Discrimination in Greater Meridon

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The following list shows the legality and frequency of discrimination in Greater Meridon in different countries. It represents the most common forms of discrimination, such as for employment, housing, hostile police action, and other similar forms.


Country Race Sex Age Religion LGBT+ Nationality Pregnancy Disability Genetic Criminal Record
 Datch Union Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
Though it is technically legal to engage in nonviolent forms of discrimination in the Datch Union, it is not considered protected activity, and actions directly counter to discrimination is legally protected. Discriminatory practices are however, rather uncommon due the cultural zeitgeist of the Datch Union, and its strong focus of Unionist cohesion.
 Datchlia Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Moderate Moderate
The State of Datchlia has one of the most comprehensive regimes of anti-discrimination in the Greater Meridon, with most common forms of discrimination made illegal, and some are felonies. There are some forms of discrimination that are somewhat common, particularly relating to matters of congenital disease, as well as former felons.
 Diamante Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Common
The Septonate has outlawed either by edict, or by constitutional mandate most forms of discrimination barring religious and criminal (though criminals are legally protected from most nonemployment forms of discrimination). Religious discrimination is not unheard of, but is well managed, and employment discrimination against criminals is quite common, resulting in the bulk of unemployment being as a result of criminal activity.
 Dorado Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal
Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Common Moderate Common Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Moderate
The DI 213 Doradan Constitution made illegal many of the forms of discrimination that had been encouraged during the ethnonationalist rule of the country. However, widespread discrimination against non-Verdeans, especially Capisarians is quite common, and the murder of Capisarians is a regular phenomenon in Dorado.
 Göke Legal Illegal Legal Partial Illegal Legal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal
Common Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Common Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Moderate
The Gökan Federation has taken some steps to criminalize discrimination on the basis of sex, sexuality, and there are are fairly few instances of discrimination. Many other forms of discrimination however, particularly on the basis of ethnicity are legal, common, and often endorsed by the state.
 Illaria Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial
Unommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Moderate
Illaria has as of 2015 made illegal most forms of discrimination, barring criminal record in certain instances. Discrimination is fairly uncommon, but not eliminated.
 Lesser Verde Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
The Confederate government has taken fairly significant steps in making illegal all forms of discriminatory behavior. This gesture has largely been symbolic however, as the Confederacy is perhaps the most permissive and accepting of Culturally Verdean Nations.
 Los Cuarzos Partial Legal Legal Legal Legal Partial Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal
Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Moderate Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
The Cuarzan Confederacy has very lax laws regarding discrimination, but simultaneously has fairly little discrimination, with some more problematic levels of such in the terms of age, religion, and against lgbt persons.
 Murmusa Legal Partial Partial Partial Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Legal Legal
Common Uncommon Partial Partial Moderate Common Uncommon Common Common Common
Murmusa's anti-discrimination laws are lax, and filled with inconsistencies. Since the seizure of power of the Triumvirate, the Murmusan government has legalized, and indeed actively encouraged discrimination against ethnic Gökans, and has failed to protect people who have disabilities, are too old to work or serve in the armed forces, and criminals.
 Plata Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Common Moderate Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate
The Platan government has some of the laxest laws regarding discrimination in Greater Meridon. Though for most people, discrimination is rather uncommon, certain groups (religious, national, and lgbt in particular, do face problematic levels of discrimination. Criminals also face discrimination, though this is largely in terms of employment, as most felons are legally excluded from the labor lottery for a period of ten years.
 Verde Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Partial
The Verdean government made illegal most forms of discrimination with the Civil Rights Act of DI 200, and cultural influences have similarly done much to reduce discrimination to a relatively uncommon occurrence.
 Walakia Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial Partial Illegal Legal Partial Legal
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Partial Common Uncommon Partial Uncommon Common
Walakia is somewhat behind in terms of discrimination with protections for sex, race, age, and pregnancy only, with partial protections at best for most other minority categories. Enforcement is spotty, and many are more common than average in Greater Meridon.