member of the Panthera genus. The largest living felid, with large males regularly exceeding 390 kilogams and measuring 1.4m at the shoulder. The Kōpeo cat is considered critically endangered by the Association of Ozeros Nations Intercontinental Conservation Agency, with current estimates placing the total wild population at 1,200. Whilst fossil records has shown that the Kōpeo cat was once found as far westward as Kopikara in Zanzali, no fossils younger then 180,000 have been found west of the Hanaki Wetlands. The Kōpeo cat is argued by some in the scientific community to undergoing a process of natural extinction; and that whilst accelerated by human activity has led to controversy in whether or not this animal and it's habitats should be maintained. (See more...)