Üxa language

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Duwafa Üxasi
Native toÜxasi
Native speakers
unknown (2019)
  • Üxasi
Latin Script, Saruzh Script (archaic)
Language codes
ISO 639-3

The Üxa Language is the spoken language of Üxasi.


Üxasi is a language isolate.


This Article deals with royal üxasi, the prestige dialect understood by all üxa people, used in writing/official communication/media/education and by large parts of the urban population in everyday speech.Royal Üxasi is officially modeled after the speech of the king, but is in practice synonymous with the dialect spoken in the capital city.

There exist some rural dialects and urban dialects specific to the big cities, but these are not subject of this article.


Before contact with saruzh civilization brought the saruzh script the Üxa language had no writing system.In the early 20th century the latin writing system was adopted to aid efforts in increasing literacy, as saruzh script had proven to be an ill fit for Üxasi, requiring an amount of time to reach literacy only the old scholar class could afford.

Only the first letter of a sentence is written with a capital letter.All other letters are written in lowercase, the only exception being the word for king (or emperor), or the name of a ruling üxa king.

Latin Transcription

Üxasi Letter IPA Sound
ü /y/ 🔊
ö /œ/ 🔊
a /ɐ/ 🔊
i /i/ 🔊
u /u/ 🔊
e /ə/ 🔊
m /m/ 🔊
n /n/ 🔊
b /b/ 🔊
c /ts/ 🔊
d /d/ 🔊
g /g/ 🔊
ć /tɕ/ 🔊
f /f/ 🔊
z /z/ 🔊
x /x/ 🔊
h /h/ 🔊
l /l/ 🔊
r /ɻ/ 🔊
y /j/ 🔊
w /w/ 🔊
t /t/ 🔊



Front Central Back
Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded
Close i y u
Mid e* œ ə o
Open ɐ

Note: \e\ is very rarely used.


Consonant phonemes
Labial Alveolar
Palatal Velar Glottal
plain pal. plain pal. plain pal. plain pal.
Nasal m n
Stop b d
Affricate ts
Fricative f z x h
Approximant l ɻ j w


In unconjugated words the first syllable is stressed, in conjugated words the last syllable of the word-stem is stressed.


(belonging to) language



Üxasi knows 2 Genders: Female(nouns ending in i) and Male(rest).Nouns in plural are always male.

ig yadli bazi
The woman sits (yadli is female, verb adopts i ending)

ig na yadla baza
The women sit (yadli is now male due to plural, verb remains with the default a ending)

ig fru yadla baza
The 2 women sit (yadli is now male due to plural, verb remains with the default a ending)


Personal Pronouns

Singular Plural
1.Person üt (m)
üti (f)
2.Person nim (m)
nimi (f)
3.Person zut (m)
zuti (f)

Possesive determiner

Singular Plural
1.Person ida (m)
idi (f)
2.Person nića (m)
nići (f)
3.Person zala (m)
zali (f)

Demonstrative Pronouns

English Üxasi
This traf (m)
trafi (f)
That trüg (m)
trügi (f)
Here mlad
There dadu

Word Order

Normal Word Order

The normal Word Order is SVO.

 |ig gwüt | dötra| tazaxa .   
 |Subject | Verb | Object
 The Man kills the Animal .


In Question Sentences the Word Order is inverted to OVS.This feature is inherited from saruzh and does not appear in proto-Üxasi and some dialects, where different intonation is used instead.

 | tazaxa | dötra| ig gwüt ?   
 | Object | Verb | Subject
 The Man kills the Animal ? (lit: The Animal kills the Man ?)


Adjectives always follow the Nouns they describe.The ending vocal of an adjectives matches the ending of the Noun, if the adjective ends with a consonant, an a is interjected. Nouns can be used as Adjectives.

röga bitafa
a blue kingdom

gwüt djülat
an animalistic(savage) man


Possession follows the Possessee-Possessor Order:

Duwafa Üxasi
Language (of the) Üxa


Nominative Case

Nouns in the Nominative Case remain unchanged.


Accusative Case

The accusative case is used to mark the object in a sentence.It is formed by adding ta- as a prefix

ig gwüt dötra tazaxa
the man kills the animal

Genetive Case

The Genetive Case marks a word, usually a noun, as modifying another word, also usually a noun—thus, indicating an attributive relationship of one noun to the other noun.In Üxa this relation is usually possesee-possessor. It is formed by adding the suffixes -si or -isi (if the last letter is a consonant) to the possessor.If the possessor is also the object of the sentence it also takes on the accusative taß prefix.

Duwafa Üxasi
Language (of the) Üxa.

Üt gruwu ig duwafa taüxasi
I speak the Üxa language.


Plurals are divided into definite and indefinite plurals. The indefinite Plural refers to a multitude of uncertain size, while the definite plural refers to a ,multitude of certain size. The Indefinite plural is constructed by adding the plural marker na in front of the word.

na gwüt
a multitude of men, a lot of men

The na takes precedenced over any other particles placed in front of the word (such as the article ig).

ig na gwüt
the multitude of men

For the definite Plural the word indicating the defined amount (e.g. a number) is placed before the word.

ćim gwüt
3 men
üdrö gwüt
5 men (lit: a hand of men)


Present Tense

Verbs in the present tense take on the endings -ö (if male) or -ön (if female).Personal pronouns do not affect the verb, it remains unchanged.

üt bazö. nimi bazön. füwa bazö
I sit. You(f) sit. They sit

Preterite Tense

The Preterite Tense indicates that an event/action took place or was completed in the past. It is formed by adding -na (m) -ni (f) to the infinitive.

üt bazuna. nimi bazuni. füwa bazuna
I sat. You(f) sat. They sat

Pluperfect Tense

The Pluperfect Tense indicates that an event/action took place or was completed at a time earlier than a time in the past already referred to.

It is formed by using the verb wruda/wrudi (had) with the preterite form of the verb.

üt wruda bazuna.nimi wrudi bazuni.füwa bazuna 
I had sat.You(f) had sat.They had sat.

Future Tense

Future tense Verbs take on the endings -ü (m) or -ün (f).

üt bazü. nimi bazün. füwa bazü
I will sit. You(f) will sit. They will sit


Verbs are turned passive by adding ta- as a prefix.

üt finuna -> üt tafinuna
I gave -> was given
nimi finön -> nimi tafinön
You give -> You are given


The Causative indicates that a subject either causes someone or something else to do or be something. It is formed by adding the verb datu in it's preterite form (datuna).In the pluperfect it is placed after wruda.

üt wruda datuna bazuna taX  
I had caused X to sit.
nimi datuna finön taüt
You cause me to give


Imperative = Infintive.

bazu !
Sit !

Vocabulary Influences

The biggest foreign influence on Saruzh historically came from the saruzh language, though loanwords from aydnirian and other languages also exist.

Sample Text

Üxasi Translation
ig gwüt dötrü tazaxa. The man kills the animal
Üt gruwu ig duwafa taüxasi. I speak the Üxa language.
Bazu ! Sit !
Tazaxa dötra ig gwüt ? The man kills the animal ?

List of Üxasi Words

General List:

Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
duwafa /duwɐfɐ/ Language
röga /ɻœgɐ/ Kingdom
gwüt /gwyt/ Man
rögwüt /ɻœgwyt/ King
yadli /jadli/ Woman
ufa /ufɐ/ Child
ćawüg /tɕɐwyg / Person, Human
djül /djyl/ Animal
zaxa /zɐxɐ/ Thing
tönra /tœnɻɐ / Sky
hi /hi/ Light
tönranahi /tœnɻɐnɐhi/ Morning, Sunrise
üdrö /ydɻœ/ Hand If used together with a noun denotes 5 pieces/units of sth.
nadri /nɐdɻi/ Set, Multitude, Group
gatü /gɐty/ Word
gatünadri /gɐtynɐdɻi/ Text, Article
gla /glɐ/ and
wri /wɻi/ point
ölön /œlœn/ Tribe
pölata /pœlɐtɐ/ Return


Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
röga üxasi /ɻœgɐ yxɐzi/ Üxasi
röga sarućasi /ɻœgɐ zɐɻutɕɐzi/ Saruzhan
örövidil /œɻœwidil/ Outland, Abroad,Aclus Saruzh Loanwoard
wotratöa /wotɻɐtœɐ/ The subcontinent that Üxa is located in
mülimax /mylimɐx/ World, Earth


Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
iti /iti/ 0
dag /dɐg/ 1
fru /fɻu/ 2
ćim /tɕim/ 3
gid /gid/ 4
zam /zam/ 5
yöga /jœgɐ/ 6
yüwa /jywɐ/ 7
tut /tut/ 8
taö /tɐœ/ 9
fruzam /fɻuzɐm/ 10
dagfruzam /dɐgfɻuzɐm/ 11 same schema for all other X1 - X9 numbers
gidzam /gidzɐm/ 20
ćimfruz /tɕimfɻuz/ 30 fruz is shortened form of fruzam
dagza /fɻuzɐmzɐ/ 100 same "Xza" schema for other increments of 100
fruza /fɻuzɐ/ 200 same "Xza" schema for other increments of 100
dagwö /dɐgwœ/ 1,000 same "Xwö" schema for other increments of 1000
dagmü /dɐgmy/ 10,000 same "Xmü schema for other increments of 1000
dagsamü /dɐgsɐmy/ 100,000 same "Xsamü schema for other increments of 1000
raxis /ɻɐxiz/ 1,000,000 Aydinir Loanword
biraxis /biɻɐxiz/ 1,000,000,000 Aydinir Loanword
fruyüwafruz gla fruzamza n/a 172 lit: two-seventwofive and hundred = 100 + 7*2*5 + 2 = 172
frutaöfruz gla taözaćimwö gla yögamüdagsamü gla wri itiyüwa n/a 163,992.07 lit: 92 and 3900 and 160000 and .07 (number order reverses after decimal point ! zero-seven, not seven-zero)


Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
urönu /uɻœnu/ to eat u/nu indicates infinitve, stem is urö
bazu /bɐzu/ to sit
finu /finu/ to give stem is fin
latu /lɐtu/ to be
dötru /dœtɻu/ to kill
wrudu /wɻudu/ to have
taru /tɐɻu/ to take
datu /dɐtu/ to cause
awaru /ɐwɐɻu/ to finish
gruwu /gɻuwu/ to speak

Irregular Verbs:

Infitive Preterite Future IPA Translation Notes
möxu gitna öćü /mœxu/ /gitnɐ/ /œtɕy/ to be


Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
bitaf /bitɐf/ blue, royal blue -> royal, due to Üxa Monarchs traditionally wearing blue garb


Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
/bœ/ on, onto


Words used for grammatical constucts.

Üxasi IPA Translation Notes
üt(i) /yt/ I Pronoun
nim(i) /nim/ you (singular) Pronoun
zut(i) /zut/ he/she Pronoun
/xœ/ we Pronoun
banu /bɐnu/ you (plural) Pronoun
füwa /fywɐ/ they Pronoun
na /nɐ/ indefinite plural marker
ida,idi /ida,idi/ my Pronoun
nića,nići /nitɕɐ/ your Pronoun
zala,zali /zɐlɐ , zɐli/ his, her Pronoun
xuda /xudɐ/ our Pronoun
üćna /ytɕnɐ/ your Pronoun
furga /fuɻgɐ/ their Pronoun
traf(i) /tɻɐf/ this Pronoun
trüg(i) /tɻyg/ that Pronoun
mlad /mlɐd/ here Pronoun
dadu /dɐdu/ there Pronoun