Peerages in Velikoslavia

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Velikoslavia follows a set of laws in a system published in a document known as the Archés Diadochís (or Principles of Succession). This document was drafted and set forth by Grand Prince Yaroslav I of Reval in 1035 in order to stave off the inevitable succession war that was going to follow his death. Heavy debate over the rights of his daughter to succeed him had been raging. His second child, his son Erik, had demanded the succession based on the earlier system based of male rule. In order to counteract his son's inability to rule and to put his chosen successor on the throne, he issued the Archés Diadochís. This still governs succession across Velikoslavia today. Succession follows Absolute Primogeniture with the eldest child inheriting the succession rather than the eldest son. This measure proved vastly unpopular and in order to secure her rule, Astrid I subsequently married and became co-ruler with her first cousin, Petros. As a result, eligible female candidates were required to be married upon ascending the throne.

The Archés Diadochís also included a clause which allowed each holder of a Evresitechnías (or letters patent) to determine the succession rites for the granted title. As a result, Veliko noble houses have various forms of succession with the two most prominent being Absolute Primogeniture and Male Preference Primogeniture. It is customary for new inheritors to pay homage to the Tsar within two months of inheritance and swear fealty.

Courtesy Titles

The eldest child of a nobleman may receive any courtesy titles of lower rank that his father holds. A title becomes a courtesy title after a higher rank title is granted to the lord. The lord may grant his courtesy titles to his younger sons and daughters, though these titles do not represent peerages. These titles are differentiated from landed titles in that they are always considered lower in rank than a landed noble. A landed count, for example, is of higher rank than a Duke granted such as a courtesy title.

Titles of Address

Those who are descendants of a current peerage holder may style themselves an address of lower rank though are not landed. For example, the first child of a Grand Duke, barring any courtesy titles, may style themselves as "Duke/Duchess", though they would not receive a landed designation as they are not a landed peerage and do not hold a courtesy title. The next child would be "Marchio/Marchioness and the remaining children may style themselves as Count/Countess. A landed Count's first child may style himself as Viscount while the rest style themselves as Lord.

Vassalage Inheritance

Similar rules apply for vassals, where the new titleholder is required to swear his allegiance to his lord within the first thirty days of the title passing onto him. If he does not, then this is considered a violation of his family's vassalage. In order to justify ending a vassalage in this way, both parties must be brought before the Tsar who will hear both cases and judge whether or not the vassal should remain and under what terms he is to end his vassalage if ending it is approved. The same thing happens when a vassal's lord dies and the title changes hands. Each vassal must swear new allegiance to the new lord.


In order to be legally disinherited, the current legal heir must violate the terms of succession noted in the letters patent that pertains to their peerage. The head of a family can also file in the Court of Peers for his heir to be disinherited and a new heir designated. The monarch is able to designate his heir at his pleasure, however, in many cases upon his death the disinherited legally challenges the move and the Great Synod and Court of Peers both rule on such a process.

Appointing Titles

Titles that are revoked or left vacant are transferred back to the emperor. The emperor may choose to appoint a new holder of the peerage or add it to his own family's titles. Many emperors have awarded titles left vacant to family members, allies, or those being honored. In the event a title is appointed, the letters patent, signet ring, and any assets and lands associated with the title are transferred legally to the appointee and they are placed into the title's line of succession. For example, if the 12th Count of a certain land dies with no heir and no one is available in his next of kin that can legally inherit the title, the monarch may assume the title and absorb the assets and lands into his own house. Later, he may choose to award the title again and issue a revised letters patent with the same signet ring and ducal seat. The new Count would considered the 13th Count of a certain land even if his appointment was sometime after his predecessor.

Creating a Title

Grámmata Paténta

There are two methods of creating a "title" in Velikoslavia. A title in any form can only be created by the Tsar. A peerage is the highest form of title and bestows the right of hereditary succession on the recipient and his direct family. Direct family are considered to be one woman as his partner, and any children he has fathered with that woman. The peerage also grants the title holder the right to request other extended family members be included in the peerage, which constitute any male siblings of the title holder. The recipient of the peerage is grated a Grámmata paténta (or Letters Patent) in which establishes an official house title featuring the surname of the individual granted the title. This directly allows the peerage holder and his family to be granted an official record in the Evgenís Aíthousa Dískon, where all of the records of nobility are kept. Lettera patent come with a small financial grant, though periodically more is granted. A new noble may be granted land from holdings of the Imperial Family and become a direct vassal of House Ivanov. Oftentimes, however, other older houses may choose to grant new noble vassalage in their own realms. In many cases, a house may gain a strategic advantage by acquiring a vassal or assistance in managing their assets and businesses. Many vassals go on to hold management rolls in their lord's businesses and lands.

In rare occasions, a family is rich enough and maintains a large enough collection of assets and land to become an independent family separate from any other. A family granted a letters patent may elect not to accept offers of vassalage provided they possess enough land and monetary assets. This has happened in rare occasions when successful businessmen and wealthy commoners from the middle class are granted titles. A letters patent does not guarantee that a newly created noble will be granted any sort of political administration, though many titles hold political power granted at the behest of the Tsar of Velikoslavia. Vassals of families holding political power may secure political power or be granted a Litterae patentes as a result of being appointed to a position.

A title granted in this manner also entitles the family to an official seal and a Coat of Arms, which they design in cooperation with the crown. The newly minted heraldry may include a portion of a vassal's lord's heraldry as well if the titleholder has accepted an offer of vassalage. Each house is also entitled to one signet ring. These one of a kind pieces have the seal of the family upon them and each are considered priceless and only to be worn by the current patriarch or matriarch of the family.

Single Grants

A Single Grant (eniaías epichorígisis) is a title that is granted to a single individual via a writ eniaías epichorígisis or Writ of Title. It is solely issued at the behest of the Tsar to those he feels deserving of such an honor. Single grant titles are always considered to be honorary and do not come with money or power except in very specific circumstances. A primary Single Grant Title that is regularly awarded is Ippótis, which translates to Knight. These titles typically allow the holder to join elite units of the military and attend exclusive functions reserved for nobility and the wealthy. Single women who do not have an official partner may be awarded the title of Baronet, which is simply an honorific for single noble-born women who are unmarried and are too low in their family hierarchy to receive any titles their older family members inherit. Titles issued in this manner come with a signed and sealed letter from the Emperor designating the title holder. Each issue is rendered invalid upon the death of the title holder and it no longer holds any legal weight.

List of Landed Peerages in the Velikoslavia

Tables feature both native titles and their English or western approximations.

Nine Telerian Houses

Grand Dukes, or "Dukes who have Dukes under them", is a title exclusively reserved for the original Nine Great Generals of Clan Stenmær who fought against the Bayarids under Dagan I. These houses have ruled Velikoslavia exclusively with no challengers.

Title Year Arms Current holder Subsidiary titles Heir - and notes Spouse
Grand Duke of Levograv (980)
<imgur w=25>TkNSvjH.png</imgur>
Federic Repnin, Grand Duke of Levograv
List of titles
  • XXX
Gabriel, Marquis of Voston ???
Grand Duke of Ustengrav (980)
<imgur w=25>5U4yZmA.png</imgur>
Paul Orlov, Grand Duke of Ustengrav
List of titles
  • XXX
Victor, Count of Rontov ???
Grand Duke of Torla (980)
<imgur w=25>eADlj2e.png</imgur>
Grigori Velinov, Grand Duke of Torla
List of titles
  • XX
  • XX
Alexei, Count of Longus X
Grand Duke of Sjoland (980)
<imgur w=25>FVKswbR.png</imgur>
Frode Austenborg, Grand Duke of Sjoland
List of titles
  • xx
Erik, Marquis of Mebedev ???
Grand Duke of Rylsk (980)
<imgur w=25>FVKswbR.png</imgur>
Anders Ralinov, Grand Duke of Rylsk
List of titles
  • xx
Victor, Marquis of Astenrun ???
Grand Duke of Orskulgrav (1980)
<imgur w=25>FVKswbR.png</imgur>
Skandar Alrund, Grand Duke of Orskulgrav
List of titles
  • xx
None ???
Grand Duke of Vindstokkr (980)
<imgur w=25>FVKswbR.png</imgur>
Orik Asimov, Grand Duke of Bakal
List of titles
  • xx
Orik Asimov, Marques of Burl ???
Grand Duke of Zarinsk (980)
<imgur w=25>FVKswbR.png</imgur>
Yaroslav Bovosk, Grand Duke of Bakal
List of titles
  • xx
Nikola, Marquis of Vagenhagen ???
Grand Duke of Angarsk (980)
<imgur w=25>FVKswbR.png</imgur>
Valmut Wrenskold, Grand Duke of Bakal
List of titles
  • xx
Danil, Marques of Hvult ???




Title Year Arms Current holder Subsidiary titles Heir - and notes Spouse
Aktouarios of Knossacus (1573) Wappen Muehldorf am Inn.svg Isocrates Alexios, 23rd Count of of Knossacus None Hon. Isocrates ???
Aktouarios of Paros () DEU Brilon COA.svg Koinos Antaeus, 18th Count of Paros None Kerykes, Archontas of Psaseia ???
Aktouarios of Percote () Wappen von Barntrup.svg Lydiadas Chryselios, 15th Count of Percote None Cronos, Archontas of Ithamahos ???
Aktouarios of Massilia () <imgur w=25>APu69At.png</imgur> Flavius Lerius, 13th Count of Massilia None Flavius, Archontas of Ostium ???
Aktouarios of Sirimios () Wappen Menzingen.svg Meander Kalixtos, 10th Count of Sirimios None Thrasidaios, Archontas of Glycon ???
Aktouarios of Kios () <imgur w=25>Yr5aV60.png</imgur> Milo Rigas, 11th Count of Kios None Orestes, Archontas of Iasespontos ???
Aktouarios of Mastoros () COA Plankstadt.svg Rabirius Scato, 9th Count of Mastoros None Ventus, Archontas of Arcastoros ???
Aktouarios of Smyrna () COA Untergimpern.svg Pagondas Dasoites, 8th Count of Smyrna None Phormio, Archontas of Aegetria ???
Aktouarios of Nysa () Wappen Neenstetten.svg Xenophon Kalamanos, 7th Count of Nysa None Metagoro, Archontas of Niroe ???
Aktouarios of Aegium () Wappen Ergersheim.svg Zolius Kaunos, 9th Count of Aegium None Matius, Archontas of Raetiniuium ???
Aktouarios of Orchassus (1998)
<imgur w=25>fs8sWVR.png</imgur>
Michael Roth, 1st Count of Orchassus None Hon. Liam Roth Lady Naomi Roth


Title Year Arms Current holder Subsidiary titles Heir - and notes Spouse
Dyoaktouarios of Veroaxos (1832) Wappen von Rieneck.svg Betilienus Toranos, 7th Vicecount of of Verulamium None Hon. Vesuvius Turullius ???
Dyoaktouarios of Cythera (1841) Wappen Demen.svg Sextus Typhoeus, 7th Vicecount of Cythera None Hon. Safrius Typhoeus ???
Dyoaktouarios of Medioaxos (1841) DEU Belm COA.svg Dorotheos Rentos, 9th Vicecount of Medioaxos None Hon. Livius Rentus ???
Dyoaktouarios of Delos (1852) DEU Wiefelstede COA.svg Marcus Crispian, 10th Vicecount of Delos None Hon. Marcus Crispian ????
Dyoaktouarios of Artuela (1855) DEU Ostercappeln COA.svg Quintus Hondros, 8th Vicecount of Artuela None Hon. Verrius Hondros ???