List of Counties in the Obets United Republic

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A map of counties in Obets with their abbreviations

The Obets United Republic is a federal republic consisting of 12 counties, the highest level of administrative division in the Obets United Republic. Article Seven to the eObetaa Constitution delegates counties' and tribes' powers and guarantees their rights and protections under the federal government of Obets. Each county has its own constitution and government, and all counties and their residents are represented in the Eskustaheilleá, a bicameral legislature consisting of the House of Constituents and the House of Chiefs. Each county is represented by a number of representatives in the House of Constituents proportional to its population, while each county has a certain number of seats in the House of Chiefs depending on the number of tribes register in such county. The Eskustaheilleá can admit more counties, but it cannot create a new county from territory of an existing county or merge two or more counties into one without the consent of all counties involved and of the people living in those counties. Land can be transferred between two or more counties without consent of the federal government.

The largest state by population is Uralia, with a population of 2,983,024 people, while the smallest is Alatnamaa, with a population of 18,947 people; The largest state by area is Alaska, encompassing 1,443,384 square kiometers (557,294 square miles), while the smallest is Alenskè, encompassing 900 square kilometers (347 square miles). The most recent counties to be admitted, Alatnamaa and Gaamamaa, were admitted in 1977 after the Representation Act of 1975, which required all land under the Obets United Republic to be part of a county.

Counties of the Obets United Republic
Flag, name, and abbreviation Cities Ratification or
(2020 census)
Total area Representation
Capital Largest km2 mi2
Alenskè AL Alenskè 5 January, 1956 2,174,230 900 347 39
 Alatnamaa AT Bruno Gàna 13 May, 1977 18,947 1,097,280 423,662 1
Ekenas EK Ekenas 4 July, 1961 723,290 88,092 34,013 13
Farksi FA Farksi-Lahti 15 December, 1957 513,891 404,352 156,121 9
Gaamamaa GA Hameena 10 May, 1977 58,912 761,400 293,978 1
Kohtla-Árve Kohtla-Árve Sammasko 5 January, 1956 1,552,938 66,960 25,853 28
Lojos LO Lapalahti Lojos 5 January, 1956 1,029,381 132,192 51,040 18
Pohjanmaa PH Pohjanmaa 18 July, 1970 95,138 1,443,384 557,294 2
Postojna PO Postojna 5 January, 1956 2,184,298 251,172 96,978 39
Pohjos-Uralia PU Rovaniemi Nankija 5 January, 1956 1,197,765 162,072 62,576 21
Tavastia TA Havasko 5 January, 1956 848,940 588,672 227,288 15
Uralia UA Aalakape Uoloma 5 January, 1956 2,983,024 36,144 13,955 51