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Tayamo (also known as Tayamese) ([ˈtʰajəmoʊ̯], Tayamo: T'ayasy itama Т'аясы итама [ˈt’ajas̻ɨ ˈitama], Itama t'ayamono Итама т'аямоно [ˈitama ˈt’ajamono]) is a pre-Thuado-Thrismaran language spoken in southern Thuadia. It is a recognized regional langauge in Hondonia and Kentalis as well as the Sekidean Union. The language is spoken by approximately [PLACEHOLDER] people. It has 3 main dialect groups: Mainland, Eastern, and Western (also known as the Hrastmozh dialect).

Classification and status

With a lot of foreign influence during the last few centuries the language has taken in a lot of Thuado-Thrismaran and even some Aschari influence, due to which the modern grammar is very poluted compared to it's original form, of which there are very little texts, due to active periods of supressions from more powerfull nations, which makes the language hard to classify, some believe it to be a relative of the now extinct Hewehetan language in Hondonia. The status of the langauge is classiffied as Vigorous, the language is spoken by majority of the ethnic Tayamese population.


Tayamo is written in the latin script in Hondonia and in the cyrillic script in Kentalis. The modern Tayamo latin alphabet was developed in 1978 during a language de-roumanization reform in 1970s, the old latin alphabet is still common to see in old signs, while the cyrillic alphabet was based on various alphabets from diferent langauge who use cyrillic.

Modern Tayamese Latin alphabet:

A a B b C c C' c' D d E e F f G g
Gh gh H h I i J j K k K' k' L l M m
N n O o P p P' p' Q q R r S s T t
T' t' U u V v W w X x Y y Z z Zh zh

Tayamese cyrillic alphabet:

А а Б б В в Г г Г' г' Д д Е е Ж ж
З з И и Й й К к К' к' Л л М м Н н
О о П п П' п' Р р С с Т т Т' т' У у
Ў ў Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ц' ц' Ч ч Ш ш
Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Ю ю Я я

Example of the old (pre '78) and new (post '78) latin alphabets and the Cyrillic alphabet:

Old latin Susî hodosî râmațî tacanec̓asî derî coroțî ga motoțî hânemada ga dârepuțîda.
New latin Susy hodosy rymacy takanek'asy dery korocy ga motocy hynemada ga dyrepucyda.
Cyrillic Сусы ходосы рымацы таканек'асы деры короцы га мотоцы хынемада га дырепуцыда.
English All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Latin upper case A B C C' D E F G Gh H I J K K' L M N O P P' Q R S T T' U V W X Y Z Zh
Latin lower case a b c c' d e f g gh h i j k k' l m n o p p' q r s t t' u v w x y z zh
Cyrillic upper case А Б Ц Ц' Д Е Ф Г Г' Х И Ж К К' Л М Н О П П' К Р С Т Т' У В Ў Кс Ы Ж З
Cyrillic lower case а б ц ц' д е ф г г' х и ж к к' л м н о п п' к р с т т' у в ў кс ы ж з
IPA sound a b t͡s̻ t͡s̻ʼ d ɛ f* ɡ ʁ̟ x i k l* m n o p k ɾ t u ʋ~w ks ɨ d͡z̻

In the latin alphabet, the letters ⟨y⟩ /j/ and ⟨w⟩ ~w/ are used only when the sounds are the onsets of a syllable, while i and u are used for when the sounds are in the coda position or when some affixes are used (т'аў / t'au - т'аўу / t'auu; ўара / wara - ўарай / warai). The letter ⟨в⟩ is sometimes used as a substitude for ⟨ў⟩.



Tayamo has six vowels. It's common for speakers to reduce the vowels which arent in the stressed syllable.

Front Central back
Close i ɨ u
Mid ɛ o
Open a


Tayamo distinguished between voiced, voiceless and ejective consonants.

Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
voiced b d d͡z̻ ɡ
voiceless p t t͡s̻ k
ejective t͡s̻ʼ
Fricative voiced ʁ̟
voiceless x
Nasal m n
Approximant ʋ~w j
Rhotic ɾ


Language examples

Lord's prayer:

English Tayamo (old latin) Tayamo (new latin) Tayamo (cyrillic)
Our Father in heaven, Ba coțîno uahațîdata, Ba kocyno wahacyda'ta, Ба коцыно ўахацыда'та,
hallowed be your name. ne de danasî catamata udano. ne de danasy katama'ta udano. не де данасы катама'та удано.
Your kingdom come. Ne to odorata udano. Ne to odora'ta udano. Не то одора'та удано.
Your will be done, Tarata udațî iuchesîiade Tara'ta udacy yukesyyade, Тара'та удацы юкесыяде,
on earth as it is in heaven. aetadata mato uahațîdatade. aet'ada'ta mato wahacyda'tade. ает'ада'та мато ўахацыда'таде.
Give us today our daily bread Hansîta honsî p̓ita coțîno dahonda Hansy'ta honsy p'ita kocyno dahonda Хонсы'та хонсы п'ита коцыно дахонда
and forgive us our debts, ga iunai dag̓a coțîno, ga yunai dagha kocyno, га юнай даг'а коцыно,
as we forgive our debtors. mato conâțî iuanonahî dag̓azîțu coțîno. mato konycy yuananohy daghazycu kocyno. мато коныцы юнанохы даг'ажыцу коцыно.
And do not bring us into temptation, Ga retaucâți sâkusâmada, Ga retaukyci sykusymada, Га ретаўкыци сыкусымада,
but rescue us from the evil one. a c̓auaicâț cara tatarîsîta. a k'awaikyci kara tatarysy'ta. а к'аўайкыци кара татарысы'та.
Amen. Amin. Amin. Амин.

Numerals from 1-10:

English Tayamo
old latin new latin cyrillic
1 One Tițî Ticy Тицы
2 Two Mițî Micy Мицы
3 Three Rețî Recy Рецы
4 Four Iuțî Yucy Юцы
5 Five Cațî Kacy Кацы
6 Six Ticadațî Tikadacy Тикадацы
7 Seven Micadațî Mikadacy микадацы
8 Eight Recadațî Rekadacy Рекадацы
9 Nine Iucadațî Yukadacy Юкадацы
10 Ten (Ne)nețî (Ne)necy (Не)нецы