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Cuirpthe's Infobox
Aeia logo.png This user is a member of Aeia
MTThis user is primarily a
"Modern Tech" roleplayer.

Bi triangles.svgThis user is Bisexual.
Political chart.svgAccording to the political compass, this user is Economic Right (3.13) and Social Libertarian (-0.92).

Greetings, I am Cuirpthe, a member of the region Aeia.

I joined NationStates back in 2016, creating Cuirpthe as a bit of a joke. I spent time jumping from region to region without commitment before I settled on Aeia in early 2017. I was fairly active, if a bit inexperienced at the whole worldbuilding thing, and was forced to leave in June due to issues in real life. When I returned to Aeia that December, I came with more worldbuilding experience and quickly began rebuilding Cuirpthe as a serious nation, and even creating a multi, Motsvara. I've now been there for almost two years, through two major controversies in our community, and I think I can consider myself a veteran of the community, the best I've found on NationStates.