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Coulcisen Flag.png

The Coulcisen of Seld-Cordan (Seldaris: Coulciser Seld-Cordal.png, tr. Coulciser Seld-Cordal, pronounced [koʊlkiseɾ seɪd̪kord̪al]) commonly referred to as the Coulcisen (Seldaris: Coulcisen written in Talarioch.png) or, rarely, Seld-Cordan, is an elven nation in Pelia, just off the southwestern coast of the continental mainland, on the planet of Sparkalia. It is an island country, with several smaller islands and minor archipelagos. Solanyve is the largest city and capital, with other major cities including Caldun, Afisiven, Goiceoch and Patin. The main island of Seld-Cordan is the largest island in the Coulcisen, and is the third largest island in Sparkalia. The Coulcisen has a population at last census of 17,645,533.

The Coulcisen is a unitary stratocratic republic under the native Coular-Cisel ideology. Its ruler, Coulan Siuan Semolosan, has ruled the state since 1595 as the fourth Coulan to have ruled the country since its foundation. The Coulcisen emerged from a series of coups against the Kingdom of Seld-Cordan, citing the massive corruption, the large rich-poor divide in the state, and the practice of serfdom as reasons for the first coup. The subsequent Seldic Democracy suffered from many of the problems that plagued the Kingdom, not least the retention of power by the guilds and the church, prompting the Second Summer Coup, led by Tiisar Tsiosan, leading to the Lawful Revolution, the dismantling of the Seldic Democracy and the establishment of the Coulcisen.

Ethnically, nearly 97% of the population is Seldarion, an elven people group native to the island. Many Seldarios believe that they arrived on the island from elsewhere long ago, in an event known to them as The Great Blessing, or Molos Seldal, which has become mythologised in the Vaen-Atal faith that many Coulcisaris profess. The Vaen-Atal is one of the two main faiths that many Seldarion follow, with the atheistic Feadan Hagdvadal, or 'Cult of Logic', currently holding the larger following in the nation. (See more...)