Gasarian paramilitaries

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Gasarian paramilitaries (Gasarian: военизированные формирования) collectively refers to the several armed groups and paramilitary forces loyal to the Free State of Gasaria. Alongside the Gasarian Armed Forces, several paramilitaries are nationally and regionally prelevant in the security apparatus of Gasaria. Although government paramilitary forces are often included, most paramilitaries in Gasaria were not established legally. The state generally tolerates the armed groups, and political parties are often backed by them in elections.

They first formed during the Federate-Gasarian war but mostly disbanded after peace. The Solon civil conflict and following Solon war involve Gasarian paramilitaries.

Decision 5921 from the Organization of Nations has officially condemned the government of Gasaria's tolerance of the armed groups, accusing them of provoking violence, endemic corruption, and state-like qualities. The People's Party and National Alliance both affiliate themselves with specific groups.

There has been internal conflict since 2015 principally between the Solon Defence Force, the Legion Group, and their proxies.


This list is incomplete and by number of personnel.

See also