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The Chuyan Realm of the Untsan Gasar
Flag of Untsangasar The White Khaganate Greater Chuya
Official languagesTovshui
Recognised national languagesBayar, Bayad, Khakhar, Turvan, Xakha, Tat'a, Shuyim, Gokchu, Buminchu, Xigchu, Qavar, Lo, Zhurjiin, Siba, Ebengi, Nai-Nai, Xet, Hyug, Shukot, Dehtkil, Nibka, Yezo, Yoopik, Xhorasemian
Ethnic groups
Ethnic groups of Untsangasar
Demonym(s)Untsangasari, Chuyan
GovernmentDevolved unitary constitutional monarchy
• Khagan
Timujin II
• Creation of the White Horde
• Founding of Yu-Ozkan Clan
• Proclamation of the Untsangasar Khaganate
• Khuvirgalt
• 2020 estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Per capita
Driving sideright

Untsangasar, sometimes also rendered as Untsan Gasar or Anglicized as Unzangazar, is a nation in Northeast Ochran. It is a physically-vast, multiethnic realm, home to extensive natural resources and a significant percentage of the world's surface fresh water. By land area, it is the largest nation in the world. The country is governed by a constitutional monarchy, embodied by the royal clan, the Khagan, and an elected legislature known as the Kurultai.



Untsangasar or, more properly, "untsan gasar" is one particular transcription of the Bayar phrase "Sleeping Land" referring to the land that makes up the vast majority of the country's vast interior.


People have been living here a long time. Unfortunately writing arrived in the region relatively late, meaning that most historic records prior to the 6th century CE are fragmentary and usually written by outsiders from other cultures, notably in Kaojiang, Tsurushima, and Seonko. Notably the area was rife with nomadic peoples, herders of horses, reindeer, and later cattle, with a tendency for climatic events and political instability to cause incursions into the more urbanized cultures further south, either via refugee migratory behavior or in the form of military incursions, either to raid or seize territory.

Bayarid Empire

See Also: Bayarid Empire

The area that is now Untsangasar first attained wider relevance during the campaigns of Tukal Khan and the election of his son, Khaadur, to leadership of a collection of herding tribes known as the Bayar Federation in the 9th century. Starting from the heartlands north of Kaojiang, the Bayars conquered their neighboring tribes before expanding south and then west, overrunning the Ochranic mainland quickly and reaching Eastern Belisaria and Eastern Scipia by the end of the century.

The Bayarid conquest would have a profound effect on the political, social, and economic effect of Greater Chuya, solidifying the growth and influence of trade centers in what are now Samakent, Ozhe, Ashana, and Baotu and developing a trade network that introduced points further south to the natural bounty of the Untsangasari heartland, as well as facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas from East Ochran to the Periclean Basin and Belisaria. This route, already in existance prior the conquest but finally much safer to utilize due to the unified political control and security the Bayarids brought, was known as the Jade Road.

In the late 1000's and early 1100's, the Bayarid Empire was experiencing a growing loss of stability as infighting over the Khagan's throne and power struggles between the institutions that ran the empire limited the ability of the Khagan and their subordinates to properly administer the realm. Local warlords increasingly asserted their own control and the once purely-administrative divisions of the Empire (the five Hordes) increasingly began to act as politically-distinct entities, even warring amongst themselves, even as pre-Bayarid polities reasserted themselves for independence. By 1147, the Empire had ceased to be in all but name, existing only in the insistant claims of the rulers of the five hordes to each be the rightful "Khagan of the Bayars".

Most relevant to Untsangasar, one of these Hordes, located in the northeast of Ochran and accordingly named the White Horde, maintained a tenuous grasp on hegemony over the nomads of the Ochranic North and Interior, even as the southern Green Horde, western Red Horde, central Blue Horde, and eastern Golden Horde began to squabble for dominance.

White Horde


See Also: Uluujol

Independence and Consolidation



Modern Day


The Monarchy


Syndicate for All-Chuyan Prosperity

Foreign Relations



Economic Structure

Major Industries



Ethno-Linguistic Groups




