Terranilian Travel Advisory

Revision as of 20:44, 30 January 2020 by Terranihil (talk | contribs)
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Terranihil has issued an official travel advisory for civilians looking to travel abroad.



Advisory Level Notes
Safe for Tavel There is minimal danger and minimal precaution necessary when traveling here.
Travel with Caution There is some danger and some precaution necessary when traveling here.
Reconsider Travel Traveling here is dangerous and precaution is necessary. Only travel here when necessary.
Travel Highly Discouraged Terranihil will not stop you from traveling to this country, but it is highly discouraged. Travel here is constantly life threatening.
Travel Banned No travel is allowed whatsoever.
Country Flag Advisory Level Notes
Santo Imperio Tradicionalista de Creeperopólis
HTE Creeperopolis Flag.jpg
Travel Banned
Creeperopolis is very dangerous. The government promotes Catholicism and is intolerant towards the irreligous. Atheists have been brutally killed by Catholics, and the Creeperian authorities take no action against such actions. Creeperopolis has active violent gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha and militias such as Sombra Negra. It has the highest murder rate in the world. Terranilians who travel to Creeperopolis are practically guaranteeing their brutal death.
Ich Feceterination ub Gjorka
Flag 1Gjorka.png
Reconsider Travel
Gjorka is very isolationist and little is know about the country. Terranihil and Gjorka have no relations.
Greater Sacramento
La República Islámica del Gran Sacramento
Travel with Caution
Greater Sacramento is a safe and developed nation; however some Greater Sacramatians may carry prejudices against Terranilians and atheism.
Democratic Republic of Groffenord
Travel with Caution
Groffenord is a safe and developed nation; however little is known about the country and Terranihil and Groffenord have no relations.
Republic of Lyoa
Lyoa Flag.png
Travel Highly Discouraged
Lyoa is a very dangerous and underdeveloped nation. Crime is rampant throughout the country. Civil war has plagued the country for years. There are at least sixteen identified violent rebel factions. Some factions such as the Islamic Front are hostile towards the irreligious. Terranilians who travel to Lyoa are putting their lives in constant risk.
Unifyies Dimorka Malgax
Flag of Malgax.png
Travel with Caution
Malgax is a semi-developed and relatively safe nation. The populace may carry heavy prejudices against Terranilians.
Народная Республика Молдова
Morovan flag.jpg
Reconsider Travel
Morova is a semi-developed nation and is communist. Although the government promotes atheism, it has a significant Christian population.
New Gandor
Nowy Gąsior
Flag of New Gandor.png
Safe for Travel
New Gandor is a safe and developed nation. Terranihil and New Gandor have no diplomatic ties, but travel there is generally safe.
Paleokoker respublikasi
Safe for Travel
Paleocacher is a safe and developed nation. Terranihil and Paleocacher have no diplomatic ties, but travel there is generally safe.
l'État Serein du Québecshire
Quebecshire Flag.png
Safe for Travel
Quebecshire is a safe and developed nation. Terranihil and Quebecshire have no diplomatic ties, but travel there is generally safe.
l'Empire de Willdavie
Screenshot 20190917-183306.png
Safe for Travel
Willdavie is a safe and developed nation. Terranihil and Willdavie have friendly relations, are both atheist, and have a trade agreement.
File:T Advisory Map fixed.png