List of Wendall Keysmith Products

Revision as of 12:19, 4 January 2022 by Delamaria (talk | contribs)
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Wendall Keysmith develops and produces a variety of products in a variety of sectors, most notably airborne defence.


Fighter Jets

Image Name Type Year Operators
F-35A flight (cropped).jpg AF-15 Thunder Multi-role Fighter 2010 DelamariaDelamarian Air Force
DelamariaDelamarian Navy
F-22 Raptor edit1 (cropped).jpg AF-26 Air Superiority Fighter 2008 DelamariaDelamarian Air Force
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example

Bomber Aircraft

Image Name Type Year Operators
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example

Transport Planes

Image Name Type Year Operators
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example
[[File: |200px]] Example Example Example Example


Image Name Type Year Operators
CH-47 Chinook helicopter flyby.jpg CC-17 Wiscoa Military transport aircraft 1977 DelamariaDelamarian Air Force
DelamariaDelamarian Army
18 SQUADRON MOUNTAIN TRAINING MOD 45166839.jpg CC-20 Wiscoa Military transport aircraft 1989 DelamariaDelamarian Air Force
DelamariaDelamarian Army
UH-60 2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment (cropped).jpg FH-17 Green Falcon Multi-Mission Helicopter 2005 DelamariaDelamarian Army
SH-60B Seahawk2.jpg FH-22 Sea Falcon Multi-Mission Helicopter 2010 DelamariaDelamarian Navy
Sikorsky S 70A Firehawk (cropped).jpg FH-16 Falcon Transport and Utility Helicopter 2003 DelamariaDelamarian Air Force
Delamarian Coast Ensign.pngDelamarian Coast Guard