Tourism in Crystal Spires

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Tourism in Crystal Spires
Flag of spires.jpg
Quick Facts
Capital Caltris
Government Republic
Currency Signet (CSS§), NS Dollar (NSD$)
Area total: 3,225,711 km2
water: 725,711 km2
land: 108,430 km2
Population 250,000,000 (July 2013 est.)
Language D'rɑgolɛth 60%, Common 40%
Religion Forntianism, Harmonism, indigenous animistic beliefs, Mystrian Pandeism and Atheists.
Electricity 115-230V/60Hz (USA plug)
Country code +555
Internet TLD .cs
Time zone UTC-6

D'hɑlbrisir is a country in the Central Heartland region of Mystria. It has borders to Neutraligon in the north, Kashion in the northeast, Cantalvia to the east, Carceno to the East, Altea in the southeast, and Yesopalitha in the south. It has a coastline to the south and has a border with High Treefolk to the the west.


D'hɑlbrisir has a rich and distinctive culture from the long mix of elements from Mystria and the native Northern and Southern cultures are also incredibly different from one another. This diverse history and the natural beauty of the land have created a destination rich in interesting and scenic sites.


Main article: History of Crystal Spires


The history of ancient D'hɑlbrisir begins with the emergence of urban societies, discovered in the old Capitals of Merlon, Mephiste, and Caltris. The founding of D'hɑlbrisir is believed to have began with the tribal councils establishing of the Churches and Temples to Fornt, the God of Justice in Altea. Having declared their independence from Altea to the East on 23rd in August with the true year remaining unknown, but estimated to have been in 23,000 in the age of the Golden Leaf (GLA). The proof of their founding was written documents that showed decisions made by tribal religious groups. These first known Beastling metropolises are said to have been founded in the area between the current Capital of Caltris, Mephiste, and the City of Lothar where they were organised around the Church and the High Priest was considered the leader of the village. Then there was an indirect schism of the Temple, the Holy Order, and The Church which led to the founding of the Council. The temple had the High Council and High Court and members were considered the legislators and also judges. They took care of secular and administrative duties. The Holy Order became the Uncorruptibles; mages, warriors, and priests who act as law enforcement officers and take care of the foreign and domestic security. The Church became the main religious center and became the center for education, taxation, social policy, welfare and healthcare.

Early Theocratic Rule

Eight hundred and twenty one years before Kessian's First Call to the Faithful, the Great Holy Wars raged between followers of all the Mystrian Pantheon. The Forntians were unified until they were divided by a vision said to be given to the Forntian cleric Asmund, who claimed to be an Aspect of the Silver Flame. The Order of Idealists did not believe in the vision by Asmund and the High Judgemaster Dreiland Haalm declared Asmund to be self-deluded and cursed. Asmund and his group of followers were declared to have been tricked by Zaiden, an illusion, or a cursed by an abyssal lord, and thus the Judgemaster declared them nonbelievers until they volunteered Asmund to the order to be cleansed of his corruption, and the Order refused. The two Orders declared each other heretics and this created irreconcilable differences between the two orders solidifying a schism within the Order. The Idealists remained in the High Council, and the heretical sect became the Order of the Silver Flame.

The Northern Riders and the Secular Imperial Rule

Unified by the Forntian faith of the Idealists, the High Council decided that the temples needed more secular protections from incursions by the Human invaders, and so the Idealists elected a great High King from the Lord of the Phoenixes who was said to be one of the wisest of all beings blessed by the Gods. The Seat of the King was said to be in the City of Ancient Merlon, where the Phoenix king created the hierarchy of beings, the Kuukarah, which was a rigid caste system which proposed that all beings were subject to the absolute will of the King, with beings of of air and flight ruling over the beings of land, and those of land ruled over the creatures of the sea. Many of the tribes had hence adopted heavily rigid Aristocratic Caste systems in turn except for the the northern riders, which were nomadic Beastling tribes hailing from the area around Mephiste. They held that egalitarianism was absolutely key to the happiness of the people, and were thus declared enemies of the religious order of the Order of the Idealists and Enemies of the King.

The Invasion of Altea and the Order of the Flame

The High King Ralfir, after the collapse of the rule of King Jaragen III across in the Altean state,demanded that the Order of Idealists expand the borders to the east.The King with the authoritative control over the Council forced their way into the Altean heartlands, and at first encountered minimal resistance by the humans, but then over time it began wearing the Beastling forces down. This caused a drop in morale and a drop of support for the King. The once reviled and banished Northern Riders were then welcomed into the northern cities in defiance of the religious and Royal Decree and there was a rise in support for the Northern Riders. The tribal leader of the northern riders appealed to the High Council citing the of deep dissatisfaction among the poor, the debt of the nation due to the war, and the loss of the power in the east. The brothers in the First Order of Idealists tired of the rule by the High King declared all the leaders of the aristocracy corrupt and overthrew them and executed High King Ralfir. Then in Gavenridge a decisive loss had determined that the Beastlings would not be able to hold off an organized strike, and Hinnid gave a call to the faithful to curb the advance and also reunify the Altean state. This broke off into disillusionment with the war and the Order was desperate to withdraw for fear of their home territories coming under threat from eastern rivals, and tribal factionalism was at its height so they negotiated a peace with the humans utilizing the Allied Faiths of Serion. The treaty had worked until the attack on Mephiste by the Order of the Flame. This created an anger towards the Serion Knights that did not become settled until the Times of Darkness.

The Fell Crusade and the Rise of Republicanism

The Fell Crusade

Just before the beginning of the Fell Crusade, due to a distaste with rule by kings and aristocrats the Beastling States experimented with Parliamentary Democracy declaring their independence from the whole region of Mystria writing, signing, and Establishing of the Charter of the Spirean Declaration of Rights and establishing the use of Libertarian Capitalism for their newly established republic. They elected another King by holy mandate, a Forntian Knight by the name of Ser Trathdir Halmen and he became the new High King. With the new expansion of the rights of beings, the Order of Idealists began a few years of uninterrupted prosperity before there were suddenly attacks by unbidden forces throughout the lands. These attacks were organized and concentrated on the areas to the west, and then pushed their advance through the Beastling States. Mephiste and Lothar had both been sacked twice but the city of Caltris did not fall. This lead to the moving of the High Council from Lothar to Caltris where they pondered what to do with the unbidden horde, and how to prevent complete and total annihilation. This meeting was called the Last Call, as it was believed that the unbidden would fully destroy the Order of Idealists, but during the meeting, word of the success of the Shining Army to the East spread. The High Council was presented with a dangerous choice, either they could allow the Shining Army to lend them aid to recover their lands from the unbidden, or they could face complete and total annihilation. They decided to allow the Shining Army to pass and consolidated troops with them and the Order of Idealists helped forcibly regain control of their lands. To ensure that no unbidden threat would return, the Beastling States issued rewards for destruction of unbidden and their camps which now that they were disorganized, Unbidden became nomadic folk.

The First War of Attrition and the Communist Revolution

The First War of Attrition began after the recovery from the Times of Darkness while the Beastling States were reeling from the unbidden horde. The Human Kingdom under the reign of the Archon Messandre who saw this as an opportunity to take the unprotected lands to the east. Sometime during that time, he contracted the taint and became corrupted. It was then that the Archon ordered the purges. The Army of Human Power would enter a protectorate and murder every nonhuman within and declare it to be property of Altea and the Human Kingdom. During this time there was a plutocracy and the people became more and more dissatisfied and so the Order of Idealists were called to dismantle the aristocracy and the Monarchy once and for all. This was done on the Greater Ceremony of Purification symbolically, and within the next year a new system was created which mimicked the religious structure of the High Council itself, and it was called Council Communism. This caused a renewal of the economy and an expansion of technological advances. High Chancellor Selanie was declared the First High Chancellor of the High Council. She was also of the lowest Caste, the Seabound.

High Chancellor Selanie

The end of the Wars of Attrition was held when a Coup happened in Altea forcing the Tyrant Archon Messandre to head away from the Capital as he sought refuge in the forests by Mordovia. Maven, fully recovered from his injuries discovered that there was to be a trap in Restonshire Keep and an attempt upon the life of the High Chancellor. So he flew to Mordovia to meet Eylis there in time to warn him of the trap and he and Eylis both headed to the location of the Archon finding him far gone from the corruption. They fought the Archon together but Eylis was knocked out by a powerful attack from the Archon leaving Maven to face him by himself. In single combat Maven fought the Archon and with the power of his magic and his monstrous strength, Maven fought for his life against Archon Messandre and almost died as the Archon poisoned his sword with Lyre's edge, attempting to finish Maven once and for all when Maven grappled the sword from the Archon's hand and the Archon drew his own blood. The Lyre's edge poison meant a death sentence. Rather than have him suffer a horrific death due to Lyre's Edge Poison, Maven dealt a death blow to his opponent and the wars of Attrition were finally over. During the times of rebuilding High Chancellor Marja Ventuk helped mend the relations with the humans and also with the changelings. The Peace had truly begun, and Maven Auryn, the new Hero of the Revolution was given the title of Knight Templar to the Temple of Fornt, to which he refused. The years that followed he and Eylis, both judges and now masters of peace were both nominated as High Chancellor as Marja Ventuk decided to step down. Maven was overwhelmingly voted the position of High Chancellor due to his reputation of being a maverick, compassionate lawmaker, and a fair law enforcer, and he rules to this day. Falton Eylis, displeased with Maven's softer stance on Humans declared the Den of Kits, the Foxkin protectorate independent which led to a severance of ties to Caltris.

Anti Spireanism and the Modern Spires

In the days before joining the Coalition of Ponyist States, the Spires was ever a stalwart supporter of Pony rights, always appealing to the Elements of Harmony to attempt to quell international conflict between ponykind and appealing to their practice in the world theater. The Spirean people opened their hands to those who shared in their vision of freedom, equality, harmony, and justice and found it repaid with distrust and open cruelty. Some of this cruelty was met by fear and hatred, something the Pony Race had experienced throughout the times of what the Spireans called the "Heaven's Tear", which was when ponies, a peace-loving and gentle race, were deliberately targeted for eradication due to their race and religion. The Spirean people, sympathetic to their cause, rallied behind the 'Harmonious Call' which was a bannerless group, whose duty it was to respond quick with deliberate action against genocide, with lifesaving as their priority. Forming many organizations against genocide Spireans were a bastion of sapient rights, and carried themselves forward and alone to defend ponies everywhere. The Heaven's Tear abated and the dusts of conflict began to settle, the genocides ended and the Spireans with their great pride tried to fade into anonymity but things did not continue to be so. The Spirean's reputation did not disappear, but so too did there come a shadow which faced the Spires.

Then came the Opposition to Hippostania. In many ways Hippostania stood for everything that the Spireans opposed: It was baldfaced corruption supported by institutional greed. It did not take long for the Spires to bare their fangs to the Hippostanians, but they were defended by a built-in status quo made during the Heaven's Tear to support the Pony Race during the horrible times of blood and terror: The Coalition of Ponyist States. At first the Spireans regarded such an organization with disgust, it was a Bastion of Pony supremacy which instilled only the defense of the Pony Race and Religion as opposed to promotion of harmony and sapient rights in general. The Spires attempted to avoid it, and when confronted by the Status quo Hammer, the Spires hammered back with their progressive vision of a unified understanding of harmony and brotherhood. It was a stalemate with each step until the matter boiled over to what was almost open conflict between the Spireans and the Hippostanians. It became a Cold War that continued on and on as the Hippostanians became more paranoid and began to alienate those around them.

Within a few years there were sprouting alliances as the Spireans took their open hand of comradeship to attempt to unite and raise the smaller nations in the Coalition into a dignified position globally as part of their vision to bring forth a brighter future, but once again Hippostania stood before them on the edge of life and death and the Spireans were given an open hand by the Greater Pony Herd. It was a choice to make a difference inside the Coalition rather than outside as an observer. It was a chance to shake the Coalition with Spirean presence rather than rattle from the outside of a gilded cage. The Spirean High Chancellor shook the hand of Twilight Sparkle, sealing the deal of friendship between the two and with a signature the seeds of conflict were sown, and the Coalition began their division as they divided and pushed away from Hippostania little by little. During the Shrill Crisis however, things had proven to be far more complex than first imagined. While the Hippostanians were being repulsed by the coalition, so too were the Spireans as the strange alienation began.


The climate in the Fornt's Crown Mountains and Zanjing Loess Plateau is generally mild. It can get cool at night even in the summers, especially at the higher altitudes.

The Majstaad, The Faerin Valdur Wood, and the Lowlands are tropically hot and steamy.

It is difficult to travel in the more remote areas during the rainy season between mid-April and mid-August.

The months of May and April are very hot especially in the low lying areas such as Fallhelm.


Map of Crystal Spires
Faerin Valdur Woods
Hot steamy rainforests and beautiful beaches, West of High Treefolk, Southwest of the Lowlands and west of the Majstaad region.
The Majstaad
Warm Hill lands and beaches which lead to Plains, which lies to the East of the Faerin Valdur Woods, to the southeast of the Lowlands, and to the south of the Luminas river valley. It borders Altea and a beach on the Talabrath Sea.
The Lowlands
Hot and steamy wetlands, south of Caldurim, southwest of the Luminas river valley, North of the Faerin Valdur and Northwest of the Majstaad It has beaches on Azohuorah and the High Treefolk.
The Luminas River Valley
Hot, flatter region in the central region north of the Majstaad, south of the Fornt's Crown Mountains, east of Caldurim and west of Cantalvia and Carceno.
The Silent Woods of Caldurim
The jungled region to the West of the Luminas River Valley and North of the Lowlands, south of the sandsea, and the Fornt's crown mountains, East of High Treefolk.
The Sandsea
Arid ergs and Loess plateaus building up from Caldurim to the Western Highlands
The Submerged Lands
The Undersea region consisting of plains, plateaus and volcanic ridges.

Cities and Towns

  • Caltris — Capital and largest city with many amenities
  • Merlon — Cultural center of the lowlands, a World Heritage site, and one of the most popular among tourists
  • Irianul — Catralian seaport with large tourism base with tropical beaches and access to Yesopalitha.
  • Vierenspire — Border town which is the main crossing point to Carceno
  • Majkalur — Gateway to Lake Azohuorah, a beautiful and busy tourist area
  • Rulkdjetaasha — Talabrathian seaport with speedboats to and from Yesopalitha.
  • Mephiste — Second largest city, in the Eastern highlands.
  • Fordur — Desert Oasis in the Sandsea.
  • Vehir — Second largest Mountain city, in the Western highlands.

Other destinations

  • Lake Azohuorah — Beautiful lake region in the hillands surrounded by many picturesque villages and volcanoes, which is becoming more and more touristic
  • The Talabrath Beaches — The beach closest to Rulkdjetaasha, Peach and Pink sand.
  • The Great Arthiam Lagoon — Known as "a ‘one of a kind’ ecological and cultural heritage site", and home of one of the largest underwater cities the Catralia Sea, the area surrounding this city has many sites to see and things to do.
  • The Caltralia Sea — The Beach from Zepilani to as far as Irianul and Glorelheim.
  • The Great Mystaran Reef —The largest underwater city in the Catralia Sea, the area surrounding this city has many sites to see and things to do.

Ancient Ruins

  • The Great Temple of Astos
  • The Gold Tower of Estias
  • The Citadel of the Sea Emperor
  • Wamoor Stronghold
  • The Catacombs of Andalur
  • Wente Tower
  • The Arcane Temple of Enwe
  • Ahfrith Tower
  • The Den of 32 Faces
  • Ferray Castle
  • Wyaru Keep
  • The Forsaken Vaults of Sorrows
  • Deney Tower
  • Boystead Castle
  • Nainarv's Delve
  • Nebrook Castle
  • The Labyrinth of Tesarus
  • The Chambers of Ages
  • The Temple of Tarnoth the Destroyer
  • The Dread Sepulcher of Zeygon
  • The Tunnels of Tanadur
  • The Anstenburrow Thaig
  • The Arrengoth Thaig
  • The Temple of Dawn and Dusk
  • The Marine Mazes of Amsuh
  • The Paradise of the Cerulean Sky
  • The Heavenly Temple of Fornt
  • The Haven of the Cerulean Sky
  • The Oasis of Eternal Light on the Yosho River

Get in

Valid passports are required of everyone except citizens of Allied States.

People producing valid passports or Identification from the following countries do not need a visa to visit D'hɑlbrisir: Cantalvia,Muffinvania, Riemaia, The Greater Pony Herd, The Ctan, and Menelmacar.

By plane

D'hɑlbrisir's main airport, Caltris International Airport (CIA), is in Caltris. International flights arrive mostly from other Mystrian countries and Poneria. The airport recently underwent modernizing reconstruction. It is now a glass-and-concrete edifice with modern shops and duty-frees that you might expect in any large city. Food options are however wide selectioned.

D'hɑlbrisir's Secondary airport, Andruil International Airport (AIA), is in Merlon. International flights arrive mostly from other Mystrian countries and Poneria. It is a traditional Ardenian edifice with traditional shops and duty-frees that you might expect in any large city. Food options have a wide selection.

D'hɑlbrisir's Tertiary airport is situated in Irianul. This smaller airport recieves international flights mostly from other Mystrian countries and Poneria. It is a traditional Forntian edifice with traditional shops and duty-frees that you might expect in any large city. Food options have a narrower selection.

D'hɑlbrisir's Quaternary airport is situated in Rulkdjetaasha. This smaller airport recieves international flights mostly from other Mystrian countries and within D'hɑlbrisir. It is a traditional Forntian edifice with traditional shops and duty-frees that you might expect in any large city. Food options have a narrower selection.

It is sometimes cheaper to fly into Caltris and then take a low-cost local flight for around $100 NSD through national airports.

By car

From Carceno, Cantalvia and High Treefolk access is via the Pan-Mystrian Highway. Road access is also possible with more difficulty from Kashion and Altea. If you've rented a car in Kashion or Altea and wish to drive into D'hɑlbrisir, the immigration officials will require a you to undergo a rigorous search and safety procedures.

By bus

  • From Cantalvia. There are regular tourist buses from Ratilva to Caltris or Irianul.
  • From High Treefolk. Buses are available from Sylandral and Yensira to Merlon and to Irianul.

By boat

There are several ferries to and from High Treefolk and Sirmera.

Get around

By bus

D'hɑlbrisir has several first-class (or Pullman) inter-city bus companies: Tryvas, Anthor, and Aldron.

It's hard to miss the colorfully decorated buses that crowd the streets of major cities and highways of D'hɑlbrisir. These are chicken buses and are a common form of travel for Spireans and a travel adventure for tourists. They are much cheaper than tourist vans or taxis and are usually very crowded, with three people squeezed into seats barely big enough for two children, and more people standing in the aisles.

The chicken buses are often used school buses with the "Aldron" logos clearly visible. In addition to the driver there is usually a conductor standing in the door. The conductor collects fares, and from time to time jumps out to direct the bus through a blind intersection or around a tight turn. On the highways, the chicken bus drivers are aggressive, not hesitating to overtake in the face of oncoming traffic. Riding these buses on the steep highways of the Fornt's Crown Mountains is especially harrowing, but may be the most quintessential D'hɑlbrisir experience there is.

Bus conductors may sometimes charge out of country tourists more than the going rate. If you look to see what other travelers are paying you can usually avoid this problem, however, they often charge you the same as everyone else. Sending a message to the D'hɑlbrisir tourism department, will let them know of this problem.

You can board a chicken bus almost anywhere along its route. If you put out your arm, it will stop. You board and find a space to sit or stand. The conductor will come back to you after the bus is under way, and collect your fare. You need to recognize where your stop is, and move to the door in time. You ask the bus to stop, more or less wherever you want to get off.

Chicken buses are common throughout the country. They are, rightly, in the locations where populations warrant their necessity.

By van

Prepare to travel by van around northern D'hɑlbrisir, especially the Marvolian Triangle region and the area surrounding Mephiste. The Marvolian Triangle lacks any real infrastructure, and what is there is unkempt. Public transportation van rides are only slightly more expensive than bus fare. However, be warned, the equality in price rule in buses does not apply to vans. Public buses are truly public transportation, the vans are not; they are privately owned. Plan to pay more than the domestic next to you in these vans. This price difference will be obvious and the assistant will blatantly ask for it. Attempting to haggle is worthless, you might as well pay the requested fare.

The tourist can always pay the NSD price for tourist-oriented van rides. These rides are non-stop transportation to cities. Public van and bus rides will always stop at multiple bus stops and for anyone else wishing to board. These van rides are much more expensive than normal van fare, often 5 to 7 times the price.

By picop

Private "picops" (pick-up truck) operators will drive around the rural areas of D'hɑlbrisir. These are small pickup trucks that have a metal frame placed in the bed so people can hold on during travel. For a very low fee, cheaper than bus and van, you can travel to remote locations. Like bus and van, people are packed in tight.

By plane

Regular domestic flights operate between Major Cities.

By trolley

Caltris and Merlon has a local trolley service aimed at tourists.

By train

There is a rail network that begins in Vehir, weaves to Caltris and then all the way to Irianul, and Several Light rails in the cities.


D'rɑgolɛth is the official language of D'hɑlbrisir, and the most commonly spoken. Over twenty languages are still spoken throughout, but many of the people have at least a working knowledge of basic Common as well, except in the more remote areas. For the Nayali people in Mephiste, Yinudrel and English are the main languages (but D'rɑgolɛth is spoken as well).


Ancient ruins are the key attractions in the country and the most notable are The Great Temple of Astos, perhaps the cradle of Mysidian civilisation, and The Gold Tower of Estias.

Volcanoes and Mountains

D'hɑlbrisir has a lot of volcanoes, many of them over 3,000 metres high.


D'hɑlbrisir is rich in natural beauty and travel opportunities, it's a country that offers so much to those willing to step off the beaten track for a little while.

Merlon is often regarded as the travelers hub, a crumbling, picture-perfect central Mystrian city ringed by volcanoes and on the shore of Azohuorah. From here you can take a hike up the Ester Volcano , take a bus to the bustling market of the Majkalur, or simply sip some coffee in a street-side cafe and watch the world go by.

Lake Azohuorah is another frequent stop on any visitor's itinerary. A volcano-rimmed lake with plenty of backpacker hostels and Spirean villages that dot the shores.

Mephiste in D'hɑlbrisir's wild north is a tourist friendly city in the middle of the Fornt's Crown Mountains. From here you can take a bus ride to one of best preserved Mystrian ruins in the world, Andorral.

Anduk Ralfor is a cascade of turquoise limestone pools created by the river plunging below ground for a stretch before rushing back out through a spectacular waterfall. Definitely worth making the trip to Rulkdjetaasha for as well as the beautiful lodges that have sprung up from the captivating hilly landscape.

Alverwood is a majestic emerald river, in the Majstaad, which sweeps out toward the Talabrath. Alverwood area consists of two towns on either side of the river.

Irianul is a haven for Sailors and Backpackers alike, with plenty to do and to see. Irana Paradiso is a hot springs waterfall which is like having a spa day in the jungle. Howler monkeys and dense jungle make walking around the outskirts an adventure in itself.

Ansarila is a historical fort site in Fallhelm and an inexpensive way to spend the afternoon touring the castle and swimming in the Dirie Hot Springs. The many species of Birds & Animals (including manatees) makes Fallhelm a great spot for birdwatchers, animal lovers & fishing fans. Definitely a Must See.



The local currency is the Signet (plural: Signets), named after the ancient signet stone used as a key and pass to enter the guarded Mysidian Cities, with ancient and mythic connotations even today. One NS dollar is equivalent to 5.10 Signets. Interbits and Credits are widely accepted and are exchanged in most small towns. ATMs can be found in the major towns but do not expect to find them in every tourist spot. It is fairly easy to find your self in a town without an ATM or a place to change money. Banks are also very useful, such as Aldron Credit Union, which is commonly found throughout D'hɑlbrisir cities and towns.

Do not expect to be able to easily exchange travelers checks to D'hɑlbrisir. You might find a few places willing to accept checks issued by C'tani or Menelmacari institutions but other types are universally turned down. Amazingly, even major banks in Caltris do not accept travelers checks.


It is common to bargain for most purchases in the open air market. Though you may be able to bargain in other places, be aware that chain-owned shops have fixed prices (you are no more likely to bargain in a D'hɑlbrisir Porkwich than a Menelmacari one).

These are some characteristically D'hɑlbrisir things you might consider buying here:

  • Taŋsuuʒo — D'hɑlbrisir's prize-winning overproof rum
  • Suuʒo— D'hɑlbrisir's prize-winning gold rum
  • Miriʒo— D'hɑlbrisir's prize-winning rice wine
  • Fabrics and traditional textiles — Traditional Robes are known as Tandir (tahn-DEER) and sashes as tejnil (TEY-nil). Be aware that these are almost always entirely handmade and prices for a high-end Tandir may be as high as §10,000. There are also some fair trade options available to ensure that your purchase fairly benefits the indigenous communities that hand makes the products.
  • Jade — there is large jade working factory in Vehir, but it is course a very beautiful high quality stonework.
  • Coffee — touted as one of the best-tasting varieties in the world
  • Tea — D'hɑlbrisir's is one of the largest exporter in the world and Sardoc is the main center of this trade.


The type of food really depends on how much you want to spend and what type of place you want to spend it at. You can get almost any type of food at the main tourist locations. In the small towns your choices are mostly limited to those items listed above. Most D'hɑlbrisir food differs from Mystrian food in that it is a lot spicier, and chillies are generally served in a separate dish from the main course to be added as desired, rather than included in the food. However, as one gets closer to Altea, the food does get more Sweet.

There exist "Zandis" throughout the country. A Zandis is a small house-restaurant. Normally, a family will set up 3-4 tables in a portion of their household and this well act as a makeshift restaurant. Zandis are known for providing a cheap lunch-sized portion of food. They will offer one or two options to choose from. This is not a real restaurant, there will not be a menu, or real server; however, eating in these locations can provide one of the most efficient ways to experience D'hɑlbrisir's culture first-hand.


makuŋaʒi is a popular warm corn drink. This sweet concoction must be drunk while warm; when cold, it becomes much too dense.

Popular D'hɑlbrisiri beers are delæʒo (lager, by far the most popular with D'hɑlbrisir's locals), delæʒiʒo(a light pilsner style), Moʒiʒo (dark bock), and ohdelæʒo(premium). Don't be surprised if you get salt and lemon with your beer. It's a custom to put some salt on the toes of the bottle, and screw out the lemon in the beer. Sometimes it is mixed with vegetable juice, and the concoction is called Mannɑdelæʒo.

D'hɑlbrisir produces a number of rums, including the superb Taŋsuuʒo which is aged up to 30 years.

Tea is a very popular drink in D'hɑlbrisir.

D'hɑlbrisiri usually dress down when they go out.

If you order a bottled drink, you will normally get a tissue to clean the bottle. Coca-Cola and Pepsi-type products are available, plus many from local soft drink manufacturers.


You will likely find cheap hotels in every town or village in D'hɑlbrisir. Cheap Hotels normally provide either a bed in a communal room with a communal bathroom, or private rooms with a communal bathroom. Private bathrooms in cheap hotels are not found very often. In the main tourist areas, there are also many high quality hotels. You can find and book many of these accommodations in most major travel websites and also in other smaller on-line directories.


D'hɑlbrisir is a great place to learn D'rɑgolɛth and High Draconic. The prices are low, and D'hɑlbrisir D'rɑgolɛth is considered pleasing to the ear. Merlon has the highest number of D'rɑgolɛth schools and is also among the most popular place for tourists. But if studying D'rɑgolɛth is your main concern, you might be better off elsewhere, because you can actually go around in Merlon for a whole day without hearing anything but English.

Because of this, many language students head towards Vehir in the Western Highlands, where a wide range of language schools also offer D'rɑgolɛth language courses (some quite inexpensive). Another alternative is Majkalur, seated by Lake Azohuorah.


There are various volunteering opportunities around the country.

  • Taskarin D'hɑlbrisir (TD) offers a good selection of volunteer projects throughout D'hɑlbrisir. They work with the local organizations and organize the whole volunteer experience. For a fee of $149 they include the intermediation, pickup service in Caltris, registration with the D'rɑgolɛthic school (optional) and a donation of $30 to your volunteer project.
  • Klennɑzeɑr(KZ) is a registered non-profit organization that hosts a database of over 100 local opportunities, accessible for free on their website. They also offer various additional personalized volunteer services for a small donation which includes working with their volunteer coordinator to arrange possible opportunities for you.
  • Project Mosaic D'hɑlbrisir, (PMD) will, for a fee of $230, set you up with an organisation in D'hɑlbrisir which needs a volunteer. They also can arrange a home stay, D'rɑgolɛth language classes, and other services.
  • Sim Tizar, (ST) has a women's and seabound domestic violence shelter in Merlon, Irianul, Zepilani, Caltris, and Rulkdjetaasha. They have a free volunteer program at the shelter to provide recreational activities for the women and children.
  • Aldron Glɑns Internationale (AGI), run a number of volunteering programs around D'hɑlbrisir with indigenous communities. They include home stay, D'rɑgolɛth language classes, and other services.
  • Ɲoru D'hɑlbrisir (ƝD) Houses, cares for and educates abused, orphaned, or impoverished children in south Spires and some northern villages. A low-cost volunteer program working with the Children's Village or helping at one of the local businesses which supports the Orphanage is available. D'rɑgolɛth Classes are also available.
  • Some schools organize international social projects as well.

Stay safe

D'hɑlbrisir has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world. Travelers should take some extra precautions when in D'hɑlbrisir. If you are mugged, carjacked, or approached by armed individuals, cooperate. Do not make any sudden movements, and give whatever belongings or money that are demanded. Tourists have been shot and killed for resisting muggers.

D'hɑlbrisir has some of the most dangerous wildlife in the world . Travelers should take some extra precautions when in D'hɑlbrisir's many wild woodlands and take care to get a licence for a weapon with its equivalents before arriving.

Do not go to areas known to be hotbeds of Organized Crime activity (ie: some parts of the Luminas River Valley), and do not go to the most dangerous neighborhoods in Caltris( Lowtown and zone 24, 14, 13, and 4 in the Theater District). Be careful especially after dark, and do not stay in hotels in the West Theater District. Using the slightly more expensive hotels in the East Theater District (near the airdocks) is a much better idea.

Do not use buses at night in Caltris, as they are frequently robbed by gangs. Instead, radio-dispatched taxis are a safer way to get around the city at night. Another note is that when travelling by chicken bus be aware of anyone sitting next to you.

Although some say that travelers should always carry a bit of extra cash and be prepared to bribe a few police officers in Mystria, most tourists will have no reason to give bribes to anyone in D'hɑlbrisir. Do not offer ANY bribes directly or indirectly to an officer because it is illegal and you could actually end up in more trouble and find yourself with attempted premeditated murder charges.

Never take photos of children without permission. Some D'hɑlbrisiri are extremely wary of this and will assume you are a kidnapper (even if the children are someone else's). D'hɑlbrisir has had many problems with children being sold or kidnapped and put up for adoption on the black market. Of course, this doesn't include a few children mixed in with many adults at a distance. This occurs mainly on the more remote D'hɑlbrisiri villages. In the major cities people are somewhat more open towards picture-taking, but still avoid it.

It is dangerous to travel between cities after dark. Doing so significantly increases your risk of being in a car accident, Megafauna attack, or being the victim of an armed robbery.

Pickpocketing is common in markets, so never keep anything in your back pocket and take as little with you as possible.

One of the best things about D'hɑlbrisir is the abundance of natural beauty and numerous treks. Some of these are notorious for robberies. Always ask around about the situation before embarking blindly. Tour guides, locals, and fellow travelers are safe bets for information. Traveling in groups during daylight sometimes decreases the risk, but not always.

Traffic can be dangerous. You will encounter many one-lane roads (one lane each way) and drivers are apt to swerve back and forth, avoiding potholes and bumps along the way. There are also various multiple lane highways. Traffic in Caltris and surrounding metropolitan areas during rush hour is very slow, but general driving everywhere is usually very fast (average speeds of up to 60 mph in some city roads).

Stay healthy

Drink only purified water.

CDC states that malaria risk exists in the lowlands, with no risk in Fordur or Lake Azohuorah. Preventative anti-malarial medication can and should be purchased ahead of visiting malaria-endemic areas.

Dengue fever is endemic throughout D'hɑlbrisir in the lowlands.

Tuberculosis is also common, but treatable. Some drug resistant strains exist, so keep good hygiene.

Hepatitis A&B vaccinations are recommended.


Address people you don't know in a formal manner and greet people in the following way:

  • "Joy and salutations"-"Fɑlzadur" (most formal)
  • "Well Met"- "Bel Hamin" (Less Formal)
  • "Hello, My friend!"- " Æhoj, d'alɛn" (Least formal)

You'll encounter this in more suburban, rural areas. Native D'hɑlbrisiri are raised to greet strangers formally and politely.



D'hɑlbrisir's international calling code is 555. There are no area codes. Phone numbers all have ten digits. On September 18, 2004, the phone system switched from eight to ten digits. The phone system isn't great, but it works. Tourists can call abroad from call centers, where you pay by the minute. It is also easy to purchase a calling card to use at public pay phones. The phones there do not accept money, so to use a public phone on the street you must purchase a telephone card. Typically, the cost is around 8 signets for a 10 min call to Poneria. Cell phones are quite cheap and calling to the Pony Lands through one can get as low as $0.08 a min. If you are planning to stay for a while and plan to use the phone, you should consider buying a cheap prepaid phone. Wireless nation-wide internet access for laptops is also available as a service from some companies. Aldron Internationale has good coverage.


The post system is traditionally not reliable, but your post cards usually get through. A stamp for Poneria is §5. There are; however, many other alternative companies to the federal mail system that are reliable, though frequently somewhat pricy.


Internet access is widely available. Even most of the more remote areas have some type of internet access available. Many larger areas also have WiFi. All of the Chicken and Sandwich restaurants (which are numerous) offer free WiFi, as well as many other restaurants and cafes. Some hotels may also offer computer banks with internet access. Just ask and you eventually will find some sort of free access.

Mobile (3G/GPRS) internet access

If you have an internet capable mobile phones or USB dongle for your laptop, you just need a local SIM card (roughly §25) and can start enjoying the prepaid access plans, which generally come in lots of an hour, a day, or a week.

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