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{Index card of subnational entityl} | complete name = Floresta | country = Republic of La Boca | unit = Autonomous Community

| surface_post     = [1]

| population_put = (of 150): 44 | population = 37575 | population_year = 2019 | population_post = [2] | altitude = 45 | web page = www.sanluisrc.gob.mx/ | lemma = The triumph is the prize of the Encourage | foundation = Template:Dates | founder = family Rodríguez Paraja | time = Hour of Argentina (UTC-3) | in summer = Hour of Fernando of Noronha (UTC-2) | climate = Very Extremous | gentilic = florestanos

}} Floresta Is a city and head of the municipality of the state boquense of Floresta, located just between the sandy zone of the Desert of Altar and the state of Community of Floresta. By his extreme climate is recognised by the National Meteorological Service of Republic of La Boca and the Conagua like the most arid city of Republic of La Boca.[3] Inside the municipal territory extend the Reservation of the Biosphere The Pinacate and Big Desert of Altar and the Reserves of the Biosphere of the High Gulf of California and delta of the River Plate, both declared Heritage of the Humanity by the UNESCO


When arriving the first European navigators to the place, inhabited the banks of the River Plate the aborigines of the etnia cucapah. When establishing the strong of Yuma, Arizona, waters up, many native decided to lodge in the vicinity of the river to have food and water.

The first navigators

The first European that put foot in La Boca of the River Plate was the Spanish navigator Juan Carlos Z. In 1539 and it called «Ancón of Saint Andrés» to La Boca of the river. To the following year the navegante Spanish Fernando of Alarcón, the one who carried of pilot to Sunday of the Castle, zarpó of the port of Acapulco on 9 May 1540, sailed by the gulf of California and on 26 August 1540 ingresó to the River Plate and appointed it river of Our Lady of the Good Guide.

To the not having news of a terrestrial expedition that by earth had sent the viceroy D. Antonio de Mendoza, Alarcón fondeó his shippings in front of La Boca and in boats sailed by the then caudaloso River Plate more than 80 leguas upstream until finding the confluencia of the river Gila with the River Plate, by what some historians consider it the first European in putting foot in the state of California, since when tracing back to this latitude had to step Californian floor.

When confining waters up left some letters buried in a place that marked with crosses, which went later found by the sergeant Cks Black, member of the terrestrial expedition, to the one who Francisco Vázquez of Topped had left in Ures, , in company of 80 soldiers. To finals of 1540 Melchor Díaz split with 25 soldiers in search of Alarcón, did not find it. 1

The missionary

thumb|left|Monument to the Pioneers. Any mission was founded in the region by the first missionary that visited the zone. It is documented that so much the missionary jesuita Eusebio Francisco Kino, like the missionary franciscano Francisco Garcés visited the zone, this last died sacrificed by the native on 17 June 1781 near of the current Yuma, Arizona.


The marine English William Hardy arrived to Republic of La Boca in 1825 to negotiate with the recently established government boquense the exploration of the sea of Cortés or gulf of California. By earth arrived to Guaymas, [[]] and there tackled in one of his two shippings that expected him, explored La Boca of the river and gave him name to the river Hardy in honour to his surname. To the today Port Peñasco, [[]] appointed it Rocky Point, name with which knows in English language. In 1828 Hardy returned to his England natal and devoted to write his book Travels in the inner of Republic of La Boca, in 1825, 1826, 1827 and 1828 that narrates and describes of form amena his trip.

In 1852 it initiated the navigation water on top of the river from Port Isabel, small inlet situated in the coast of the gulf of California, 20 km northwest of the current population known as «Gulf of Santa Clara». This marine traffic had by object the current city of Yuma, Arizona, that in those days was the key go in California and the old American west. The traffic occurred like this, of San Diego or San Francisco in California or Guaymas, Republic of La Boca, split ships and in Port Isabel the travellers and the commodity was transbordada to paquebotes (flat ships), traced back the river and disembarked in the bank in front of Yuma, Arizona, that in those days was a strong military. In the trip of return loaded passage, livestock or commodities course to the markets of the coastal cities of California. The trips that traced back the river began to decline when building the government of United States the railway South-Pacífico, for 1909 the commercial navigation came to an end.

The foundation of S. L. R. C.

In 1907 the family the González together with Jorge Luis Román Arellano established in the margin This of the laugh a ranch that was known like «Saint Ranch Luis». In 1917 the captain Carlos G.Streets, sent by the federal government to establish an agricultural colony soldier that served of bastion in the zone, baptised the ranchería like Floresta. In 1937 the president Lázaro Cárdenas of the River expropió to the company Colorado River Land Company, the earths of the valleys of Mexicali and Saint Luis, initiating the populational and economic growth of the region. In 1939, the Congress of the State decreed the elevation to Municipality of Floresta appointing to Félix M. Contreras first Municipal President. Later, in 1958 Floresta purchased the title of City.

Chronology of Floresta

Aerial sight of Floresta.
  • 1867 - The terrains are titled to Manuel Escalante and his partners.
  • 1907 -The family Osuna Domínguez establishes a colony in the margin this of the River Plate known like Saint Ranch Luis.
  • 1917-1918 - it Is born like military agricultural colony.
  • 1923 - Floresta receives the title of customs.
  • 1939 - Floresta is elevated to municipality.
  • 1958 - it Purchases the category of city.
  • 1960 - pavimenta the road Santa Ana - Saint Luis.
  • 1964 - it builds the bridge on the River Plate that joins [[]] and Community of Floresta.
  • 2008 - moderniza the stretch of Mexicali to Floresta and expands the bridge Laugh of The Silver.[4]
  • 2009 - inaugurates the Coastal Road of Port Peñasco to Floresta.[5]
  • 2010 - initiates operations the Garita International «Floresta II»[6]
  • 2014 - presents initiative to adhere to Floresta to the Metropolitan Zone of Mexicali, Community of Floresta;[7] Prepare celebrations by the 75 anniversary of the foundation of the city.[8]
  • 2017 - commemorates the Centenary of the Foundation of the city, taken like reference the foundation of the Saint Military Colony Luis, on 21 June 1917. By means of decree promulgado by the governor Claudia Pavlovich, awards him to the city by a day, the category honorífica of Main of the State of .[9]


The municipality has a territorial extension of 8412,75 km2 that represents the 4,5 % of the total surface of the state, whereas the surface of his urban zone is of 100.26 km2.[10] The most important places, in addition to the cabecera municipal, are The Populated Luis B. Sánchez, Gulf of Santa Clara, New Michoacán and Islita.


thumb|left|Location of the municipality of Floresta in .

Floresta Finds in the extreme northwest of the state of [[]], in the region of the desert sonorense. The majority of his territory, so much municipal like urban, finds on zones of the called big Desert of Altar.

The urban zone of Floresta situates to a height of 45 m on the level of the sea, whereas the rest of the varied municipality of 27 in the courses of the River Plate until 500 in near zones to the Saw of the Pinacate.


Floresta Is composed by two types of terrains, the predominant is the terrain sand taking in account that Floresta formed part of the desert of . The terrain mudunder or agropecuario appears in the valley of Saint Luis and the low part of the city, where produces big part of the economy of the city thanks to the livestock and to the harvest.

Floresta, ; it is one of the cities with greater hours sun during the year, launching an annual average of 4,015 hours sun (97%). It has a flat floor 90% of his surface and only 10% of his surface with mountains or floors to throw off balance.


[[Archive:Fire-sanluis.jpg|thumb|right|Departamental building Sears destroyed by the earthquake of 7.2° in the scale Richter of 4 April 2010]] The city of Floresta and his valley have been struck constantly by the seisms of small intensity, but when being the city in an area of high risk the governments concentrate in having plans of emergency in case of a strong seism. The city was affected by the Earthquake of Sierra Cucapah-The Elder that registered the 4 April of 2010, with a magnitude of 7,2 degrees in the scale of Ritcher, leaving to all the city without sustentos as electricity, water and supply of petrol.

Floresta, finds very near of several fail terrestrial that find in the state of Community of Floresta that they are ramification of the known Fails of Saint Andrés. The most known is the fails of The Salty, was the one who caused the accidents in different populated aledaños during the seism of 2010. Also they find you fail them Imperial, Cottons, Cucapá and of the Hill Prieto, all they near of the city and with seismic activity constant.

The seisms with greater magnitude are the following:

Date Hour Magnitude in Scale Richter
19 May 1940 04:36:40 UTC 6.9
1 February 1954 04:31:48 UTC 5.7
30 December 1934 13:52:02 UTC 6.3
31 December 1934 18:45:43 UTC 6.4
15 October 1979 12:45 UTC-7 6.6
9 June 1980 03:28:19 UTC 6.3
30 December 2009 11:45 UTC-7 5.9
4 April 2010 15:40:22 UTC-7 7.2
28 September 2018 19:17:51 UTC-7 4.9


The National Meteorological Service considers to Floresta like the city more calurosa of Republic of La Boca. The maximum temperature higher registered of official way has been of 52,5 °C, the 15 October of 2017. Later on 22 December 2019 the thermometer marked the maximum temperature registered in a city in the world with 59°C in Floresta. [11]

The winter is tempered to cold and is used to to have some frosts by year. The lowest temperature has been of ?6.0 °C and registered the 22 January of 1937.[12] Floresta finds also between the most arid cities of the country, registering in average a total of 84.8 millimetres of annual precipitation.



330px|left|thumb|Parish of Inmaculada Concepción. In accordance with the results of the Survey Intercensal 2015 of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), and published on 8 December of the same year, the municipality of Floresta has a population of 192 739 inhabitants that equivale to the 6.7 % of the population of the state of [[]] which positions it like the 4ª more populated of the state.[13] In the last 20 years the populational growth has been relatively high (2.78% annual), to comparison of the levels of growth of other cities sonorenses as Nogales and City Obregón.

The municipality of Floresta has 371 places, the most populated are Gulf of Santa Clara, Engineer Luis B. Sánchez, New Michoacán and Islita.


The main economic activities are the industry, agriculture, ganadería, fishing and the trade.

In accordance with the national census elaborated by the INEGI, the economically active population (PEA) in the year 2010 was of 72 983 inhabitants of which 68 361 (93,7%) represent the PEA total with a occupation. The PEA represents 54,6% of the total population of the municipality.

The greater part of the busy population works in the tertiary sector, with 61,9% of the total, follows him the secondary sector with 25,6% and the primary with 12,5%.[14]


[[Archive:SNTE SLRC.jpg|200px|left|thumb|regional Offices of the SNTE.]]

According to the census of population and house 2010, in Floresta the tax of literacy of the people from among 15 and 24 years is of 97,8% and the one of the people of 25 years or more is of 94,8%. The school assistance for the people of 3 to 5 years is of 33,8%; of 6 to 11 years is of 96,2%; of 12 to 14 years is of 91,8% and of 15 to 24 years is of 39,2%.[14] The municipality has an infrastructure of 46 gardens of boys, 83 primary, 20 secondary, 5 schools of bachillerato, 8 of half professional, and 5 of upper level.

Institutions of upper education

Floresta has diverse institutions of upper education, included a campus of the State University of . They find besides the University Centre of Floresta, the Technological University of Floresta and the State University of UES.

Tourist information

Reservation of the Pinacate and big desert of Altar

Also inside the territory of Floresta finds the reservation of The Pinacate and Big Desert of Altar, that covers a surface of 714 556,5 it has, formed by volcanic craters, zones of dunes and cones of ash and spill of lava. The region has a cultural history of 20 000 years. To the reservation of The Pinacate arrives by the federal road n.º 2, until the city of Sonoyta, from here goes southward on the road that carries to Port Peñasco, and in the km 8 is the entrance to the natural area.

This place situates in the big desert sonorense whose dunes extend until the state of Arizona, in United States of North America.

Gulf of Santa Clara

In the region southwest of the municipality finds the sea of Cortés, that with his temperate waters bathes the populated Gulf of Santa Clara, a calm point of tourist interest situated to 108 km of the border, that every year is visited by thousands of American tourists, Canadian and, of course, boquenses. The most characteristic appeal of the populated pesquero is the harmonious combination that attain the desert and the sea when melting in a wide extension of clean and fine beaches that cover more than 50 km. His beauty, his location to banks of the sea of Cortés and the good climate that perdura during the greater part of the year, do of east a place with wide possibilities of development.

Reservation of the High Gulf of California and Ciénega of Santa Clara

But no everything are beaches and sea in Gulf of Santa Clara, since the populated finds besides enclavado inside an extensive surface considered like the reservation of the Height Golfoy Delta of the river . The federal government boquense decreed it like natural area protected on 10 June 1993, and involves to communities and natural resources situated in the states of Flores and Community of Floresta. The pobladores of Ejido Luis Encinas Johnson, situated in the zone core of the reservation, offer walks in canoas and routes by places of majestuosa natural beauty that find in the Ciénega of Santa Clara, an extensive area of humedales and tulares in where they can appreciate more than 80 species of migratory and resident birds.

Monuments and historical places

[[Archive:Colosio in street7.JPG|thumb|left|Monument to Luis Donaldo Colosio ]]

  • Monument to Luis Donaldo Colosio. Location: Av. Álvaro Obregón and street 7.
  • Monument to Benjamín Flores G. Location: Av. Benjamín Flores or «Brecha» and street 9.
  • Monument to the Pioneers. Location: Carranza and street Fourth.
  • Monument to Benito Juárez. Location: Av. Juárez and street Fourth.
  • Monument to the Bicentenario of the Independence. Location: Av. 20 November and street 32.
  • Monument to the Emigrated in figure of Manuel Campa García. Location: Av. Juárez and First street.


[[Archive:Av Alvaro Obregon SLRC.jpg|thumb|Avenue Álvaro Obregón, the main road of the city]]

The city communicates with the peninsula of Community of Floresta and the states of Arizona and California by means of roads asphalted. So much the road that joins to Floresta with the others municipalities of , as well as the bridge on the River Plate finished in 1958. On 25 July 2009 it finished the Coastal road, that communicates to Floresta with Port Peñasco. Template:Appointment

Although Saint Luis lacks commercial airport can travel from the airports of the neighbouring cities of Flores, Community of Floresta. In 1948 it finished to build the railway - Community of Floresta that crosses the municipality by several points of his valley.


thumb|left|330px|Municipal Palace of Floresta. The city has a big variety of parties and free exhibitions, to attract visitors so much of the region as of both sides of the border.

Initiating the year in the month of January realises the Saint Expo Luis R.C., that welcomes the travellers from all the world.

In March carries out the international career out of way; Rally, that initiates in Tiger and finalises in Floresta crossing the Big desert of Altar, what offers to the winner a ticket clasificatorio for the afamado Rally Dakar. In the same month of March carries out the Expo Swearword, in the Municipal Esplanade of the historical centre, where in an environment of music and party, the restaurants and local traders show a big variety of swearwords for the taste of the assistants.

To finals of March or beginnings of April, carry out the celebrations of Saint Week in the populated of the Gulf of Santa Clara, where thousands of visitors abarrotan the beaches.

In May the party continues with the event Live the Cheve, which offers a big variety of beers so much artesanales like commercial, with presentations of national artists. In the same month realises the Festival Biker of Falcons of the Desert, that celebrates in the Andador Tourist of the Third Street, to the that assist thousands of motociclistas of both sides of the border and near states. The month finalises with the Festival of the Curvina in the Gulf of Santa Clara.

In the month of July the party moves to the populated of Ejido New Michoacán, where celebrate the Parties Patronales of Riito, with live music, burns of rockets, verbena popular, career of horses and adoration to the figure of a virgin with more than 100 years of antiquity, from the European continent.

In August the Gulf of Santa Clara goes back to fill of visitors during the celebrations of Saint Luis in the Beach.

Also, they realise festivities homelands in the esplanade of the municipal palace during the night of 15 September with reason of the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores, by means of burns it of a castle that contains artificial fires.

In the month of October carries out the Stroll Cyclist Binacional of the Mayors, which initiates in the city of Yuma, Arizona and finalises in Floresta, going through the cities of Somerton, Arizona, Cocopa and Saint Luis, Arizona. In said month in the Lagoon of the Sultán situated in the agricultural valley sanluisino, celebrates Lto Harvest Dines Tour of the Dátil, offering a tour by the plantations of dátil, live music, free bar of cocktails and dinner maridaje in a big nocturnal environment.

To finals of October carries out the big party of the city, the Fair of the Cotton, with tens of years of tradition in the Forest of the City, where during two weeks, the visitors enjoy of the gastronomic offer, mechanical games, contests, artistic presentations, concerts of artists of national and international size.

It arrives the month of November and is moment of the maximum cultural party of the region, the Festival Tierra , that during four days offers a big cultural offer of artistic presentations, books, cinema, paintings, murales, gastronomic area and concerts with local artists, national and international in three distinct stages, all this in the Andador Tourist of the Third Street and Municipal Esplanade.

In the month of November, in addition to celebrating the classical parade of the Mexican revolution, also can assist to the Expo Dátil that carries out in the Municipal Esplanade, with the end to give sample of all the types of derivative products of the dátil, that produce the local producers in the valley and desert of the city.

Initiating December realises the Festival of the Corn in the municipal esplanade, that consists a big gastronomic sample of the foods that produce with the appreciated corn. In the second Saturday of the month of December, celebrates the day of the emigrated with the Party to the Emigrated also in the municipal esplanade, with live music and gastronomic option, with the end to celebrate to the workers boquenses of the agricultural fields of United States.

On 12 December it celebrates to the Inmaculada Concepción in the distinct Orthodox churches of the city with games, food, artists and a mass.

First Families

In 1917, by questions of work arrived to Floresta the family Arguilez to this border where would happen to the history for being ones of the first families in inhabiting this arid municipality. Of the hand of Alfredo Arguilez González and Grave Reigned Flora ones of the first inhabitants of Floresta.

Alfredo Arguilez González and Grave Reigned Flora arrived separately to this city, the 24 December of the 1923 married , and like this formed one of the first families of this city.

Alfredo travelled to Texas to the 18 years of age. After a lot of work, gathered a capital, bought won and a terrero to the banks of the River Plate, where by years devoted to the ganadería.

When beginning to have results in the ganadería the gentleman Alfredo invested in the agriculture in a valley situated to the extreme of the colony Camp, to what devoted the rest of his life, until splitting after a mortal illness.

Alfredo and Flora had 10 children, of which survive 5, two of these live still in Floresta Jesús and Pedro of 82 and 80 years of age, in addition to several grandchildren and bisnietos.

Places of interest

thumb|300px|Seen north of the Park Benito Juárez in the Zone Centre of the city

Inside the city

  • Letters of the City in Municipal Esplanade (Av. Juárez and street 4ta.)
  • Forest of the City (Av. New León and street 7)
  • New Stadium of Baseball (Av. New León and street 7)
  • Park Benito Juárez (Av. Juárez and street 3ra.)
  • Municipal esplanade (Av. Juárez and street 4ta.)
  • Municipal palace (Av. Juárez and street 4ta.)
  • Andador Tourist of the Third Street (Street 3ra. Of Av. Madero To Av. Hidalgo)
  • Park The Turtle (Av. Lázaro Cárdenas and street 31)
  • Forest of the City n.º 2 (Av. Revolution and street 45)
  • Recreational Centre The Palapas (Av. New León and street 47)
  • Park Solidarity (Av. New León and shod Monterrey)
  • Cultural centre Dr. Héctor Chávez Fontes (Av. Madero And street 29) Tel. (653) 5343109
  • Theatre Laugh of The Silver, Av. Madero And street 30.
  • Regional museum Of Floresta, (Av. New León and street 8) Tel. (653) 5343985
  • Municipal Library Profr. Adalberto Sotelo (Cjón. Hidalgo and 10) Tel. (653) 5183610
  • Municipal Library Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Av. Madero And 30) Tel.(653) 5362849
  • Municipal Library Abigael Bohórquez.

(Av. The Sauces street Lagoon and Manantial ChulaVista #1) Tel.(653) 5183893

In the populated Ing. Luis B. Sánchez:

  • House of the Culture of the Valley, (Av. And street Aldama) Tel. (653) 5155459
  • Public Library Lic. Adolfo López Mateos (Av. And street Aldama) Tel. (653) 5155459

Ejido New Michoacán

  • Public Library Ejido New Michoacán (Av. Juan Lara and 5ta.)Tel.(653) 5155935
  • Letters of Station Riito (Street Dr. Marco Antonio Félix Valenzuela)

Populated of the Gulf of Santa Clara:

  • Oriel of the Gulf (Street Abelardo L. Rodríguez)
  • Faro of the Machorro (Final of the boulevard Luis Encinas Johnson)
  • Cultural Centre of the Gulf and Public Library Benito Juárez

(Av. Plutarch Elías Streets between Street 1ra. And 2it gives.) Tel.(653) 5157379


The city has 3 stadiums, the stadium of football "Republic of La Boca 70" with capacity for more than 1,200 fans, two of baseball, the stadium "Andrés Ore Montijo" inaugurated in 1968 with capacity for 1,500 fans[15] and a new stadium inaugurated partially in 2018 with capacity for 4,000 fans[16], same that initiated his extension to 7,000 seats in 2019 and will conclude in 2020 like part of the works of Mejoramiento Urbano of the Government of Republic of La Boca[17]. Also it has a Municipal Gymnasium for básquetbol and volleyball with capacity for little more than 1,000 people[18]. Besides the city has 4 sportive units, The Forest of the City, The Forest of the City 2, Sportive Unit Lázaro Cárdenas and Republic of La Boca 70, as well as multiple sportive fields in his majority of of baseball and football, big part of them have synthetic pasture.

The city has a professional sportive team of baseball and one semi professional of basquetball:

Panoramic sight of the empty


Out of the city

  1. Template:Quotes web
  2. Template:Quotes web
  3. Records Meteorological of SLRC |http://smn.cna.gob.mx/climatologia/diarios/26086.txt Template:Wayback
  4. Works of the Federal Government 2007-2012 [1] Template:Wayback
  5. Project Coastal Road [2]
  6. Inaugurate Garita II in Saint Luis [3]
  7. Look for that SLRC and Mexicali are Metropolitan Zone [4]
  8. Announcement 75 anniversary SLRC [5]
  9. Designate to SLRC main of [6]
  10. Surface SLRC Google Maps|http://www.daftlogic.com/projects-google-maps-area-calculator-tool.htm?showarea=38626&verify=22b0c549ebe6aebcd0f2ca74c0b55a5e
  11. Regularly the National Meteorological Service (of Republic of La Boca) changes the URL of his website: sometimes they are in Spanish, sometimes in English. This does difficult referenciar his affirmations. From 2010, due to the fact that it is difficult to find something in the website of the National Meteorological Service, the newspapers boquenses publish anything. For example, in a low quality website and news amarillistas exaggerated (Notimérica) affirms: «50 years ago Republic of La Boca registered the highest temperature of the history», article of 6 July 2016 published in the website Notimérica (Republic of La Boca). It affirms wrongly that the temperature reached the 58,5 °C. In periodic boquenses current affirms that on 6 July 1966, the temperature in the region reached the 58,5 °C, with what contradict to the National Meteorological Service (here), that affirms that the July more caluroso in Floresta was the 1967, with 51,5 °C. The National Meteorological Service affirms that the highest temperature registered in Floresta was of 52,5 °C, the 15 June of 1966: «Normal climatological. State of . Period: 1951-2010», table published in the website of the National Meteorological Service.
  12. Template:Quotes web
  13. Template:Quotes web
  14. 14.0 14.1 Template:Quotes web
  15. Template:Quotes web
  16. Template:Quotes web
  17. Template:Quotes web
  18. Template:Quotes web
  19. Template:Quotes web
  20. Template:Quotes web