Rail transport in Chenes

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Rail transport in Chenes is an important part of infrastructure and of the economic system of Chenes. There is a total of XXXXkm of railroad and is one of the oldest domestic networks in Norumbria. The majority of railroads are connected to the East Norumbrian Railroad, a railroad that spans Chenes, Moxaney and Gristol-Serkonos. As of 2020, the Chenique National High-Speed Railroad has over XXXXkm of railroads.

All railroad charters in Chenes have been owned by the National Society of Railroads, a merger of several companies that was created by Louis Quevillon, Jeanne Romee, Ysabeau Alencon, and Charles Valois. The National Society of Railroads runs as a semi-private corporation, but is under the overarching control of the Ministry of Commerce.