Tagmatine Gaellician Relations

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(Not yet canon, WIP) The relationship between Aromania and Gaellicia has seen much change throughout the nation's histories.


  • The modern nation state of Gaellicia can credit a significant portion of its origin to the Aroman Empire. The first Gelts were brought from Argis to Axaemenia, the northern portion of the island of Vanarambaium, in the early centuries of the common era.
  • The first Gelts were brought as slaves and as cheap labor.
  • Over time, Gelts mixed with the Axaemenid lower class.
  • A series of revolts led to the involvement of Aurivizht mercenaries, concentrated heavily in the Southern highlands and the island of Ilwyn. Over time, the Aurivizht mercenaries became a managerial class in these regions, below Aroman elites but equal and above to Axaemenid elites.
  • Independence from Aroman rule as the Aroman empire fell.
  • Conquest by Thelarike. Eventual division between Thelarike and Tagmatium.
  • Unified Gaels revolted against and won independence from Thelarike and Tagmatium around the early 1400s.

Early Modern Period

Ascendent Gaellicia, Declining Tagmatium

  • Standing Gaellician Navy formed with Gotneskan assistance in the late 1400s.
  • Gaellicia defeats invasion attempted by the Anglian Armada.
  • During Tagmatine decline in the 1600s, Gaellicia conquers Vrygia.
  • Gaellicia conquers and incorporates the important central Europan seas stronghold of Adrarus.

Coalition Wars

  • Gaellicia is completely expelled from Vrygia by 1788.
  • The Occident is embroiled in a series of Coalition Wars from the 1780s to 1815.

Modern Period

Industrial Revolution

  • The Industrial Revolution is spurred in Gaellicia following the end of the Coalition wars.
  • Gaellicia incorporates the island of Yaran.
  • Latter half of the 19th century sees the Gaellician policy of decolonization. Both in its own colonial holdings, and eventually in other Europan powers by force.
  • Conflict between Tagmatium and Gaellicia in the 1880s-1890s during Tagmatine re-expansion.

Pre war

  • Gaellicia maintains policy of "armed neutrality and anti colonialism". No direct conflict with other nations, but aggressive posturing for the maintenance of its own neutrality.
  • Gaellicia is dragged into the Long War.

The Long War

  • Gaellicia forms an alliance with Tagmatium after being dragged into the Long War.
  • During this time, Gaellicia is granted drilling and resource rights withing Tagmatium's EEZ.
  • Alliance turns into anger/dislike upon Tagmatine withdrawal from the war.

Post War

  • The new Holy Aroman Emperor revokes Gaellician usage rights of the Tagmatine EEZ.
  • Southern Vanarambaium remains in limbo as a result of Aroman withdrawal from the war and the offensive to retake it.
  • Certain elements within Gaellicia lend covert support to the Admirals Coup.
  • The Admirals and Gaellicia initially have good relations. Both nations provide mutual support in economic reconstruction after the war.
  • The matter of Gaellician usage of the Tagmatine EEZ is continuously put off and deferred by the Admirals.

First Oinops War

  • In the 1970s, following increasing Gaellician impatience for resolution of EEZ usage rights, inter nation conflict in the Oinops channel occurs over several summers.
  • Begins with the unauthorized incursion of Gaellician fishing vessels in Tagmatine waters. The depth of incursions becomes progressively larger.
  • Matters escalate when an oil rig of the Gaellician corporation Octan is towed into and begins drilling for oil in the Tagmatine EEZ.
  • Conflict increases with civilian vessels antagonizing and meddling with each other.
  • The involvement of the Tagmatine Navy leads to Gaellician concessions and withdrawal.
  • In the aftermath, Gaellicia closes its own EEZ to Tagmatine fishermen.

Gaellician Decline

  • Isolde MacTurf elected Taoiseach in 1979, beginning the era of Isoldist policy in Gaellicia.
  • Both Gaellician and Tagmatine fishermen in this period violate respective EEZs without conflict between each other.
  • Both Navys turn a blind eye.
  • In 1985, Gaellicia begins to draw up grievances about EEZ usage once again.
  • 1986: Using entry of Tagmatine fishing vessels within Gaellicia's side of the channel as pretense, Isolde sends Petroleum survey vessels to the Tagmatine side.
  • The next summer, Octan deploys oil rigs just outside the borders of the Tagmatine EEZ.

Second Oinops War

  • 1988: Three oil rigs, escorted by armed merchant vessels, are towed onto the Tagmatine side. Considered the start of the second Oinops war.
  • An Aroman task force calls Gaellicia's bluff. Aroman ships sail past the Gaellician ships, correctly guessing that they are ordered not to fight.
  • Navamilitai from the task force board two of the platforms without bloodshed. The platforms are impounded and the crews deported back to Gaellicia.
  • In retaliation, Gaellician naval vessels escort Tagmatine fishing vessels out of Gaellicia's waters.
  • The third oil rig remains in operation, having been strategically placed behind a series of shoals. Maneuvering of merchant ships makes a bloodless assault by the Navamilitai for this third rig unfeasible.
  • A status quo emerges where civilian vessels from both nations incur on the waters of the other. The respective Navys of each chases off civilian vessels of the other.
  • Late 1990: Things escalate upon the collision of an Aroman and a Gaellician vessel. Courts in Gaellicia and Tagmatium find the other nation's vessel at fault for the accident. A joint hearing/enquiry is attempted, but abandoned.
  • Gaellician naval vessels begin escorting Gaellician merchants into Tagmatium's EEZ. A series of near collisions and accidents occur due to aggressive maneuvering from both sides.
  • 1991: Things come to a head when Tag and Gael warships collide. In what is now believed to be an accident, a ship gun fires at the antenna of an opposing vessel.
  • Over several weeks in the winter of 1991, warships from both sides fire upon each other with guns. A series of ship combat boardings occur as well. A cease fire is agreed upon after several weeks but naval vessels continue to incur on the other's waters.
  • 1992: In a provocative escalation, Gaellicia's carrier group is deployed to the Oinops. In response, Tagmatium deploys one of its own. Over a series of weeks the two carrier groups play chicken with each other. Due to stubbornness, both carrier groups are ordered not to return to port when an uncharacteristically powerful storm comes towards the Oinops. Both groups weather the storm. In the midst of it, a Tagmatine frigate rams a Gaellician destroyer. The Frigate begins to sink and the Gaellician vessels lend aid and support. In the aftermath, a slow deescalation on the part of more moderate military figures occurs despite the orders from higher up politicians.
  • 1993: KLA paramilitaries take the oil rig within Tagmatium's EEZ hostage. The ensuing crisis forces Tag and Gael cooperation to resolve it. The aftermath leads to final frustration and anger with the continued conflict.
  • Isolde steps down from the position of Taoiseach in order to seek the position of Ríog.
  • Her successor rapidly deescalates the Gaellician side and seeks peaceful resolution.
  • A cease fire is reached at the end of the year, returning to the status quo prior to the second conflict.

Improved Relations

  • 1994: A new Talamh government is formed in Gaellicia's Dail.
  • Gaellicia softens rhetoric regarding Tag.
  • 1995: Theodosius becomes Aroman Emperor.
  • Gaellicia voices support for the new Aroman Emperor and government early, often, and loudly.
  • Gael makes enthusiastic overtures for peace and cooperation.
  • There are rumors that the RISD was involved in Theodosius' rise, but these claims are never proved.
  • Eventually, Tag and Gael agree to a special maritime relationship, with EEZ sharing and cooperation within the bounds of the Oinops channel.

21st Century

  • 2000: A new ADC government is formed under Hilda Bruce, a protege of Isolde. Nevertheless, relations remain more or less amiable.
  • A joint Tag/Gael military exercise occurs, having been planned at the direction of the previous government.

Tagmatine Civil War

  • 2005: Tagmatium civil war.
  • With Hilda Bruce as Taoiseach and Isolde as Ríog, Gael remains conspicuously neutral and silent on the events of the Civil War.