School Leaving Age in Greater Meridon

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School leaving age in Greater Meridon, as well as employment age, can vary across nations.


Color legend Ages legend
  School leaving age higher
0 denotes education is not compulsory. (n) denotes part-time employment available from age n
  Employment age higher
0 denotes no minimum employment age as children could be, in theory, employed from birth
  Both ages synchronized
denotes no information available
  Age[s] vary by province
? denotes the age set is unknown
  No information / No age set

Leaving age by country

# Country De jure Education/
Employment gap
As of Details
School leaving age Employment age
 Datch Union
1860 The school leaving age in the Datch Union has remained synchronized with the age of majority since the imposition of mandatory schooling in 1860.
1933 Datchlia, shortly after its consitutional reform synchronized its school leaving age, and its minimum employment age at 18, though exceptions were made for agricultural workers.
DI 189 (1989) The Diamnean school leaving age has remained synchronized with the age of majority since the inception of the Diamnean State.
DI 214 (2014) The new Doradan government loosened its education requirements from mandating the completion of schooling to a school leaving age off 16, which put it two years ahead of the minimum age to start working.
N/a Laws vary by province.
15 (14)
-1 1972 Illarian citizens may leave school at 16, which was increased in 1968. Since the 1972 Child Labor law, citizens may not seek full-time employment until age 15, but may seek out part-time employment at the age of 14, and apprenticeships at the same age.
 Lesser Verde
N/a Laws vary depending on which island state has jurisdiction.
 Los Cuarzos
N/a Laws vary depending on which island has jurisdiction.
DI 191 (1991) The Platan government, since its inception has maintained a school leaving age of 14 years, though citizens are not yet allowed to join the labor lottery until 18. However, subsistence farmers may work earlier, as may younger members of the political groups, and the Platan Armed Forces.
DI 191 (1991) Verdeean citizens are expected to go to school until they complete College (Secondary School) at the age of 18. Citizens may not participate in the labor force until they have done so.
There were never formally any child labor laws established, though education is mandatory until 18 years of age, and students are expected to place their studies first, and joining the workforce a distant second.