History of Earth Humans

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The history of Earth Humans began with the 2000 United States presidential election. Many citizens were upset with the Electoral College's decision to elect George W. Bush instead of Al Gore, who won the popular vote by 543,895 votes. This upset a lot of Americans, primarily on the East side of the country, who within a 24-hour period of Bush being announced as the next President of the United States of America, gathered to form a new government and country. The group called themselves Patriots of Democracy, the leader of the group was John Saunders, whose son, Michael Saunders, is currently the Acting President of Earth Humans. The group sent a letter to the White House and asked President Bill Clinton to declare a national emergency. Clinton, however, wrote back dismissing their request to declare an emergency, stating, "While I appreciate this group standing up for what they believe to be the ideals of true Democracy, I cannot declare a national emergency since the Electoral College has been the foundation of electing our great presidents since the country's inception. I do ask however you disband your group and rejoin our great country so that we can all work together to not only make this country better but show the world that even though you may have differences of opinion, we all can still come together in the end."

After President Clinton sent his letter dismissing their request and asking for the dismantlement of the group, Saunders retaliated by going on national news to declare that all of the Eastern States would be revolting against their country and would succeed from the Union in order to create and establish a new Nation. After two weeks of fighting in the country's capital, Washington D.C., the Patriots of Democracy took ahold of the White House, forcing President Clinton to relocate the country's capital to Los Angeles, California. On January 20, 2001, Bush was sworn in as President of the USA. His first official act as president was declaring war against what he called "traitorous Americans."

George W. Bush went on the national news about five hours after he was sworn in and stated, "The decision to declare war against people who are still Americans was not an easy one, but it had to be done in order to restore the sanity back to this country. We will never give up on trying to make peace but the decision to keep the war going is totally up to these so-called Patriots of Democracy." For the rest of Bush's presidency, there was hostility between the USA and a newly formed Nation. During his last year as president, however, Bush stated, "My biggest regret is not being more open to discussions with the nation and advised whoever was going to be the next president to open negotiations to achieve peace and end the war.

When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 he stated, "I will do my best to end the tensions that have arisen and I am confident we can reach some sort of agreement that would benefit everyone involved." News of Obama being elected prompted the top leader of the new Nation, The Earth Humans, to deeply consider ending the war and rejoin the United States. However, when John Saunders and Barack Obama met in 2009, they jointly announced that the war would continue due to not being able to reach an agreement. Obama later stated that the only way Saunders would concede the war was to abolish the Electoral College and allow the American voter to directly elect their president. During Obama's re-election campaign, John Saunders was killed by a rogue FBI agent, who stated he was hired directly to assassinate Saunder but would not state who hired him. After Saunders' death, many people of the Earth Humans felt like they lost the war, John's son, Michael, announced he would lead the revolution, as he believed that is what his father would have wanted. During Obama's last term in office, Michael met with him numerous times to discuss ways to end the war, all attempts failed.

During the 2016 United States presidential election, the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton (whose husband was president at the start of the revolution) stated that she would seriously consider allowing the Earth Humans to become their own country. Saunders supported Clinton's statement saying, "This might be the only chance we could ever get to become our own independent Nation." After Clinton made this statements her opponent, Donald Trump tweeted, "Crooked Hil is wrong, these people are traitors to our country and allowing them to be their own nation would make everything worse." He later retracted his previous tweet by stating, "If they want to leave, fine let them, we never needed them in the first place."

During the 2016 election, the Electoral College again voted for the candidate who lost the popular vote. After Trump was sworn in he stated that he would wait to broker a deal between the two nations but stated in his inauguration speech that he "would make the greatest offer the Earth Humans couldn't refuse." After the 2018 midterm elections, the Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, due to this loss, on November 8, 2018, Trump met with Saunders and the top officials of the Earth Humans to sign a one-hundred-year peace treaty between the two Nations.

On November 8, 2018, Michael Saunders announced the new name of the country, the 'Federation of the Earth Humans.' For the next two months, a temporary government was instated, comprised solely of the war veterans. The war veterans wrote the Constitution, which was implemented on January 6, 2019. With the implementation of the Constitution, the country was renamed to the 'United States of Earth Humans,' to pay homage to the country it previously succeeded from. On January 17, 2019, a special election was held to determine the Acting Government of the Earth Humans. Michael Saunders ran unopposed for President.

On January 21, 2019, the new Acting Congress, Acting President, and Vice President were all sworn into office. Congress will hold their offices until January 3, 2020, when the 1st Congress will be sworn in and the President and V.P. will hold their offices until January 21, 2020, when the first President and V.P. of the Earth Humans will enter the office. The first general election will occur on the first Thursday of November 2019 and will determine the first official Representatives, Senators, Governors, Vice President, and President.