Belfrasian Navy Deployments and Bases

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Belfrasian Navy Deployments is a list of operations and commitments undertaken by the Belfrasian Royal Navy on a global basis. The following list details these commitments and deployments sorted by region.

Naval bases

Naval bases in Belfras

The west coast of Belfras is dotted with naval bases. The largest shore establishment of the Royal Navy is HMNB Portsdown, Portsdale and is also on the west coast of Belfras. The land taken up by this naval base accounts for approximately 1/3 of the Royal Navy's total land holdings. HMNB Portsdown is the main homeport of the Home Fleet, although the fleet's air compliment is headquartered at RNAB Settleford, on the outskirts of the city of Portsdown. The second largest collection of naval complexes is in the area surrounding Nos Kenwadi, Kunar. The area consists of the headquarters for the Second Fleet, Royal Naval Air School, and the second largest naval academy for enlisted personnel, with HMNB Portsdown having the largest. The other largest collection is at and around the HMNB Aersford, Utorik. This naval base operates on the Iesal Lake, Belfras' largest land-locked body of water. Operations at HMNB Aersford make up the bulk of Royal Naval research and development.

The Royal Navy operates several smaller bases along the western coast, largely for the deployment of squadrons, air forces, or for training purposes. The Royal Naval Special Warfare Complex is a primary training center for special forces units for conducting sea and undersea training. The main Royal Naval submarine bases along the west coast are located in HMNB Shepford, Dovehill and HMNB Aerstotle, Kunar. The naval shipyard in HMNB Downgrave, Portsdale is fitted with the ability to house submarines that are either awaiting or have just finished repairs, refits, or maintenance.

The country's eastern coast is the Draganesti, a colossal land-locked body of water which The Papal Republic and South Lake also possess shores on. The Royal Navy operate twelve bases, with all but two being utilized as a commercial port instead of as an active naval base. The three largest naval bases in the Draganesti are HMNB Callis, HMNB Venturum, and HMNB Pentarum, located at or near their respective cities. The main objectives of forces based at these facilities are for defensive screening. The largest force in the Draganesti is Frigate Squadron (FrigRon) Twelve, which often utilized for policing shipping lanes and enforcing it's nautical border with the Papal Republic.

Naval bases in Laesico

Naval bases in Yoshiwa


Victorian Ocean

Portsdown Station

Aristotle Station

Draganesti Sea

Pentarum Station

Central Ocean

Laesico Station

Laesico Station, housed at the eponymous colony of Laesico, is home to the Third Fleet.

Yoshiwa Station

After Yoshiwa voted to become a part of the Kingdom once again, the Royal Navy quickly established Yoshiwa Station. Manned at all times by a carrier group and an attached combat action flotilla, the Royal Navy's doctrine of preventing the southern-based Estovakiva, a long standing claimant of the islands, from trying to secure the islands. The validity of the Estovakivan claims are the topic of debate, with the Royal Navy following the Belfrasian governments stance of superiority.

Assigned Units

Dendein Station

Dendein, an old outpost and settlement from the Belfrasian Empire.

Assigned Units

HMNAB Rouslion

The Royal Naval station at HMNAB Rouslion, an Anthorian naval base, was established as a gesture of trust and friendship between the two navies. The station was originally undermanned by, at most, a submarine squadron's detachment. In 2012 the Royal Navy began housing larger units at the base and expanding the Second Fleets abilities in proximity to The Papal Republic. As a station hosted by a foreign power, Rouslion Station's size is always limited to the allowance of the Anthorian government, restricting what the Royal Navy may or may not deploy.

As of 2014 the Station is steadily readying itself to host a Carrier Group that will attach itself to the currently assigned Currently Destroyer Squadron Twelve (DesRon XII)

Global Deployments

Sea-based nuclear deterrent

Strike-Force Trident

International Partnerships

Quick Reaction Force Leopard

See also