Charlotte of Geneva

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Sovereign Princess of Geneva
Charlotte Regina Connuriste.JPG
Official Portrait of Empress Charlotte in 2072
Empress of Connuriste
Tenure12 May 2061 - present
Coronation27 May 2061
PredecessorEmpress Alice I
Heir ApparentCrown Princess Emily
Princess of Geneva
Reign20 September 2052 – present
PredecessorJonathan I
Born2 April, 2042 (age 37)
Londres, Great Hyruke
SpouseEmperor Connor II of Connuriste
IssueCrown Princess Emily
Princess Alexia
Prince George
Prince Frederick
Princess Adela
Prince William
Princess Charlotte
Prince Julian
Prince Nukai
Prince Connor
Princess Augusta
Princess Elisabeth
Prince Jonathan
Prince Valentin
Prince Andrae
Princess Mary
Princess Sofia
Prince Gioele
Prince Louis
FatherGeorge VII
MotherAuguste, Princess of Brunswick

Charlotte, is the eldest daughter of Auguste of Prussia and her first husband, George VII, King of England. She is the wife of Connor II, Emperor of Connuriste. As the eldest child of the King she holds several titles, including Princess Royal, Princess of England as well as through her great-grandfather she is the Princess of Geneva.


Born on the second of April in 2042 as Princess Charlotte of Great Hyruke and Ireland, Princess of England and Princess in Derita, she was the eldest daughter and fourth child of King George VII and his first wife, Queen Auguste. Since this was the Queen's fourth pregnancy, she proved to be very calm throughout the whole thing, and Charlotte's birth was the one that had the shortest length of labor time, making it almost painless for the Queen. The Queen stated that Charlotte was an angel, and that was why the pregnancy had been so blissful. The young English Princess was a small baby, only a mere 5.5 pounds, and had to be cared for with much concern for the first three months of her life. Only afterwards was she permitted to return to the palace with her parents. Charlotte had three older brothers, George, Edward and her personal favourite, Leopold. Charlotte was soon followed by two more brothers and three sisters.


Charlotte was privately tutored by Jean Électroc-Guyes and Rodney MacNahan until she was 13 years old when she became the young sovereign of Geneva. Charlotte proved to be intellectually superior than her older brothers, yet she also she seemed rather uninterested in studies and was encouraged to focus on more homemaker skills by her mother, something considered rather uncommon at the time.

In Geneva Charlotte was rather informally given a very shallow education by her mother and great-grandparents that focused less on the actual education of a student but of a political advisor. Charlotte proved to have a great understanding of the political world but confused when she had to go in depth with certain situations.

When Charlotte married Connor II of Connuriste in 2061, she had barely reached the education level of someone who had graduated from secondary school. Charlotte was incredible self conscious of her educational failings and found that her homemaking skills that were taught by her mother were quite useful. She lived a very domestic life tand provided political advise to her husband and to his government, using her skills as a natural born charmer to get by. She for a long time she pondered returning to school.

In 2069 Charlotte went to night school and received a graduation degree from a local secondary school in Switzerland and began taking night classes at the University of Geneva. She stopped in 2070 when she went missing. In 2071 she moved to Vanessa, Derita and enrolled as a student at the University of Vanessa.


Princess Charlotte spent the first ten years of her life in and around the city of Londres, as well as living in the city of York for a year. As the eldest daughter of the King and Queen of England, sub states of the United Kingdoms of Great Hyruke, she was titled as Princess Royal. Charlotte had three older brothers and another soon after, followed by sisters.

Charlotte got along best with her older brother, Leopold. Leopold and Charlotte had been born within the same year, so they were only a few months apart in age, and they were the most similar looking of the all the children, many people mistaking the two for twins. Wherever Leopold went, Charlotte would follow. And wherever Charlotte went, Leopold would go as well. Both took up music, especially the piano, though Leopold learned more than Charlotte. When they were both nine in York, they held a small concert for Queen Caroline of Great Hyruke and her family and their own. Charlotte described the event as one of her happiest days.

But disaster came Charlotte when her mother and father divorced one another unexpectedly and her mother left York for her home in Hollande and Serbia. Meanwhile Charlotte and her siblings were packed up and moved back to Londres. For Charlotte 2051/52 that time immediately after the divorce was horrible. She refused to play music and would spend long days inside, locked inside her room. While her other siblings, mostly the younger ones continued on, the four oldest George, Edward, Leopold and Charlotte, were left with bitter tastes in their mouths and shattered to the core as their mother became literally an ocean away.

In actuality Auguste was only three hours away from Londres on the Continent, but mother could not have been farther for her children for they couldn't reach her anyway.

Charlotte and Leopold spent more time together, they would spend hours together, talking and reading and thinking of music, but never making any. That year they would never make music. Their rage at their father was massive and all-consuming. They blamed him for the divorced and grew more attached to their exiled mother, idolizing her as a victim and lovely mother. A loving mother yes, a victim, perhaps not so much. Auguste, now unmarried began to have many love affairs, her morality probably shattered by her divorce. Then she married a distant cousin of hers, Taylor III of REB, and became Empress.

With Auguste having remarried in 2052, Charlotte was now angered at her mother as well for giving up on her father and moving onto another man, even a gay one in a marriage with no love. The same year Charlotte left Great Hyruke and moved to Geneva where her great-grandfather had given her his crown. The following year her favorite brother Leopold left Londres for Ghent. As Charlotte enjoyed herself in Geneva, returning to playing music, she found herself often alone and bored. Having spent her entire first decade of her life with siblings, she was suddenly being raised as an only child.

Princess of Geneva

In 2052 when Charlotte was only 10 years old, she inherited the Principality of Geneva from here maternal great-grandfather, Prince Jonathan I, who choose to abdicate in her favor. Jonathan I had bypassed his own son and all of his grandchildren and many of his great-grandchildren, seeing Charlotte despite her youth as the most likely have a good reign over Geneva, as well as she was not already promised to inherit a throne of somewhere else. The same year the then Empress Alice of Connuriste bought the French state of Switzerland from Derita, bringing in new neighbors.

For the first years of her reign 2052-2060, which was the same period exactly of her mother's reign over Prussia as Taylor III's wife, Charlotte was considered too young to rule over Geneva and so her great-grandparents and at times her mother, Empress Auguste were de facto leaders, having Charlotte sign papers that she did not fully understand as young as the age of 12. It wasn't until 2057 that Charlotte truly got a say in matters of state and could even begin to lead.

During her early reign as well, many foreign royals began to attempt to court her, most failing. In 2056 she met the two most important men in her life, her future husband and her future best friend, Crown Prince Connor and King Ferdinand II (known affectionately as Jean).The three met at the beautiful Palais du Fontainebleau, the magnificent home of Christopher II, Jean's father. The two boys were both a year younger than Charlotte but soon the three were inseparable. Later on in Geneva, Charlotte was regularly visited by the Crown Prince and the King, though others visited, some as friends and some as hopeful grooms-to-be.

When in 2061 when Connor II was crowned, he proposed to Charlotte and they were married that same year, in fact less than a fortnight later.

Empress of Connuriste

Charlotte became Empress of Connuriste on 12 May of 2061 when she married Connor II. Because of the fact that the marriage was so quickly arranged following their engagement, her official coronation was held off for a few weeks after the wedding.

On 27 May 2061, Charlotte attended her coronation at the royal palace in Pearsonville, becoming the first empress to be coronated since her mother-in-law, Alice several decades earlier. The Empress' Coronation was, out of respect of Connor II's own coronation earlier that month, a privately attended and much smaller scale event.

Charlotte quickly fell into being Empress, her first goal being moving the Royal Family, she had a daughter, the crown princess Crown Princess Emily, away from the grand and in her opinion cold and cruel feelings of the official Imperial Palace, and moving them to a more private and homely household. Charlotte quickly went to offering that they live in the newly reconstructed Dreyfus Chateau, when was the official residence of the Sovereign of Geneva. However, it was decided two Genevean and it was worried that Emperor Connor II would be distracted and neglect his own empire. Charlotte then proposed a house in nearby Lausanne, in Connuriste. This was agreed upon and in November of 2061, the Royal Family moved into Lausanne House, which quickly became the new home of the royal family, remaining so till this day.

Another key issue that came up early in her tenure as Empress for Charlotte was the matter of her annual allowance. Charlotte, as a princess had been given an annual salary until she had become the sovereign of Geneva, getting a small salary of only 50,000 NSD a year. Charlotte, backed by her mother, who joined them in living at Lausanne House, went into redoing the financial situation of the Royal Family. For years the finances of the royal family had been neglected and not managed very well, and Charlotte quickly went to correct this. Charlotte proposed eight different plans and budgets and salaries, hiring two women, Auriane Boudreaux and Nancy Vernier as her personal and her family's accountants respectively. Charlotte, Auriane and Auguste worked together to decide that Charlotte was entitled to 108,000 NSD. Following the approval of this, Charlotte and Vernier set the salaries of the Royal Family, deciding the annual salaries of the members of the family, including Charlotte's mother.

In winter of 2065, shortly after giving birth to her second set of twins Princess Charlotte and Prince Julian, Charlotte was face with great anxiety as her son, Julian was briefly kidnapped by Charles II of Espana in revenge for the Connuriste killing of his own son the prior year. After paying a large ransom, Prince Julian was returned to the Empress and Emperor safely. However in the spring of 2066, Charlotte travelled to St. Petersburghe in Russlande to meet with her close friend and cousin, the King of Romania, or to her, Jean. Accompanying the Empress was her recently returned son. Charlotte and Jean meet for only moments before they and their entourage was attacked, injuring everyone who was there, expect for Jean's wife. No one was killed by Julian was once again kidnapped.

Charlotte was forced to remain in a hospital in Saint Petersburghe for weeks and was not permitted to see her husband or even have him visit. Instead her only constant companion was Jean. While in Saint Petersburghe, Charlotte, Jean and Jean's mother the Tsarina of Russlande were briefly held hostage by Charles II of Espana. Once they were released, the Tsarina, for unknown reasons, imprisoned Charlotte and Jean. It is believed that the Tsarina was involved in a plot to kidnap Julian but never received the child and it was instead, once again, Charles II who had the young prince. Charlotte and Jean were moved from prison in Saint Petersburghe to Moscow and then to Feilkvengard and then to Volkogala and then finally to an unknown location known as Rokostov. While a prisoner on Rokostov, lies were feed to Charlotte and Jean that Connor II of Connuriste has died tragically, cause Charlotte to for several months suffer from deep depression and have suicidal thoughts and tendencies. With the help of Jean and therapeutic writing, Charlotte recovered. Charlotte and Jean, drawn close by isolation from the outside world and heavily lied to, have a child together on the island of Rokostov, Nukai Christophe.

Shortly after the birth of Nukai Christophe, Charlotte's son, Julian was unknown to her, killed by Charles II of Espana and his heart sent back to Connuriste. There was mass outrage across the globe over the murder of the two year old prince, but Charles II suffered little to no damage his popularity, especially in Espana due to many seeing it as a form of justice. Shortly afterwards Charles II died of natural causes and his son and daughter-in-law ascended the throne. King Charles III and Queen Josefina quickly went to work arranging for Charlotte's release. Charlotte, on Rokostov was shocked to learn of her husband being alive and quickly denounced any real romantic feelings for Jean, having been under constant distress for over a year. Charlotte returned to Geneva where he meet with her husband the two had a happy reunion. Charlotte was informed of the murder of Prince Julian and afterwards went into a three month period of mourning for the death of her son.

In February it was officially announced that Charlotte was pregnant with a third set of twins. Charlotte in May of 2068, left Lausanne for her Hyrukian estate of Cornmester with her friend Queen Mary, former ruler of Scotland and her sister, Princess Catherine. Her sons George and Nukai and her daughter Alexia all joined their mother in the estate. In late May Charlotte and her brothers worked together on a plan to rescue their mother, who had been imprisoned and set to be executed in Sweden during Charlotte's absence. From Cornmester Charlotte and her brothers were able to produced a plan for rescuing Auguste of Prussia and overthrowing their stepfather, Charles XVII of Sweden. In July Charlotte left Cornmester for Haroa and served as a member of the bridal party of Princess Marie Karoline, her friend and cousin who had been Regent of Geneva in her absence, to Chantale de Mauléart, sister to President Orélian de Mauléart. Afterwards Charlotte returned to Cornmester where she briefly meet with Caroline of Great Hyruke and Anna Charlotte to discuss an invasion of the Netherlands to restore the latter to the throne. In August Anna Charlotte retook her throne and Charlotte's plot for Sweden was successfully carried out, making her half-brother King Gustav III of Sweden and making her mother his Regent.

In 2069, Charlotte and Connor visited the Court of Fontainebleau where they had a state dinner with the King and Queen of Romania and the King and Queen of Naples and Sicily and then finally the King-Emperor and the Tsarina. Both Charlotte and Connor expressed exasperation at the meeting taking place, though Charlotte was able to compete in the Emperor's Horseriding Competition, proving very excellent. While in Derita she all visited the local hunting grounds, again showing off her great skills with riding. However, not that long after returning home, the Tsarina publicly and cruelly gave a stripping down of the Empress, questioning her morals and role as a parent. While Charlotte was able to remain popular in Connuriste, her popularity fell dramatically. By December Charlotte was subject to constant ridicule. The issue was her mistaken affair with the King of Romania while imprisoned on the Islans of Rokostov. Sensing that her reputation would be ruined forever by the scandal, Charlotte began to put her thoughts into words and began writing a novel/memoir that would more clearly explain her history with the King of Romania and her husband.

In 2070, without the knowledge of Connor II or anyone else in her family, or even close friendship circle, Charlotte published a novel titled Imperials in the Garden, which she did so in order to preserve her public reputation, and discussed the not the affair, but instead her relationship with King Ferdinand II from the time she meet him in 2056 till her marriage to Connor II in 2061. The book quickly grew famous for it being written in exquisite detail, and having a great plot, some calling it one of the best novels of the century. However Charlotte's plan mostly backfired as she was criticised harshly for her inappropriately showing off private lives of her friends and family, portraying the King of Romania as lovesick and her own husband as dull and a bore, as well for "slut shaming her own mother, the Queen Mother [of Sweden]".

Empress Charlotte, upon her return from Gran Gregana arrived in Lausanne with two children. Charlotte quickly began to attend many various different events including the coronation of Henrique II of Espana and his wife, Anna Charlotte as King and Queen of Espana. Charlotte and her husband attended the event as special guests of the two rulers. Following this Charlotte traveled to Geneva with her husband to attend the celebrations that were being held in his honour.

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Charlotte at the 10th Anniversary of her husband's Ascension

On May 1, 2071, Connor II marked ten years on the throne for him. Massive amounts of celebrations were held in honour of this achievement and a great display of fireworks was fired over Lake Geneva at night with the Royal Family watching from the shore. Several of the Royal Family's friends were there, including the King and Queen of Espana, the Duchesses of Laufin. Charlotte's eldest daughter and her husband's heir to the throne was given the title of Duchess of Lausanne. Charlotte a few days later travelled to the Court of Fontainebleau to celebrate the King-Emperor'a Golden Jubliee in Vanessa.

Marriage and Family

Charlotte of Geneva and Connor II of Connuriste were married less than two weeks after Connor was coronated as Emperor. The wedding was a small and private ceremony. Shortly after their marriage the newlywed couple announced that they were having a child. Many have guessed that perhaps Charlotte was pregnant before she and Connor were married and that was the reason for the quick marriage and pregnancy and others even started a rumor that would plague the couple for years to come, was the father of the unborn child even Connor's?

It became widely known information that Charlotte was close friends with her distant cousin, Ferdinand II of Romania, more commonly and affectionately known as Jean. Many suspected that the child of Charlotte was in fact the King of Romania's and not her husband's at all. However only a few weeks later Charlotte suffered from a terrible miscarriage and the rumors were for the moment put to rest. But when it became clear that Charlotte was pregnant again shortly after, once again many believed the child was the King of Romania's. However there has been nothing to prove that Crown Princess Emily is anything but Connor II's daughter.

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Empress Charlotte at her daughter Princess Alexia's 9th birthday

Following the birth of Emily, Charlotte had another pregnancy, but while this one did result in a child that was alive, it was an early birth and it put the life of Charlotte's second child Princess Alexia in great danger. Charlotte was reportedly very unwell while doctors made sure that Alexia survived and even blamed herself for the situation. In a moment of cruelity, probably derived from anger and frustration, Charlotte exclaimed to her mother and servant, Miss Chelsea

"I wish the child dead for it is dead, then I will not have to fear for it's life!"

Princess Alexia eventually did make and that same year, Charlotte gave birth to her third child and first son, Prince George, whom she adored. More children quickly followed, Twins Adela and Frederick, and then another son, William. In 2065 she has birth to a second set of twins, Prince Julian and Princess Charlotte.

Charlotte proved to be incredibly overprotective of the last two of her children and as such the following events caused her great distress. In late 2065, while the royal family was in Winterhur, Charlotte's son, Prince Julian was kidnapped by the Mad King of Espana, who knocked out both Charlotte's mother and servant Miss Chelsea, and murdered another member of the household staff. The Mad King held him ransom and Charlotte and Connor quickly agreed to pay whatever the cost was. When Julian was returned to her, Charlotte was obsessively protective of him, choosing to have him accompany her everywhere, include alongside her ill fated trip to Saint Petersburg. After Julian was kidnapped here, she would never see him again.

According to the accounts of the Empress, she suffered from great horrid episodes of depression and had increasingly intense suicidal thoughts in 2066 and 2067, and while locked in prison on Rokostov, was prone to attempted suicide, though all were stopped by Jean, the King of Romania and her fellow prisoner. Charlotte and Jean, pulled together by natural attraction, years of friendship and under the impression that Connor II was dead, for whom Charlotte mourned heavily, seeking even more so to commit suicide, had a single child together, Nukai Christophé, Duke of Rokostov, naming him after one of the locals of the island.

When Charlotte returned to Lausanne, she was sadden by the lies she had been told and the ill advised affair, but presented her mixed son as on equal royal footing as that of her legitimate children. Connor, quite forgivingly welcomed Charlotte home and adopted Nukai as his own. Charlotte, though while never stating that she did not wish to have Jean in Nukai's life, strongly implied it and Jean, hurt by this and ashamed of his betrayal to his best friend, stayed away. Charlotte was also informed of the death of her son at the hands of Charles II of Espana (who was dead before Charlotte was freed). She fell once again into a deep depression, and mourned the lost of her infant son who she had only been with for less than half his lifespan. Charlotte became almost cultic about her late son, visiting his tomb everyday and building a shrine in his honor.

As 2068 rolled in, Charlotte was an increasingly melancholy person, pondering the life of her dead son and fearing for her own morality over the Rokostov Affair. She was very much distressed by the affair, fearing that it would cause her turn into her mother, as she described, "an Imperial Whore." She attempted to smother her husband with affections and she soon became pregnant, once again with twins.

Political Life

Despite her intense and rapidly occurring pregnancies over the last five years, Charlotte has held great political and domestic power. The Empress famously attended a International Union meeting in Mumbai, meet with President Sénetra Thaane and has proven to have conservative libertarian attitudes towards most things. It most cases, Charlotte has been regarded as her husband's equal, if not his superior. As Princess of Geneva she has created a safe haven for those fleeing other countries. In 2063 after Catherine d'Montrose failed in her overthrow of Charles II of Espana, Charlotte provided asylum for the exiled Queen. This proved to be a very popular move. Charlotte's popularity rapidly decreased from 2067 to 2070 following her imprisonment on the Island of Rokostov and the publishing of her book, Imperials in the Garden which detailed her life and affair with the King of Romania.

In 2070 Charlotte went missing, disappearing for 11 months from February 2070 to January 2071. Charlotte, after crashing into the Caribbean Sea and surviving on a raft with only a small emergency kit of food and several dozen journals. Charlotte was adrift at sea for five days before she washed ashore a small unnamed island. On the island was Hippolyta Poitiers, a woman from Ondas who had crashed into the island nearly five years before in 2065. Hippolyta and Charlotte survived together on the island and were able to construct a raft and sail off of the island. However, they were once against cast adrift in the midst of a storm. The two women were able to reach the shores of the Island of Dimont, a Caribbean holding of the Empire of Derita. While in the island of Dimont, Hippolyta and Charlotte posed as homeless women. No one on Dimont recognised either one of them, much to the discomfort of Charlotte as she commented later in her journals.

It was in fact Charlotte's journals that were their saving grace. She kept over 47 journals, gifts from her friend, Alexandre Hamolten in a chest and filed each one up over the 11 months that she was gone. While in Dimont three of her journals were found or stolen, it is unclear, but no matter what the way, the books ended up in the hands of Deritain publisher, Thibaud Girardot. Girardot took the journals and published them as short stories. They became hugely popular and moving for the populace of Dimont. Charlotte, upon seeing an article about the story and reading a copy, rushed to Girardot and demaimef the credit that was due to her. Charlotte at first attempted to explain that she was the Empress of Connuriste, but Girardot didn't believe her and she instead took the pseudonym of "Charlie Dreyfus" and asked for obey to return home. Girardot and several other notables in the community of the island raised money for Charlotte and Hippolyta to go to Port-du-Renou.

Hippolyta and Charlotte however never arrived in Port-du-Renou and instead the ship that carried them, stopped unexpectedly in Jermerie. While the ship was en route, Girardot spoke over the phone with Alexandre Hamolten who was at the time serving as an Adviser to the President of Haroa. Hamolten agreed to Girardot's suggestion of meeting with Charlie Dreyfus, unaware that it was Charlotte whom he had meet in Haroa with just weeks before. Hamolten meet with Charlotte and Hippolyta at the Jermerie Port Docks and Charlotte revealed herself as the Empress. Hamolten and Charlotte were happily reunited and Hippolyta was introduced to Hamolten. Hamolten took the two to his hotel room and bought them new clothes. Hamolten intended to pay for a flight for Charlotte and Hippolyta back to home to Lausanne back in Europe.

These plans were dashed when Hamolten's husband, Jans Lorens shot General Knoness in a duel and severely injured him. Knoness survived, but only barely. Lorens and several of his friends, including the Count de Montayette fled to the hotel and the group agreed to flee the country since authorities were searching for Lorens. Hamolten and Lorens were able to buy a boat quickly and the group sailed south towards Panama to fly from there back to Europe. However this went array when a strong storm hit the boat and sent them further south to the northern shores of Gran Gregana.

Gran Gregana and War

Upon arriving in northern Gran Gregana, Charlotte found herself stranded in a war torn country in the midst of a revolution. Charlotte, Hippolyta along with Hamolten and Lorens were forced to travel through the wilderness of the northern Gran Gregana jungle until they arrived at the village of Castola.

On arrival, Charlotte and Lorens met Major Ludwjik Huggler, a wealthy landowner, with whom they all stayed for two weeks before going to the larger town of Lacervere. In Lacervere Charlotte came in contact with the passionate Gran Greganan rebels. Meeting with a man named José Petrgona, she attended her first meeting with the rebels. Charlotte was quite soon stricken by the ideas of the revolution, convinced by Petrgona and Hamolten, and stated that: "My heart is dedicated to this fight for freedom."

Charlotte joined the freedom fighters and began helping plan raids and attacks for the revolution. Under the alias of Charlotte Dreyfus, her natural name and maiden name. The Continental Gran Gregana Freedom Fighters had been overwhelmed by foreigner officers recruited by , many of whom could not speak Dutch or Spanish or lacked military experience. Charlotte was fluent in Dutch, taught by Lorens and Hamolten had learned some Spanish en route (she became fluent within a year of his arrival), and her clever understanding of politics opened many doors in Gran Gregana. After Charlotte and rest of her group offered to serve without pay, the revolutionary forces commissioned them, making Lorens a major general in June. Charlotte was made into a strategist as she was too great with child to fight. Charlotte 's advocates included the recently arrived Eduardo Vangressa, who by letter urged his fellow revolutionaries to accommodate the young woman.

Consul Eduardo Vangressa, leader of the fledgling congress that saw to govern Gran Gregana, came to Lacervereto brief the local rebels on military affairs. Charlotte met him at a dinner on 14 June; according to Hamolten, "the two, Thr Empress and the Consul, bonded almost immediately." Vangressa was impressed by the young woman's enthusiasm and was inclined to think well of a woman who had so gracefully gone through tragedy, for she told him the story of how she had reached Gran Gregana; Charlotte was simply in awe of the commanding charismatic Consul.

Vangressa took the Empress to view his military camp; when Vangressa expressed embarrassment and frustration at its state and that of the troops, Charlotte responded, "You fight for freedom with the irregularities of passion and pride, not the organization of tyranny." She became a member of Vangressa's staff, although confusion existed regarding her status. Charlotte regarded her own commission as honorary, while Vangressa considered her a full-fledged commander who would be given control of a division when he deemed her prepared. When Charlotte made it quite clear that she pregnant, it did become quite clear that she did not intend to fight herself, acting only as an advisor.

Vangressa took Charlotte and Hippolytus to the recently seized city of Elizabethstad where Charlotte acted as a nurse and strategist and Hippolyta became a spy. Unlike Charlotte, Hippolyta took her role as a member of the revolution very serious and with great vigor, fighting in numerous skirmishes and battles. The two were repeatedly honored and were rallied around. When Vangressa asked Charlotte, now called General Dreyfus, what it was he could give her, she revealed herself ton him to be the lost Empress of Connuriste and asked him to provide.

Vangressa was shocked and feared that if it escaped that their favorite foreign female general and strategist was not only a monarchist, a royal, but an actual Empress, his reputation would be ruined and Charlotte targeted for death. Vangressa agreed to try and get her out of the country, but twice they were thwarted as the airstrips across Gran Gregana were destroyed by air raids. Some time later, after several adventures, the two were trapped on a second island, this one being the Isle of Gorgona. Here Hippolyta unfortunately passed away as Charlotte went into labor and was forced to single handedly deliver her fourth pair of twins.