
< Template:Circa
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This template generates an abbreviation for circa: c. By default the abbreviation is marked with an HTML <abbr> tag, which in most browsers renders as a tooltip when hovered.


Syntax What it looks like Notes
{{circa|1325}} c. 1325 Default style: no line break allowed; thin space
{{circa|1325|lk=yes}} c. 1325 Replace abbreviation tooltip with a link to Wiktionary instead
{{circa|1325|lk=no}} c. 1325 No abbreviation tooltip at all
{{circa|1000|1050}} c. 1000 – c. 1050 For a range with both dates uncertain. No tooltip on the second instance of "c."
{{circa|1000–1050}} c. 1000–1050 Another option for a range; but, per MOS:CIRCA, prefer {{circa|1000|1050}}


Using the date itself as parameter (for example, "{{circa|1956}}", giving "c. 1956"), web browsers do not insert a line break anywhere in the string. By contrast, "{{circa}} 1956" allows a line break between the "c." and the number. Also, with the date as a parameter a thinner space is used with many browsers:

  • "c. 1956" is generated by "{{circa|1956}}".
  • "c. 1956" is generated by "{{circa}} 1956".

If the parameter |lk= (for "link") is set as "|lk=no" or "|lk=off", the abbreviation is rendered as "c.", without a wikilink or abbreviation element. If it is absent, or set to "|lk=abbr", the abbreviation is rendered with the HTML <abbr> element. If it is set to "|lk=yes" or "|lk=on", it is rendered as "c.", with a wikilink to the wikt:circa article in Wiktionary and not an abbreviation element. lk=no can be used to avoid overlinking when this template is used repeatedly in the body of an article. For example:

  • [[Dionysius Exiguus]] was born {{circa|470}}, lived in Rome from {{circa|lk=no|500}}, and died {{circa|lk=no|544}}.
    Dionysius Exiguus was born c. 470, lived in Rome from c. 500, and died c. 544.

If the parameter "sortable=yes" is specified, the template generates invisible text that will cause the output to work in sortable tables, at the cost of causing problems for visually-impaired readers. Compare "Col 1" and "Col 2" in the following table:

Title Col 1 Col 2
Foo 1066 1066
Bar c. 1510 1510 c. 1510
Baz 1956 1956
Jaz c. 410 0410 c. 410

"Col 1" uses {{Circa}} 1510, and does not sort correctly. "Col 2" uses {{Circa|1510|sortable=yes}}, and does sort correctly. This works because {{Circa|1510|sortable=yes}} inserts an invisible span element at the start of the cell: <span style="display:none;">1510</span>. Although it is not rendered, it is still seen by the sorting code and makes sorting work.

The downside of this approach is that the invisible text is still rendered by screen readers that are used by visually impaired readers, and by text browsers such as Lynx, so the table will become garbled for readers who are using assistive technology or text browsers.

Tracking categories

See also


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for Circa

No description.

Template parameters


no description


no description


If 'yes' or 'on', links to 'circa' article. If 'no' or 'off', does not title 'circa'.

end year2

no description
