
Revision as of 17:46, 19 July 2021 by Zhousheng (Fjana) (talk | contribs) (Added the icon)
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Eurth forum link color
<span style="color: #4168E1"></span>

EUropans Comment

Symbol of Eurth.svg Comment to the topic "{{{1}}}"

[https://www.europans.com/topic/{{{1}}}?tab=comments#comment-{{{2}}} {{Hover title|dotted=no|{{{3|Comment to the topic "{{{1}}}"}}} on Europans|{{EUColor|{{{3|Comment to the topic "{{{1}}}"}}}}}}}]

This template provides the link to Europans comment. Its usage is:

{{EUT|Topic url code|Comment ID|Display Name}}

If no name is added, the name shows the dispatch ID
