Company entities in Venadia

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Venadian law defines several types of business entities, defined as commercial entities formed in order to engage in economic activities, primarily selling and/or producing a product. Business entities are regulated primarily by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry, and almost all companies operating in Venadia needs to register with the Central Business Registry. Per 2010, the following types of business entities are recognized in Venadia:

  • Государственная Компания (GK, transcript: Gosudarstvennaya Kompaniya): State-owned companies, usually owned directly by the Great Veche or a Ministry, and is not publically traded.
  • Региональная Компания (RK, transcript: Regionalnaya Kompaniya): Companies owned by one or multiple regional or local governments.
  • Индивидуальная Компания (IK, transcript: Individualnaya Kompaniya): Sole proprietary private company with full responsibility. No minimum capital to register.
  • Свободно Торгуемая Компания (STK, transcript: Svobodno Torguyeemaya Kompaniya): Publically traded company where shares may be traded openly without permission from other stockholders. A minimum capital value of 15,000 NSD is required to register as an STK and be publically traded.
  • Ограниченно Торгуемая Компания (OTK, transcript: Ogranichenno Torguyeemaya Kompaniya): A company where stocks are limited to 40 individual owners and where trading may only occur with the permission of the majority of stockholders. Requires a minimum of 5,000 NSD of capital.
  • Кооператив (KOOP, transcript: Kooperativ): Business entity where the workers own and are collectively responsible for the company. No minimum capital needed.
  • Деловое Партнерство (DP, transcript: Delovoye Partnerstvo): Financial partnership where two or three parties are mutually responsible. No minimum capital needed.
  • Компания Заграничного Базирования (KZB, transcript Kompaniya Zagranichnogo Bazirovaniya): International company. Companies or subsidiaries of companies registered abroad with assets exceeding 50,000 NSD in Venadia need to register with the Central Business Registry.