Hegyhát Wars

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The Hegyhát Wars were a series of three wars fought during the Proto-Imperial Era primarily between the Hegyhat Empire and a variety of tribes for control over the Imperial South. Later renditions of the war saw conflict over control of the Imperial West and the Imperial Centra. The First and Second Hegyhat Wars constituted the Southern Conquest, which encapsulated the growing expansionism of the Hegyhat Empire. Both wars were fought by the highly organized Empire against a variety of unorganized disparate tribes in an effort to expand their control. The first war was fought over control of the areas of Hegyhat and Kaposvar. The second war was fought over the control of the Sivatag region, which now includes the counties of Nagykallo and Kiskallo. The Third Hegyhat War was the largest of the wars where the Hegyhat Empire fought a coalition of allies led by the Jeno Principality.

These wars have all began typically without a casus belli, with the Hegyhat Empire being the aggressor each time.

The first two wars began on orders of the Empress of Hegyhat that caused the Hegyhat Empire to garner an extremely negative reputation as untrustworthy. The Third Hegyhat War also began on orders of the Empress of Hegyhat to address concerns of ethnic Hegyhat people and their treatment by the Jeno. The invasion caused a suddern outpour of support from the Felfold Confederation, the Northern Coalition and the Eastern State, three powerful countries that helped the Jeno Coalition against the Hegyhat Empire.

The First Hegyhat War and the Second Hegyhat War were both considered to be total Hegyhat victories against the disorganized tribes and the annexation of tribal territories. The Hegyhat victories solidified the position of the Hegyhat as the most powerful state within the Proto-Imperial Era until their defeat in the Third Hegyhat War. The loss at the Third Hegyhat War signaled the downfall of the Hegyhat Empire and its inability to truly go against a unified force. After the end of the war, the Hegyhat Empire began to engage in diplomacy.

The Hegyhat Wars created huge shifts in culture and demographs within the Imperial South. The annexation of the areas around Kaposvar, Nagykallo and Kiskallo had extremely detrimental effects on the demographics of those regions. Hegyhat matriarchy on a social scale saw the decreasing female population of certain tribes alongside a rising female Hegyhat population. The most affected by these tribes were the Székely people and the Hajmáskér people, the Székely females being the primary target of the Orsolyan Genocide and the Hajmáskér people suffering from the Kaposvar Exodus.