Tagmatine Gaellician Relations

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(Not yet canon, WIP) The relationship between Aromania and Gaellicia has seen much change throughout the nation's histories.


  • The modern nation state of Gaellicia can credit a significant portion of its origin to the Aroman Empire. The first Gelts were brought from Argis to Axaemenia, the northern portion of the island of Vanarambaium, in the early centuries of the common era.
  • The first Gelts were brought as slaves and as cheap labor.
  • Over time, Gelts mixed with the Axaemenid lower class.
  • A series of revolts led to the involvement of Aurivizht mercenaries, concentrated heavily in the Southern highlands and the island of Ilwyn. Over time, the Aurivizht mercenaries became a managerial class in these regions, below Aroman elites but equal and above to Axaemenid elites.
  • Independence from Aroman rule as the Aroman empire fell.
  • Conquest by Thelarike. Eventual division between Thelarike and Tagmatium.
  • Unified Gaels revolted against and won independence from Thelarike and Tagmatium around the early 1400s.

Early Modern Period

Ascendent Gaellicia, Declining Tagmatium

  • Standing Gaellician Navy formed with Gotneskan assistance in the late 1400s.
  • Gaellicia defeats invasion attempted by the Anglian Armada.
  • During Tagmatine decline in the 1600s, Gaellicia conquers Vrygia.
  • Gaellicia conquers and incorporates the important central Europan seas stronghold of Adrarus.

Coalition Wars

  • Gaellicia is completely expelled from Vrygia by 1788.
  • The Occident is embroiled in a series of Coalition Wars from the 1780s to 1815.

Modern Period

Industrial Revolution

  • The Industrial Revolution is spurred in Gaellicia following the end of the Coalition wars.