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Sublime Principate of Akiiryu
Tuhinga Tuarua o Akiiryu
Flag of Akiiryu
Official languagesAkiiryan
• Reigning Prince
• Foreign Minister
• 1st Minister of the Council
LegislatureBaronic Council
CurrencyLer (APL)

Content dump to reorder

Akiiyru The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu declares its terrorial boundaries to cover sections (OOC: plots?) 53 and 54. The capital city, Nimarci, is located on the coast of the inland sea, to the east of the Ruawai river (section 54). At the moment Akiiryan engineers are completing a canal system to connect the Ruawai river with the Nuiwai river (section 54) so that the inland sea will be connected with the sea (OOC: what's the sea's name?) and the port city of Nithonac which sits at the mouth of the Nuiwai on its westbank.

Nimarci, the capital city, is located on the coast of the Inland Sea, on the east bank of mouth of the Ruawai river (section 54). Jauthric, the royal city, sits at the tip of the peninsula that juts into the Inland Sea to the east of Nimarci Rothrican, a growing industrial and technological powerhouse of a city, sits at the head of the Ruawai river. It is expected to become even more important when the canal is finished (see below). Nithonac is a port city that sits mouth of the Nuiwai (river on 54 that opens to the sea) on its westbank. Mirroring Nithonac on the eastbank of the Nuiwai, is the Samae Naval Base. Tannoc, a whaling and fishing center, sits on the northern coast of section 54 (right on the border with section 55) Okiikumath sits on the border with the Europa Empire and section 52 (in the bit the juts down) (plot 53). Santhu, a coastal city, sits just north of the Europa border (in the depression). Yunannoc, a major military city, sits in the centre of the western quarter of plot 53. Kiamona rests in the V created where the Thunder Mountian Range parts from the Snow Tower Alps (see below) in plot 53 Roads run between all of these cities   Major geographic characteristics; A large mountian range, the Snow Tower Alps, runs north-south down the centre of section 53, string of smaller (hight wise) mountians (the Thunder Mountians) split from the Snow Tower Alps about a third of the way up (taking south as the bottom) and head east. These mountians run all the way to the Inland Sea. A canal is currently being completed (it will be completed by the time you draw this stuff in if that is okay?) between the Nuiwai and Ruawai Rivers, making naviagtion between Inland Sea and the (name?) sea possible for all but the largest vessels. Akiiryu announces the completion of the Akii Canal which connects the Ruawai river (section 54) to the Nuiwai river (section 54) meaning that the inland sea is now connected with the sea. The canal is capable to handling all but the biggest ships. Ka (at the base of the small bay at the top of 52) Garthrona (directly across the border from MS's Ulcoora) T'Jronric Airbase and Cosmos Research Centre (in the middle of 52) Farronarg (South East bottom point of 52 - the bit the points into MS territory) Ha'Aman ( in the middle of the Europa Empire border, about 1/2 a cm in land Barthii Oil Fields - in the centre of the plot (where the 55 is now). Ya'tha - South of the Barthii oil fields Kugira Naval Station and Airbase - At the northern end of the coast Ga'thula - South Eastern corner where plot 55 meets already existing Akiiryan territory One other thing...please add the following on the coast about 1cm north of Santhu: Harathsonara Naval Station and Airbase Jakrii in the middle of the main island an Daracarath on the main island's southern coast. Ojika Gas fields Thanlith Ba'taroc Naval Station and Air Base Gar Natural Gas Feilds (a couple off shore refineries and such would be nice). Yai Naval Station is on the East coast, half way down. Yari Military Base is smack in the centre of Nimarci

Knights of the Stag (OOC: Monastic Military Order) T'Thanric T'Nith, First Minister, Akiiryan Baronic Council. First War Marshal T'Ka T'Rothric, Prince's Envoy T'Gor, Akiiryan Ambassador to Byzantium Ambassador Uthric Cacicu Hanrina Yorthrac, Janaiya Utharii of Akiiryan News Network Marshal N'Gueric N'Jorth -- stag Sub-Marshal N'Kalicicu Colonel N'Dunsinaine Foaric Nacic, Kaimona Mining Corporation His Holiness J'Kaona the Arch Priest of the Stag Thaneath N'Thanitha, the 1st Sea Marshal Admiral N'Utharic Joranic, N'Jorth son Admiral N'Caliasth Marshal N'Janthoricicu aide to T'Ka - Garonic T'Yathra

In related news while discussing the placing of Santhu based Sea Guards Units on high alert today, Gathoric Yaonaricic, a spokesman for the Baronic Council, stated that the Baronic Council welcomes Karthenia's support of the Sublime Principate with regard to The Chosen Nations. The Baronic Council, he stated, hopes that Karthenia's support is indicative of a new chapter in the two states' relationship.

Royal Akiiryan Mounted Police Royal Akiiryan Navy, Army, Air Corps Royal Akiiryan Border Security Force Healfhundingas (special forces)

Football team (colors Red and Black, with White trim): Owner: Gorthic Thalii (coach) Kannoc Uthacicu Thaneath Joric Hanth Ronalii Lanroc Kathric Gothanoc Jor (GK) Danthric Karalii Janeath Rathacicu Daroc Jorcu Vannoc Hanalii Rathu Kannaric Utha Gannocicu Farnith Garnothric Gor Yoritoclii Jya Ranalii Ulthrich Donthnoc Jornoc Hanlii Yorich Tannoce Kalithric Gornali Hanmina "The Hammer" Jonsric Canth Rocric Franlii Thantoc Ulii Nornric Olith Yonnioc Thana Yoric Manthoric "The Wall" Kanalii

Gor Bjonaracicu Franric Jankiara Jorith Thannoc Gothric Thancicu Thouric Ancicarac Hanric Yathocicu

ECONOMY: mining (Kiamona Mining), oil (PetroKata), medical (Thanakii BioCorp) fishing, alcohol (Sannoc Brewery), weapons (Hazax'th Armories-A18 rifle, HT097 MBT, AH-2 Taka helicopter)

Timja Cathedral, Robjuth Monastry Thanaracicu T'Borith, T'Mathoric Wergild

arrow/bow, drum/harp, no smoking, alter to the dead ancestors

Official Name: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu

Capital City: Nimarci

Government type: Aristocratic oligarchy headed by a hereditary monarch.

Number of Legislative Branches: One (Baronic Council)

Federalist or Unitary: Unitary

Provinces/Territories: 16 provinces, each divided in to hides (number varies).

Formal Head of State: Prince

Political Head of State: Prince

Official Language: Akiiryan, with English and French widely spoken. Vanarambion spoken by all government officials, military officers and the majority of those educated at university postgraduate level.

Official Religion: Akiiryan (multiple deities)

Major Minorities: Olongota (in the north) 5% of the population, Hanaora (on the southern coast) 17% of the population.

Population: C.5.5 billion.

Separation of Powers: None

P'Thayaric "The Uniter" 1st Prince of a united Akiiryu.

Here is a list of important Akiiryans (Contemporary only). P'Neonaric Current Prince of the Akiiryans.

P'Katheorina (Katherine)

Princess of the Akiiryans, wife of P'Neonaric and sister of Christoph Tinsman, the Emperor of Vanarambaion

P'Theonathric, the elder of the two young princes, carries the ceremonial sword of state held upright behind his father, while P'Khrispharic follows his mother holding a beautifully carved bow


Prince of the Akiiryans (recently deceased, father of the current prince)

Son of Prince P'Theoyaric and Princess P'Theodorac (Daughter of the Emperor of Tagamatium).


1st Minister of the Akiiryan Baronic Council, Lord of Clan Nith.


Akiiryu's Chief Representative at Regional Conferences, Lord of Clan Rothric, External Affairs Minister.


Grand War Marshal, Lord of Clan Ka and Knight of the Stag

J'Kaona Arch Priest of the Stag


1st liegeman and friend of T'Rothric, Knight of the Stag.


Friend and advisor to T'Rothric, High Priest of the Stag

N'Thanitha 1st Sea Marshal, Knight of the Stag.

Admiral N'Caliasth Commander of RAN Northern Fleet.

Admiral N'Utharic Commander of RAN Southern Fleet

Grand Marshal of the Stag N'Juoneanric

It was announced today that paleological, archaeological and zoologoical teams from Nitonae University and the University of Nimarci are to conduct an expedition to Ottawaticus Island, North of Vanarambaion (ooc: Island 0.1).

"We hope that this will be the first of many visits to the island," stated Professor Chadoric Gaffieaus of the University of Nimarci. Professor Gaffieaus, an archaeologist who specialises in Classical Tagmatine, continued "Ottawaticus has been virtually untouched by humanity since the last Orthodox Monks left over 700 years ago, I am sure we are going to find a multitude of hidden treasures that will further our knowledge of the Classical Tagmatine Church."

Professor Sergaric Durthanric, the Head of Nitonae University's Department of Paleontology, was equally enthusiastic. "Ottawaticus is one of the oldest geological formations in north-western Europa and we know from reading the accounts of the Orthodox Monks that lived there that the rocks are full of fossilized material. I am excited even just thinking about what awaits our team!"

When asked if mounting such an expedition to an island that once contained a Tagmatine Monastery was unwise given that tense relations between the Sublime Principate and The Greater Holy Empire, Professor Gaffieaus replied in the negative.

"No, I don't believe so. We're researchers, not soldiers and I am sure the people of Tagamtium will be gratified by the fact that we are doing something to explore and preserve part of their heritage. In fact, I hope our research will open up further paths of communication between the academic communities of both our nations."

When asked if he he foresaw the possibility of joint Akiiryan-Tagmatine research expeditions to the island in the future, Professor Durthanric responded "anything is possible," and that "he would be more than happy to work with researchers from the Greater Holy Empire."

Yagina Thyoric, the leader of Akiiryu's Hanaora minority


Polytheistic, Multiple gods exists, each of roughly the same importance. One chief God (the Stag). The Beast (kinda like the devil) is considered a god, despite being the symbol of evil.

Spiritual Aim

Ethical and moral standards are their own reward, regardless of the possibility of heavenly rewards or punishment.

Devotion Required

Daily (for Clergy), Monthly (for lay people)

The Akiiryan's believe in and respect the Gods, but the relationship between the Gods and their worshippers is not seen to require constant acknowledgment through worship. Cle

Organization Structure

Rigid hierarchy answerable to a central authority [Arch-Priests of each god, headed by Arch-Preist of the Stag] the minimal decision making at lower levels.

Liturgical Formality

Rituals are combined with an open teaching policy.

Missionary Fervor

Willing to convert any person, although it is doubted non-Akiiryans are blest with the characteristics that the Gods expect in their worshippers.

Hanarojoric Nannaoc

Than-A-Kai (northwest central plains) T'Baka P'Yaojaith (eldest child of P'Theodanaric, but not his successor, male succession only) Antlered Throne. He speaks a number of languages fluently and holds a double doctorate in History and Political Science --> prince