Undreshi Red Army

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Undreshi Red Army
Aljaysh al'Ahmar Undresh
LeadersAzni Arizova (current)
Dates of operation1942-Present
Active regionsUndreshistan, Boldiria, Venadia
Battles and warsinsurgency in Undreshistan, Venadia

The Undreshi Red Army (Venadian: Ундрешкая Красная Армия, transcript: Undreshkaya Krasnaya Armiya, Arabic: Aljaysh al'Ahmar Undresh) is a violent far-left group operating in Undreshistan and is one of the primary participants in the Venadian-Undreshistani Insurgency. It aims to create an independent, secular and socialist state in Undreshistan through armed resistance and terrorist acts. Its activities is largely limited to Undreshistan, and to a much lesser extent Boldiria and some acts in the rest of Venadia. The Undreshi Red Army has its root in the Ardanian Comintern and the Arlellian occupation of Undreshistan between 1938 and 1942. It is classified as a terrorist organization by most governments. The URA was under the control of the Communist Party of Undreshistan until 1955.

Between 1955 to the late 70s or early 80s the Undreshi Red Army aligned towards Maoism and attempted the instigation of a People's War throughout Undreshistan. The ideology of the Undreshi Red Army has since become harder to define, beyond the blanket terms of socialism and Undreshi nationalism. The Undreshi Red Army wages a guerrilla war on the Republic of Venadia, with the height of its activity being in the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, the AAU has increasingly relied on singular terrorist attacks, assassination and hostage taking. The current strength of the AAU has been estimated by the Department of Public Safety to be in the low thousands.