Kyotakavian Nationalism (Koytakavia)

Kyotakavian Nationalism is a cultural and political ideology which asserts the right of the Kyotakavian people to have and maintain their own independent state. The movement was born out of the Svozgardan conquest of Kyotakavia which took place in the 1700s, given a means of political expression with the formation of the Protectorate of Kyotakavia in 1800 and was eventually, largely successful at the conclusion of the Third Independence War with the establishment of the United Federal Republic of Kyotakavia, though several major parties, predominantly those who trace their ancestry back to the War, still retain the claim to being "nationalist" political parties though in the modern context, Kyotakavian nationalists typically support the retention of national military service and the maintaining of a large military for the purposes of protection against potential future incursions by the Kingdom of Svozgarda.
Kyotakavian Nationalism represents the antithesis of Loyalism, the political ideology of Svozgardan political parties that operate in Kyotakavia and which supported a retention of the union with Svozgarda, and as a more radical alternative to Reformism which promoted the reforming through political means the system of government in the Protectorate and a renegotiation of the conditions under which the Protectorate existed.
Kyotakavian Nationalism is almost ubiquitously linked with Kyotakavian Paramilitarism, and many of those who would describe themselves as ardent nationalists, would be involved in the Paramilitary movements of the major political parties in the Protectorate.
Strands of Kyotakavian Nationalism
Do-or-Die Nationalism
Do-or-Die Kyotakavian Nationalism refers to the hard-line sacrificial-esque form of Kyotakavian Nationalism, whereby it is the duty of Kyotakavian’s to overthrow the Svozgardan overlordship at any cost. Broadly, Do-or-Die Nationalism believes that an armed struggle is not just necessary, but necessary at the present, and active paramilitary action is taken to force the withdrawal of Svozgardan political and military influence from Kyotakavia. The principle of constant, and total conflict until a full withdrawal is made from Kyotakavia is a central pillar to Do-or-Die Nationalism, and the belief that any human cost to the people of the Kyotakavia is worth enduring should it mean that the country can be free.
Despite this, its human cost comes more in the form sacrifice rather than in the expulsion of others who live in Kyotakavia, a principle built from the early days of the NLP which drew not insubstantial support from the Uzgoyan population of Kyotakavia. Foreign political analysts have often commented on the unique blend of civic and ethnic nationalism that Do-or-Die Nationalism represents, and whilst its current effects on the political climate of the country, as well as its physical presence on the streets of Kyotakavia, can not be denied, their remains substantial debate as to where the ideology may go should Svozgarda be forced to withdraw from Kyotakavia.
The first usage of the term Nationalist came in reference to an Kyotakavian political ideology that came about in the 18th century, with the invasion of Kyotakavia by Svozgarda, with its specific use being to describe remnant Kyotakavian military formations who continued to oppose the occupying forces for up to 35 years after the conflict had ended. It initially was used as a term of derision by Svozgardans, with the caricature of the “knuckle-dragging Kyotakavian Nationalist” a common feature in the press, however by the 1790s the term had been adopted as the name of the wider political and military movement that sought the ousting of Svozgardan influence in Kyotakavia at "any cost."
Do-or-Die nationalism, as a specific ideology, came into existence just prior to the 1800 Kyotakavian general election and was used as a distinguishing term to specify the difference in approach to Nationalism between the Farmers' Coalition and NLP with the latter being described as "hard-line" in its stance on independence and Nationalism with the early formative years of the NLP drawing a lot of its early political presence and membership from former Kyotakavian remnant officers. It pushed for immediate armed struggled against Svozgarda, and made use of its wealth of military experience in guerrilla warfare to build its paramilitary force and in the early years, the party was the main force of expression for hard-line nationalism. Politically, Do-or-Die Nationalism was the primary driving ideology behind the early nationalist movement in Kyotakavia and its influence on later political development in Kyotakavian Nationalism cannot be understated.
Today, Do-or-Die Nationalism represents neither a fringe, nor a mainstream political view. Whilst many will still call themselves Do-or-Die Nationalists, ultimately the NLP sees most of its support come from the border states of Kyotakavia or where a deep political dissatisfaction with ruling parties has come to emerge with its broad tent political appeal, and singular focus on the fight for independence, as well as its status as the oldest political party in Kyotakavia, means that whilst the NLP no longer retains super-majorities as it did in the early-19th Century, it has continued to remain a relevant and even crucial force in politics, and its ideology of Do-or-Die Nationalism is respected, and indeed in certain areas even revered.
Moderate Nationalism
Moderate Nationalism represents the broadly non-revolutionary form of Kyotakavian Nationalism, emphasising a slow political campaign, protected by paramilitaries to ensure the safety of built institutions as well as political efforts to stall, delay and frustrate Svozgardan policy makers and forces into rash decisions that forward the aims of the movement by building popular support for a declaration of independence which will have enough backing as to mean that the Svozgardan government will not attempt a military take-back for fear of major conflict. Moderate Nationalists do not shun violent action however, and Paramilitarism remains a major part of the ideology though usually for "self-defence" reasoning rather than active overthrow and engagement with security forces in combat.
National Puritism
National Puritism represents the extreme, ethnic form of Kyotakavian Nationalism, emphasising a belief that a state with the Svozgardan's is impossible and therefore there is a need to exterminate and force out the Svozgardan minority population from Kyotakavia for the purposes of securing an ethnically homogenous state in which Kyotakavian's can live, separate from what National Purists see as "malicious foreign elements" with an emphasis on the need to preserve traditional Kyotakavian practices and encourage large families to expand the population.