User:Benrey/Sandbox:The Frozen Forests/Outline

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This outline is meant to serve as a guidework for the project Frozen Forests.

Frozen Forests is a project by Benrey that takes place on the 5th year of the Frozen Forests, which in real life would reflect 975 China. The area that this takes place in is in the same time period as Noble Dog, and takes one of the characters that was used in Noble Dog as a character, Yuri. The story revolves around a young male Ottapod (巤) farmer named Jinglü (淨綠) during the Frozen Forests Era. During the Frozen Forests Era, the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom has been completely conquered by the Polar Bear Empire. The Ottapod King, a vassilating young noble named Hongli (弘曆) has surrendered the Kingdom to the rutherless Polar Bear Emperor, Xueli (學歷). The story picks off at the burning of the village of Beihe, where Jinglü's father, Jingbei, was killed in a standoff with the Noble Bear Army. Jinglü, his mother Pai (派) and a handful of other villagers were the only survivors, making their way to Hongcheng (紅城), the nearest city. During this time, Jinglü begins to discover his abilities, most notably his tapped potential of the Stone Fashi (石法師).

During Pai, Jinglü and the villager's attempt to escape the Polar Bear Empire, they are caught in the crossfire of two warlords that have risen against the Polar Bear Empire and the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom. The Song (嵩) and the Xiao (消), led by Songhai (嵩海) and Xiao Bei (消貝), have declared war and have since been fighting every faction in an effort to claim as much as they can. During the brief skirmish taking place between Song spearmen and Xiao swordsmen, Jinglü encounters Zhan Wei (詹為), another young villager escaping the Polar Bear Emperor. When Jinglü, Pai, Zhan Wei and the villagers finally make it to Hongcheng, they are greeted by the governor, a shifty Ottapod named Mei Hong (每宏). During their refuge in Hongcheng, Jinglü and Zhan Wei join the Mo (魔教) in an effort to better prepare themselves. The Mo, a relatively small martial arts clan is led by a sharp but lazy Qin Guo (秦過), a crane from the Enlightened Crane Theocracy.

During the Polar Bear Empire's conquest of the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom,


Full Character Article


  • Hezhen (河鎮) - A village that Jinglu and Zhan Wei lived in during the Frozen Forests Era. Under orders of Xueli, with the pretense that several Ottapod Stone Shu and Metal Shu masters lived there, Hezhen was burned and the men and women massacred.
  • Tianjing (天京) - The center of the government of the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom and the seat of Hongli's throne. The city has since been occupied by the Polar Bear Empire. Now under the control of the puppet king He Cheng.
  • Song (嵩國) - The Song occupy a great amount of territory through allied and subservient warlords in the east of what was the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom.
  • Xiao (消國) - The Xiao occupy several important cities in the west through direct control in what was originally the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom.
  • Hongcheng (紅城) - One of the few pockets of resistance that are still somewhat loyal to the Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom and their ruler, Hongli.

Story Elements

  • Shu ()
    • Stone Shu (石術) - Stone Magic, the magic of the Mice. Considered to be the most beneficial magic on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Metal Shu (金術) - Metal Magic, the magic of the Cranes. Considered to be beneficial magic on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Ice Shu (冰術) - Ice Magic, the magic of the Polar Bears. Considered to be slightly beneficial magic on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Wooden Shu (木術) - Wood Magic, the magic of the Tigers. Considered to be neutral magic on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Electical Shu (電術) - Electic Magic, the magic of the Macaque. Considered to be slightly evil magic on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Air Shu (氣術) - Air Magic, the moribund magic of the Goats. Considered to be evil magic on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Blood Shu (血術) - Blood Magic, the moribund magic of the Oxen. Considered to be the evilest of the magics on the Zodiac Scale.
    • Identity Shu (身份術) - Identity Magic, a moribund magic. Considered to be evil magic.
    • Star Shu (星術) - Star Magic, the extinct magic of the Dragons & Zodiac Empire. Considered to be neutral magic.


  • Historical - The Celestial Campaign (天體戰)
  • Historical - The Era of the Dragons (龍時代)
  • Historical - The War of the Seven Kings (七王之戰)
  • Historical - The Star Revolution (明星革命)
  • Historical - The Imperial Supernova (超新星)
  • Historical - The Celestial Genocide (龍種族滅絕)
  • Historical - The Era of Peace (和平時代)
  • Historical - The Death of Shu Queen Cixi & Rise of the Shu King Tongzhi
  • Historical - The assassination of Polar Emperor Zaichun by the New Dawn
  • Historical - The coronation and proclamation of the Polar Emperor Xuoli & the Rise of a New Dawn.
  • Present - The beginning of the Frozen Forests Era from the start of the Imperial Polar Bear War.
  • Present - The surrender of Tianjing and the Shu King Tongzhi
  • Present - The burning of the Yongzheng Province including the village of Beihe by Xuoli's commander Kong Jin (孔進)
  • Present - The declaration of independence by the Song in Tuocheng, led by Song Li
  • Present - The declaration of independence by the Xiao in Nancheng, led by Xiao Nu
  • Present - The Siege of Tongbai by the Imperial Polar Bear Army led by Suiguo (遂高) has commenced against Song general Mao Wei (瑁偉)
  • Present - Under orders of the Emperor Xuoli, the Genocide of the any Shu that is a Dashi (大师) of Shishu (石術) begins, led by General Han Zhijun (韩芝俊)
  • Present - A discussion for a potential peace talk is taking place between Emperor Xuoli and Brahmin Vyasatirtha (व्यासतीर्थ)
  • Future - The destruction of an enclave of Yellow River Philosophers by traitorus Mei Hong (每宏) and commander He Cheng (賀承)


  • The Polar Bear Empire (白熊帝國)
    • The New Dawn - A group of polar-supremacist imperialist philosophers that existed in the Polar Bear undergrounds for years, until they staged the coup and execution of the Polar Emperor Zaichun to instead place their own leader, Xueli.
    • The Polar Bear Empire relies on shock troopers that often are physically larger than any other nations troopers. Lacking good cavalry, they instead opt to counter cavalry with an Ottapod contraption, the Chu Ko Nu. Their equipment consists of primarily longer-reaching and heavier gear, most notably the monk's spade and the Miandao. Their helmets often
  • The Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom (吉祥巤王國)
    • The Auspicious Ottapod Kingdom relies on small arms and heavy armor, alongside their use of cavalry. Ottapods have four arms and are often physically smaller than others. As a result, they often use all four arms when in combat and typically use smaller weapons or non-bladed weapons such as the Butterfly Sword and the Gun. They are also utilizers of the Podao at times. Their hats are rounded and conical, utilizing the symbols of a cash coin as their symbol.

  • Polar Bear Empire/White Bear Empire (白熊帝國) - Based on Mongolian-Manchu-Northern Chinese.
    • The New Dawn - A group of colonialist Polar Bear philosophers that stage a coup of the Polar Emperor Zaichun in favor of the leader of the New Dawn, Xuoli.
  • Auspicious Mouse Kingdom (吉祥鼠王國) - Based on Han/Central Chinese.
    • The Auspicious Government - The central government that has been subjugated by the White Bear Empire, led by the ineffective Shu King Tongzhi.
    • The Song - A militant group of warrior monks that base themselves in the city of Tuocheng.
    • The Xiao - A citizens uprising against the Auspicious Government, the White Bear Empire and the Song for a new Mandate of Heaven based in Nancheng.
  • Tiger Dynasty (老虎王朝 Lóuhfú Wòhngjīu) - Based on Southern Chinese.
  • Oxen Cities (牛多城/बैलों के शहर [Bailon Ke Shahar]) - Based on Sogdian-Tibet
    • Aden - A group of refugees and foreign mercenaries that are based in near a northern Oxen town, named the Third Aden. As in Noble Dog,
  • Highlander Goat Kingdom (山羊公國/王國羝[Vương Quốc Dê]) - Based on Vietnam
  • Enlightened Crane Theocracy (鹤鸟神权/크레인 신정 [keulein sinjeong]) - Based on Late-Joseon Era Korea
  • Eastern Macaque Republic (東織田國/猿幕府 [Saru Bakufu]) - Based on Azuchi–Momoyama period Japan
  • Zodiac Empire/Celestial Empire (天朝帝國) - Pre-Sengoku Japan