Grand Congress of the Emirates of the People of the North Kadush

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Grand Congress of the Emirates of the People of the North Kadush
Dates of operation1998- Present
MotivesTo seprate the North Kadush Region from Kamilistan and create an Islamic State in the region.
Major actionsSuicide Bombings, Kidnappings, Ransom, Beheadings, Mass Killings
StatusActive, but declining
AlliesAl-Shahdan Al-Muria
FlagNK Flag.png

The Grand Congress of the Emirates of the People of the North Kadush or just Norte Kongress is Salafist, Wahabis Islamist terriost organization in Kamilistan, though some may say it is also active outside Kamilistan (I.E Russia's Caucasus region) but most them are located in Kamilistan. The Norte Kongress plans are to free themselves away from Kamilistan's rule in the North Kadush (Name for North Kamilistan Region, which is made out of all Northern State) and form an Islamic State or Islamic Emirate to some in the Kadush area. The group has about 200-900 members, with 10% are foreign nationals, from the arab world. It was soon called as the "IS/S-NKAM" after they pledge allegiance to them in a recent video.

The group has caused numerous dead, and have made numerous attacks, mostly in the North. The most notable attack made by them was the Sadago Autonomy State Affair's Building Attacks in 2005, which killed 34, injuring 120 more during the attack, as it was a suicie bombings. The suicide bomber, Bashkir Rayanazshaman, aged 29 drove a car into a busy street, next to the State Affair's building before detonated the bomb in the car, which caused the huge explosions for 0.2 K.M, it was huge enough to destroy a bit of a 5 story building. The attack caused the Sadago Goverment to have the whole region itself to be under a full lockdown for 8 days.

As recently as September 17th, former Emir Hussein Tarawazar Lanyarkar was killed in the small town of Tishkan by CSR Special Forces during a raid, in the small neighbourhood within Tishkan in the West, he was shot dead when he refuse to surrender and tried to kill him and the other CSR Soldiers by detonating a bomb on his vest, but soon he was shot dead by a sniper, and aswell 5 other Norte Kongress Milita, and 19 others arrested and sentence to 20-26 years in Federal Prison. The group then elected a new leader, whom is a former Uztaz and Cleric Suleiman Khazarawayanzi, whom has hardline backgrounds and part of former terriost groups. The goverment of Kamilistan said it will "Make sure that he, and his followers are to be eliminated in the following months".

War with other armed groups


Attacked by Armed Rebel Groups

Formation of the Anti-Norte Kongress Coalition by Rebel and Backed groups

The Anti-Norte Kongress Coalition or the Coalition of the Anti-Grand Congress is a coalition made out of rebel groups together with backed groups by the Kamilistan's government. Made out of the

Rebel Groups
  1. Local Defensive Force
  2. People's Front for the Liberation of the North
  3. North Council of Command
Backed Groups
  1. South Dagestan Regional Defensive Forces
  2. South Dagestan Mobilization Forces for Stability
  3. South Dagestan Special Security Unit
  4. Numbered list item


4th of January, 1999

An attack was made on a Police Outpost in Sashmanar in East Kalsakia, killing 6 Policemen, the attack wasn't view as a terriost attack at that time

16th of March, 1999

A shootout between 18 Milita and 15 Security Divisional Unit of the North took place in Tishkan in the late evening, 12 militia was killed and 6 of them arrested, though 7 policemen was shot dead, suspected to be Gang Warfare.

1st of May, 1999

A small bomb was detonate in a small bus deport in Yashum, South Dagestan, injuring 6 others, it was reported that the bomb was place under a motorbike. Security Guard said that 2 men wearing hoodies and a bandana arrived, with one driving 2 motorbike, before hopping on the other one, and drove off, leaving the bike with the bomb there to explode. State goverment say's "It might be they forgot about the bike"

9th of May, 1999

Stabbing attack ocurred in a market in the small town of Walayahkoub, South Dagestan, the stabber was tazed and arrested by the Walayahkoub Police, the attacker whose name is Youzsef Walanyar, aged 32 did not reveal who he is working for, but said that he was "Stabbing the Non-Belivers", 12 others were injured. This spark the goverment to start increased the security level in South Dagestan.

11th of May, 1999

2 days after the stabbing attack, another one ocurred in the nearby town of Boryiyark, this time it was made by 2 individual, when police arrived one of them tried to stab them but was shot in the head by Corporal Sergey Yashin Rikiasork, the other on the otherhand fled the area, and wasnt caught after 2 years later. The dead attacker, named Aziz Muhammed Tarakanzar Washari, aged 19.

From May 1999 till April the 18th of 2002, stabbing attacks were common and made by the NK group

April the 29th, 2002

A suicide bomber arrived in a car near a checkpoint, near the Central Area of the town of Yiyarah, South Dagestan, the suicide bomber detonated the bomb placed within the car and exploded, killing 28 civilians, including 10 Checkpoint Guards, this was the start of the War on Terroism in Kamilistan, after it was later discover that every attacks were very smiliar with the tactics.

20th of June, 2002

A guy in a red jersey with a blue mask threw a grenade into a small bar in South Dagestan, it exploded and injuring 3 and 1 Foreign Nationals who is from Asarah, they were watching the 2002 Grand Rally Racing Cup of Kamilistan, or just GRRC. The inividual was caught, and was the guy who fled the scene in 1999, at the town of Boryiyark, named Hashan Walahazi and aged 47, he is sent to the Prison for Arrested Terriosts and Armed Former Militamen.

13th of July, 2002

A leaked video which is leaked by User: Aradah29_Mistery has shown 5 men in black, wearing black bandana and black clothing was executing of 7 Security Officer, after they did that they shouted "May god himself bless the Grand Congress of the People of the North Kadush, and may he bless us". After that leaked the goverment annouced the Norte Kongress group was to be deemed as a terriost group, and after investigation that all the attack was made by them.

10th of December, 2002

A military outpost in South Dagestan was raided and captured by Norte Kongress Terriost, and 19 Military personal was killed, while the rest fled, this was the start of Kamilistan's raids and attack against the group itself.

5th of May, 2005

A suicide bomber, Bashkir Rayanazshaman, aged 29 drove a car into a busy street, next to the State Affair's building of Sadago before detonated the bomb in the car, which caused the huge explosions for 0.2 K.M away, this day was called as 5/56, it killed 34, injuring 120 more. This was known as the "Black Day of Sadago"

Fast forward 2 years later

9th of May, 2007

In the town of Shuraabad, a suicide bomber detnonated a bomb on his vest, hidden in his hoodie, the suspected suicide bomber, Hasshan Ilamani and aged 39, went into the Shuraabad Main Market and exploded, killing 5, injuring 34 others, including the dead of 2 children. The District MP said that this is an "Terriost Attack made by the same group that made the many stabbing attacks in South Dagestan, we will insure the security of the region to be increase in the following days"

1st July, 2007

A van rammed into the Shuraabad Police Department at 2:09 P.M, ramming over the gate and some parked motorbikes before coming out and stabbed 2 Police Guards, the suspect was shot dead by Sergeant Ahmad Yasarakangi, officer checked inside the van and finded out 3 highly explosive devices or IED were inside them, knowing the suspect was meant to destroy the Police Station, the suspect was John Teresean Ahmir, aged 31 and from Canada, the first foreign attacker.

23rd of December, 2008

Know as the Chejjiak Christmas Bombings, or the 23rd Christmas Bombings of the North

Decline's of the group