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Eulabian Union

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Eulabian Union
Motto: Divided We Fall
Official languagesEnglish
GovernmentDemocratic federal republic
• Commissioner-General
Sebastian Schwarz
• President of the Council of Eulabia
Carine Trottier
• Speaker of the Eulabian Parliament
Alessandro Fileccia
LegislatureEulabian Assembly
Council of Eulabia
Eulabian Parliament
Gini (2015)Positive decrease 47.1
HDI (2018)Increase 0.812
very high
CurrencyEulabian Dollar (ED)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Driving sideright
Calling code+919

The Eulabian Union (EU), commonly also known as the Union or simply as Eulabia is a super-state located in the western part of the Eulabian continent. It consists of a large number of provinces. The newest province is Thetschland which was accepted into the Union in 1957.

It is considered the wealthiest nation on the continent, with Kostanse being considered one of the largest financial centres in the world. Nevertheless, Eulabia is plagued by socio-political problems. Most notable is the disparity in the development of some of the constituent republics. It is said that this inequality allowed various megacorporations to establish oligarchical control over some of the poorest regions and use their seats in the Eulabian Assembly to influence the Union politics.

The EU was created in the aftermath of the devastating Continuation War which saw most of the continent ruined. The new order was imposed upon the western Eulabian nations by the victorious superpowers. They saw the Union not only as an effective way to prevent future wars but also as an economic instrument through which to rebuild much of Eulabia. While there were also plans to make the EU a disarmed state, the western superpowers later allowed the Union to maintain its military force as a response to the rising threat of communism. This lead to the creation of the Eulabian Defense Forces.

Politics and Government

The way Union politics function is governed mainly by the Eulabian Constitution of 1992 which mainly created the position of the Commissioner-General and greatly empowered Eulabian Parliament.

Functioning of the government

Most of the power lies in the Eulabian Assembly mainly in its upper house, called the Council of Eulabia. The Council is the oldest continuously existing institution in the Union. The Council consists of Councilors, each representing a single union province. It is up to the individual provinces to appoint the Councilors, in any way they see fit and for however long they want. All bills have to be first presented in the Council before the Parliament can vote on them.

The Eulabian Parliament is the much weaker lower house of the Assembly. It is composed of six-hundred MPs who are elected for five years, the seats in the parliament are proportionally distributed. It was created in 1956 and before 1992, the Parliament was mostly just an advisory body and while it had right veto any decision of the Council, the Council could override it by an absolute majority vote. Today, the Parliament veto is absolute and cannot be overriden. The Parliament also has the right to amend bills passed by the Council.

The executive power lies within the Executive Commission, headed by the Commissioner-General. For the first few years, the executive functions of the government were performed by the Governor-General of Eulabia, who was appointed by western powers. When the Commission was created, most of the Governor's powers were transferred to it. Nevertheless, the position of the Governor-General was not abolished until 1956. Before then, the Governor-General remained the ceremonial Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces and could veto the decisions of the Council (with 2/3 majority need to override the veto). Under the 1956 Constitution the Commission acted as a collective head of the government. It was only in 1992, when the position of the Commissioner-General was created.

The Commissioners are appointed by the Council of Eulabia and serve as long as they have its confidence.

The judiciary branch is headed by two main courts: The Supreme Court of the Eulabian Union serves as the court of highest appeal for the criminal and civil cases. The Constitutional Court of Eulabian Union is responsible for the judicial review. Both Courts were created in 1956, before then, the judiciary matters well handled by the so-called Arbitration Tribunal staffed by officials from the western superpowers.