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Name: Driknavar
Other names: the golden king
the ruler of the horn
the brewer
the poet
World: Gyllenheim
parents :
siblings : none
Consorts : Arie
Several mortal men and women.

Driknavar is the god of alcohol, drinking, drunkenness and poetry. He is also seen as the lover of the triplet spouses Arie, Eira, and Iera and often are seen with the trio in sagas but he also is seen alone which the three other gods of art are not. He is said to have the shape of a middleaged man with long beard and hair but still running fat and with unclear eyes. He is however depicted as a rather intelligent god and have been historically noted for only speaking in rhyme.


Driknavar was said to have been born when the two kings Erilk and Harald in the old days made peace with one another, looking over the peace was Rasmer and he decreed that each soldier in the armies of both kings were to drink nine horns of mead and spit in a large cup. Rasmer then commanded both kings to mix their seed and blood in the cup which they did while Rasmer spoke old spells to commerce the peace between the two kingdoms. From the cup did a new god rise and the god Driknavar was born.

Driknavar in the sagas

Driknavar is a kind god that is often described as laughing and speaking loudly. He often aid heroes as often as he can and offers his blessing and help either for free or on the condition that the hero can beat him in drinking contests. Amongst other things so have he been known to mix his blood with honey which created the first mead which he gave to the mortal races. He was also said to have created the legendary horn Dryknahorn that never ran out of whatever you poured into it.


Drknavar is the father of several children with both mortals and spirits, despite that so is however only a few of them mentioned by name in the holy chronicles. However the three most mentioned are "ol", "mjöd", "cider", "vin" and "starkedrike" or "beer", "Mead", "cider", "Wine" and "strongdrink" which are either taken as he have sons named after the more common types of alcohol in the Scanderan continent or that his sons are the alcohols. The holy chronically however have flipped during the ages and have gone from one of the opinions to the next. The current arch cleric however have favoured the interpretation that the god have sons named after the drinks.

Worship of Driknavar

There are few rituals dedicated to Driknavar but those are rare amongst the clergy. However prayers amongst the commoners are very common and there are prayers against hangovers and there are several magical runes aiding in the creation, preservation and drinking of alcohol. Template:Chronological gods