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Broad Liberation Front

Frente Ampla Libertação (Luzelese)
Bred Befrielsefront (Blostlandic)
AbbreviationFAL, BBF
ChairpersonSérgio Lindahl
Deputy ChairpersonMauricio Alcantara
FounderGeraldo Saldanha
Student wingBroad Liberation Front Student Force
Youth wingEstevista Youth Revolutionaries
Women's wingLadies of the Estevista Revolution
Left-wing nationalism
Left-wing populism
Sotirian socialism
Political positionLeft-wing
Colors  Red, Black
Vanharian Legislative Assembly
67 / 84
Department Governorships
12 / 15
Party flag

The Broad Liberation Front (Luzelese: Frente Ampla Libertação; Blostlandic: Bred Befrielsefront), or the FAL or BBF, is a Vanharian left-wing political party that has ruled the country since 2000. It was founded in 1999 soon after the 1999 Vanhar peace deal that ended the Esquedor conflict and opened the left into Vanharian politics. One of many left-wing parties, many of which following the ideology of Estevismo, it became the most successful and longest ruling parties in the Asterias. It is currently lead by Sérgio Lindahl and controls the Vanharian Legislative Assembly with a supermajority and a majority of the Departmental governorships in Vanhar.

After Vanhar's independence from the Asterian Federative Republic the left-wing rebels in Vanhar continued to fight the government of Bernardo Erhardsson. In 1999 the peace deal and disarmament of left-wing forces lead to the introduction of many leftist parties into politics. One of these was the Broad Liberation Front lead by lawyer Geraldo Saldanha, which would be able to unite many other left-wing parties and run on a platform of social and economic reforms, which appealed to the former-AFR state, which had been economically poor since the collapse. It would win in 2000 with over 55% of the vote.

The government of Geraldo Saldanha would be extremely successful, in 2004 the FAL would win a supermajority. In 2008 Saldanha was succeeded by Sérgio Lindahl, his deputy. He would further push more authoritarian measures to keep the FAL in power and become more adversarial with the AFR under Pereira, his wife, Eva Lindahl would become his deputy in 2017, and Foreign Minister Mauricio Alcantara would become the party's deputy chairman.



Left-wing separatists in southeast Vanhar, 1988

Saldanha leadership

Saldanha (right), would unite the Vanharian left in 2000

Alcantara leadership

Lindahl would solidify FAL rule in Vanhar
Alcantara would become Deputy Leader after Eva Lindahl was made Deputy President




Edmundo Esteves, the ideological founder of Estevismo

Sotirian socialism

Bishop Tiago Cancelo, a critic of the AFR's government, he is celebrated by Sotirian socialists
