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Ponsonby Obelisk.jpeg

Fallen Garetolians Obelisk is an obelisk in northern Ule'eka. It was built in 1980 as a monument to victims of the Garetolian Genocide. It is 4.5 (14.7 feet) tall. It stands at the corner of Cook Blvd and James R. Callaghan Ave. Originally named Garetolian Victims Obelisk, it was changed in 2004 after public descision. It is one of the four smallest National Parks in Garetolia, and it is level V on the GANAPARS (Garetolia National Park Service) Endangerment Index, meaning low priority.

The obleisk was contreversial when it was first completed, because of its meaning and location in a residential area. There were several complaints and the obelisk was moved farther north in 1982.