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The Commonality of Syara
Flag of Syara
and largest city
Official languagesSyara
GovernmentParliamentary Federal Republic
• Executive
Radovan Kostović
1,030,029 km2 (397,696 sq mi)
• 2015 estimate
• 2013 census
CurrencyDrachma ($D)

Syara, known officially as the Commonality of Syara, is a sovereign state in Tyran, bordered by Ruvelka to the east and south, as well as sharing overseas borders with Delkora to the north, and Azurlavai to the west. Syara itself is divided into two main geographic sections, the continental mainland and the island Echnigna. Syara forms the southern portion of the western mouth of the Sundering Sea. It's capital and most populous city is Zovahr.

Syara is considered a "cradle of civilization", being home to the ancient Hellenic cultures that originated around 3,000 BCE. The rise of the Hellenic Makedonian Empire came to control much of Syara. Makedon would eventually expand to encompasss Ruvelka, Arkoenn, Quenmin, and parts of Knichus. Just shortly after it's apex Makedon entered into a period of decline and by the 14th century had been usurped by the Arkoennite Empire, which conquered Syara in 1305. Syara gained its independence from the Empire around the 18th century leading the major Syaran realms, Makedon, Galania, Scitaria, and the Clans to vie for power, leading to a number of conflicts with neighboring Ruvelka. In 1875 the Conference of Pella officially unified the country and established the Republic of Syara. In 1917 the young Republic would be attacked by the Cacertian Empire, leading to the Divide War. Syara's unexpected victory against the much larger superpower led a massive rise in Syaran nationalism, encouraged by the Monarchs of Makedon and Galania as a way to assert Syaran influence in Siduri. In 1927 Syara formed the Inner Sphere, a political alliance open to all Siduri nations but failed to attract any besides Fascist Allamunnika. In 1934 the two countries invaded Ruvelka, sparking the Siduri War which would with Syara's surrender in 1938. Syara would enter into a period of economic decline in the ensuing decades, leading to the rise of the Wardens, a quasi-theocratic anti-monarchist political movement that steadily gained ground in Syara with its calls to overthrow the Monarchs. This eventually sparked the Refusal War, and ended with the abolition of the Royal Houses of Makedon and Galania, and the establishment of the Commonality. Poor relations with Ruvelka continued to dominate Syaran concerns, leading to the Imerti Conflict and the much more destructive Zemplen War which ended in Syara's defeat and concession of several disputed territories.

Syara is a representative democracy with a mixed-market economy. Syara is internally divided into four subdivisions, known as Realms. Syara's population is 163,401,075, and is the region's fifth largest economy by measure of GDP.



Geography and Climate



Human Rights


Foreign Relations

Administrative Divisions







