Prince of Sjing-djêng
The current Prince of Sjing-djêng (Shinasthana: 新城王, sjing-djêng-gwjang; Feb. 3, 1959 – ) is [name]. He the great-grandson of the first Prince, created being the uncle of Emperor L′jabh-tsung in 1921; he inherited the title from his father, the third Prince, who died in 2018.
Early life
The current Prince of Sjing-djêng was born on Feburary 3, 1959 in New Hadaway, the United Kingdom of Anglia and Lerchernt, to his father the late prince and mother Julia Morton, a Tyrannian native and businesswoman. At birth, he was the eldest son and heir presumptive to the princely title; notified to the Comptroller of the House immediately, the House of Lords quietly resolved to name him the Lord of ′an-′jep (安邑侯, ′an-′jep-go). In 1966, aged 7, an agent of the Marshal of Peers came to Anglia to confer him the title. The third Prince decided to raise him without excessive reliance on his title and residual privileges as a peer and gave him the Anglian name James, and as such he was sent to a public school in Anglia. His father's scheme seems to have worked well, James blending readily into normal Tyrannian society.