Abortion in Septentrion

Revision as of 21:39, 28 September 2018 by Soode (talk | contribs)
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Country Threat to mother's life Physical health Mental health Rape or incest Fetal defects Socio-economic factors On request
Template:Country data Vihoslavia Yes Partial No Yes No No No
Since 1972 Since 1972 Since 1945 Since 1972 Since 1945 Since 1945 Since 1945
Abortion has traditionally been illegal in the Vihoslav Confederation, and today the government makes the procedure very difficult to get.
Template:Country data Federation of Soviet Republics Yes Partial No Yes No No No
Since 1972 Since 1972 Since 1915 Since 1972 Since 1915 Since 1915 Since 1915
The FSR has historically been very harsh on abortion, and even today there is a large social stigma attached to the act.
 Maverica Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No
Since 1961 Since 1961 Since 1961 Since 1839 Since 1961 Since 1839 Since 1887
Historically Maverica has been very strict on abortions and even after liberalisation after the Maverican Civil War abortions are a taboo subject in Maverica.
 Menghe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Since 1966 Since 1966 Since 1966 Since 2003 Since 1966 Since 1966 Since 1904
Main article: Abortion in Menghe
Template:Country data Yugoslovenski Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998
Abortions in Yugoslovenski are limited to the health of the mother. However, fetusus expected to become a miscarriage can be aborted.
Example Yes Partial No Yes Partial No No
Since 2000 Since 2000 Since 2000 Since 2000 Since 2000 Since 2000 Since 2000
 Themiclesia N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes
Ab initio
Though strong social stigma against abortion (particularly for no medical reason) existed, it was never formally a criminal offence.
Template:Country data Ummayah Yes No No No No No No
Since 1957 Since 2005 Since 2005 Since 1954 Since 1954 Since 1954 Since 1954
A Shahidic theocracy, Ummayah has some of the strictest abortion laws in Septentrion.
 Qusayn Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Since 1957 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1998 Since 1957 Since 1957
Abortion laws were tightened in 1998 under President Polit Behav.
 Polvokia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1925 Since 1925 Since 1925 Since 1968 Since 1968 Since 2001 Since 2001
Polvokia legalized abortion upon the mother's request in 2001, despite opposition from Letnevian religious groups.
