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Name: Drakoor
Other names: The first dragon, the terror in the sky, The dreaded one, father of dragons
World: None, rests outside of midgard
parents : None
siblings : None
Consorts : Lots
Children: Lots

Drakoor is a god worshiped mostly in Karmanjaka where he is seen as the king of all the gods which is the main point of conflict between mainstream chronological worship and the one found in Karmanjaka. As the king of dragons and the gods of the same so is Drakoor a minor but still extremely powerful god among all other branches of the faith. He is also the absolute harshest and most bloodthirsty of all the gods and is the only one that have been known to demand sentient sacrifices by burning in dragonfire which even to this day remains a means of execution in Karmanjaka even if the religious history of the act was outlawed after the 200 years war and the unification of Scandera and the religious unity movements that tried to unify the faiths.

Drakoor in the sagas

In the sagas so is Drakoor a harsh and almost malevolent entity that demands fealty with an iron fist or is quick to unleash the fire of his kin upon his enemies. Even in the sagas collected in the holy chronicles are there several stories about him simply vanquishing sinners or burning the enemies of the faith. In the war of light and shadow so did Drakoor join the gods fighting against the Wharen but he was often described as fighting alone burning entire Wharen cities to cinders as he laughed and was quick to burn fortresses of Non-wharen that fought against the invaders from the north. In the battle of shadow of light so were he present and was said dueled Ak-igri the king of the then sentient Batbeasts and he was the one that joined Lavandria and cursed the entire race to become mere animals.

Where he comes from is not entirely known either as the common lore in Gudsfaljare and Jarntra's versions of the chronicles says that he the child of the night sky and fire making him the half brother of Fir but the Draktra versions of the tales says that he created himself from his own fire right after the spirits put the nine Elderväsenden to sleep. This makes him one of the only gods that the chronological faith is not entirely unified about his upcoming.

It is also said that in the dawn of time so did dragons take giant vipers as lovers and birthed the first Lindorms but Drakoor hated the bastardization with such a fury that he burnt all his children caught doing it and even to this day to Karmän hunt Lindormar with relentless fury.


Drakoor is however known to be the father of all dragons and it is said that he one day took fire from the mountains and shaped it into 3 eggs that he then spilled his seed over. In just nine days did the eggs hatch and born was Ishra the first of the waterdragons, Asra the first of the firebreathing dragons and Aligir the first of the dark dragons that flies over the night sky and hunts the stars (a breed that is considered fictional or extinct if they existed at all). Ishra was a female of cold calculating cunning, Asra was a wild male beast breathing fire and destroying and Aligir was purely sadistic that took pleasure in bringing pain and darkness and in the end were he Defeated by Bel that threw the dark dragon down into Mörkerheim.

Drakoor did also father Raumir the great two headed dragon when he took his daughter Ishra as his concubine and mate. Ramuir was everything his brothers/uncles were not but were also a kinder creature that quickly withdrew out in the foggy mists that then covered the misty oceans to the east where one day Dimheim appeared. However so were Drakoor also known to take wives and lovers as he wished among sentient creatures as well in the shape of a man with long black hair but a face more like a woman than a man and with no trace of hair on the rest of his body and in Jarntra is it said that these sons formed the first Karmän that lives in Karmanjaka to this day.

Worship of Drakoor

Worship of Drakoor is a bloody faith and in the days of old did sacrifices, both captured foemen and criminals get burnt by dragonfire as rituals in Karmanjaka. Drakta is also one of the few chronological sects that strictly enforces vows of poverty both among it's followers and among it's priests as both goes dressed in simple black and grey clothes and with large cloaks died purple on the inside and black on the outside compared to the richly ornate red robes of Gudsfaljare or the blue ones used in Jarntra. Even the temples and shrines to Drakoor is simple and often are prayer held close to domesticated dragons or just outside of large rocks carved into his likeness instead of the massive temples both Jarntra and Gudsfaljare have raised to the other gods. Template:Chronological gods