Ny Støj

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Ny Støj is a term used to describe a style that evolved at the end of the Punk Rock scene in Regnhavn and Fyrhøgh in the late 70's and early 80's. In the aftermathon the Lyngaardian Punk Scene, typically placed at the Klubgade Riots muscians saught to find new sounds, departing from punks anti-beauty and raw simplicty. Adopted Avant-Gard sensabilites that helped to evolve their musicianship. Many Arch-punks like Kurt Meldahl of Nærstrid, and Hans Søren Jolicoeur of Lægerne would form Kunst i Bevægelse, which introduced elements of Dub, and Jazz while maintaining the short and sweet song writing and confrontational nature of punk music. Becoming the start of the Ny Støj movement. Other bands would draw from other inspirations, Ekkomog would incorperate influence from Rhythm and Blues music. Børnesoldater would take the incindiary politics of punk and meld them with funk inclunced rythem sections.

Ny Støj would be known for its willingness to incorperate and experiament. Musicians employing affected guitars, newly aviable synthasizers, Drum Machines, and new studio technics to create new layered music that build upon the tendencies established by punks in the 60's and 70's. It would also expand on the cultural comentaary of punk. Tackling subjects like Politics, Post-Modernism, and more to create a pastiche that reflected the socio-political climate of the era. Ny Støj artists would also continue the Template:Do it yourself tradition, establishing Independent Record Labels, Open Venues, and numerous art colectives. Influencing music abroad in places like Arcadia, The Libertines, and Donnan.

Important early Ny Støj groups include Kunst i Bevægelse, Krigsbrud, Ekkomog, Kvindes Kranium, Spænding, Offentligt Billede, Børnesoldater, Mit livs Spøgelse, and Ødelagte Varer. The movement was cloesly connected to other developing scenes like New Romantic, Industrial Music, and New Pop. By the late 80's the movement had disperced, but it helped to spur on the careers of other artists and laid the groound work for a slew of new genres to come out of the era. Giving way to the massive Independent music scene of the 90's and 00's and continueing to influence popular music today.