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Bronze satuette Diana CdM Paris.jpg
Name: Iera
Other names: The sculpter
the golem maker
World: Gyllenheim
parents : Unnamed princess from an unnamed pre migration nation, Bel (in theory at least, the god of war never mentions them as his children as he does with children he birthed of fathered himself)
siblings : Arie
Consorts : Arie
Children: None

Iera is the goddess of sculpturing and one of the chaster and sterner of her siblings making her the angrier and more judgemental of all three gods of joy. She is however also seen as the first one to sculpture a golem so she is often invoked alongside Lavandria when one creates those animated statues.


Once in far off days did there exist a princess that were known as the most wonderful artists in the history of all Scanderan people, her skill with the brush was unmatched, it was said that with a chisel so could she create statues that all but lived and she could with her voice and instruments make whole halls of mighty warriors break down and cry. It was said that even mighty Bel travelled long and wide only to hear her sing and many a night did the Silver forged god of war stay with the princes only to admire her and her work.

However she grew older and older as all mortals do while the silver forged god remained as he had always been. One day did the princess speak to the god and asked for immortality, not for her but for her gifts as she did not want them to be wasted. Bel thought long and hard about this as the golden apples were said to kill mortals that tried to eat them. So he asked Rasmer for advice and Rasmer spoke. The princess were to create three eggs, one she would paint into existence with paint mixed with the blood of the mightiest deer, dolphin and eagle, one she would sing into creation on an instrument forged by gold and with strings made from the thunder of a cat's paws, and the last would she carve out of the heart of a mountain guarded by an ancient dragon.

Together did Bel and the princess find all the tasks, Hunters and fishers gathered the blood, Smiths forged the harp while the princess gathered the thunder of a cat's paws and Bel with a few chosen dwarven companions slew the dragon and took the heart of the mountain.

For nine years did the princess labour, with her harp did she sing an egg into existence. With the heart of the mountain did she chisel an egg into existence and finally did she also paint one into existence. When the final egg was done so was also the princess that died that very night, the eggs however all hatched when she drew her last breath and out came three triplets; Arie, Eira, and Iera.

Iera in the sagas

Just like her sister so is Iera hardly mentioned as she is mostly an minor god, however so are she credited with being the first god that created a golem which have made her somewhat more important than her sister and she is clearly mentioned more times than Eira. Compared to her sibling spouses so is she however more conservatory dressed even in the old saga


Sculpturing was seen as a more masculine task in the old days by Scanderans and as such does Iera have more manly qualities than her brother and sister and she is without a doubt the most chaste of the trio, hardly taking a lover and in general staying faithful to her sibling spouses and she is said to be "the mother of none" in the holy chronicles.

Worship of Iera

Iera is hardly worshipped in her aspect as the goddess of sculpturing but it is customary for sculptors to make small sacrifices to her by burning chisels each year. In her aspect as the goddess of golem making however so is it customary for mages and clerics to sacrifice an animal to her before they start to enchant the golem and sing her praise while they work on their creation.

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