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A noble Ludz during the 16th century
Regions with significant populations
 Drevstran20.25 millions
 Ostrozava2.31 millions
Ludz and Lush

The Ludz or Ludzians are Slavic Ethnic group native to Drevstran and who share a common ancestry, culture, and history and speak the Ludz language.

There are currently around 20 millions Ludz in Drevstran, mostly in the eastern half of the country, representing around 40% of the total population. There are Ludz minorities in many other countries, but the principal community outside of Drevstran can be found in Ostrozava with 2 millions people.


The early Slavs came to the region of Lake Kulpanitsa in several waves from the 5th and 6th centuries. The first recorded migration was in 428 CE brought on the collapse of the central Tervingian rule. Slavs were organized on a tribal level and fought both Cyneric tribes and the Gothic people of Tervingia. Following their success, many tribes settled around the Drev river and its tributaries. Their names remain unknown due to a lack of written sources until the Thraysian western expansion which conquered the coastline of modern Drevstran around the 520s CE. Many of the more inland tribes formed the Dravo Federation, named after its most proeminent warlord. While the Federation managed to keep its independence, it became a tributary of the Thraysian Empire until 70 years later, when it stopped sending their annual tribute and began plundering the coastal regions. By the middle of the 7th century, the Empire had lost all influence in the area. The lack of a common ennemy also resulted in the dislocation of the Dravo Federation and the resuming of petty warfares among slavic tribes. The legacy of Thraysia can be felt in the spread of Eastern Christianity but also in the construction of a united Ludz identity superseding tribal affiliations for the populations of the area.

The arrival of the Lushyods in the early years of the 9th century changed the relationships between the Ludz tribes. Attempts were made to unite against the new invaders, but all failed to either materialize or succeed in their goal. The majority of the Ludz, from the the Mren river to the Valley of the Drev, found themselves under foreign rule. They were not without representation in the Lush courts however, as the adoption of Christianity by the Lushyods allowed Ludz priests to serve in high religious functions, and ultimately have leadership role in the bureaucracy of the nascent Kingdom of the Drev. Many Ludz bishops served as advisors for the kings, favoring the hybridation of the two peoples' cultures. It's during this era that the Ludz gained officialy gained their name, as they had been known as the "Dravoslavs" by Thraysians chroniclers, when they weren't being grouped depending on their religious affiliations.