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The trenchway is a type of rail-based transportation system characterised by having elements of both mass transportation and commuter-regional rail. Usually systems have lines of longer lenghts than subways or metro systems, reaching suburbs away from the city center, while having stops in the city center as well. In the traditional sense, the systems incorporate trains of various lenghts and sizes, depending on demand, with the main characteristic being very short headways between them.

It is common in Riamo, where it has come to replace many rail-based urban commuter lines, incorporating elements of subways and heavy rail into one unified type of train [1] [2].

The name originates from the main visual characteristic of the first lines: the use of an excavated open trench which places the rails at a height lower than ground level [3].


Trenchway train passing through northern Guri.
  • Varying size of trains [4]
  • Less than 3 minute between arrivals at stations
  • Usually have universal fare system [5] by personal non-transferable magnetic card that autocalculates journey fees based on distance between initial and final stations.
  • Underground stations at 10-20 meters under surface level [6][7] with one or two access points.

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  1. [1] National Trenchway Association. Retrieved 8th of January 2022.
  2. [2] Talgo.ri/history. Retrieved January, 2022.
  3. [3] RiameseTrenchways.ri/faqs. Consulted on December 2021.
  4. [4] Railways of Guri - by J.J.Polke. Retrieved on 30 December 2021.
  5. [5] NasheTrenchways.ri/fares. Retrieved January, 2022.
  6. [6] NasheTrenchways.ri/us/FlowerSquareStation. Retrieved 8 January 2022.
  7. [7] RiameseTrenchways.ri/service. Retrieved January, 2022.