Astyrian Capital of Culture

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The Astyrian Capital of Culture is a city chosen for a three month period to highlight its diverse or otherwise unique culture. The concept was first suggested by Duder Molatiri, the Cadenzan Kerep of Canve, at the E10 Council of Nations as a means of fostering closer regional ties. In recognition of the work undertaken by Molatiri and the Cadenzan government to push for the concept's realisation, the city of Cadenza was named the first, honorary Capital of Culture, for the period of summer 2014.

Official logo of Cadenza as Capital of Culture

The designation of a Capital of Culture is a prestigious award for a city, much valued for the potential tourism it can attract. The choice is often made to overlap with regional celebrations, as when in 2014 Cadenza was named Capital of Culture to coincide with its 25th annual Festival of Culture.

List of Astyrian Capitals of Culture

Astyrian Capitals of Culture
Year Season City Country Notes
2014 Summer Cadenza  Cadenza
2015 Spring Shelbin File:Jarridian Flag.jpg Jarridia