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Golden Domain

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The Colonial Domain of the Golden People
LocationNorthern Coast of Pythia
CapitalNew Mingo
Official languagesMongese
Recognised regional languagesMongese Dialects
Ethnic groups

Golden Men(Mongons)


Hawk Men

Lion Men

Tiger Men

Sea Men




Beastial Folk

• Viceroy
Mytan Otamas
Colonial Domain
• Arrival Onto Sparkalia
1300s or so
• Full Consolodation of Current Domain
A decade or so after arrival
• Total
544,000 km2 (210,000 sq mi)
• Estimate
• Density
17.21/km2 (44.6/sq mi)
CurrencyAuradium Token

Heavy WIP



The ancestors of the inhabitants of the modern Golden Domain arrived on sparkalia in the latter half of the 1300s. Hailing from the rogue planet of Mongo, they were sent off, but are now cut off from Mongo, as the planet drifted away. ...


The land of the golden domain is filled with warm places, made up mostly of rolling savannah, grassy hills and warm tall hills with small paths along them, and festering swamps. The plains are generally fairly plain, as far as Dominion geography goes. At least as common as trees are in the plains are massive radium crystals, often standing over a story high. The environment is fully capable of dealing with the radiation, since everything that wasn't long since died painfully. The plains are sometimes broken up by gentler hills covered in grass, but the steeper hills are not found in the plains, but rather are counted as their own place. It is common for people to live in and within the hills. The least habitable of the climates are the Glowing swamps. Like the previous climates, they are warm and filled with radiation, but the swamps have many other dangers within them, such as lightning sand, spurts of flame from the ground, and many hostile creatures, such as ROUSs.


(Wip/placeholder/subject to change) Similar to the true golden people are those among them referred to as yellow people. While related, they are generally considered as mutts. They lack the majority of the special abilities of the true golden people, as their skin is relatively normal. Like true golden people they do not eat, and thus have no gut system, though their requirement of water means that they, like the true golden people, have an internal water system, which has the same benefit as the true golden people. They also have to absorb radiation to survive. However, they are less efficient with it, generally lasting only about half a year without getting new radiation, and weakening even faster without it. They generally absorb it the same way as the true golden people.

The hawk, lion, and tiger men are what are sometimes known as the “servile” races. They function mostly the same internally as one another and the golden people do. They have no need, or ability, to eat food, are required to drink water, and require radiation to survive. While this lands them with the same lake of a gut and possession of a water system, they have an even shorter time with which they can go without radiation, that being one month on average. However, relative to the time they have, weakness comes on slower then for the mutts, although overall it is faster in terms of total time. The Hawk men, sometimes referred to as winged men, possess large wings, with which they can fly with ease. They generally have the lightest skin. The lion men, sometimes referred to as maned men, have manes of hair over their necks and heads. Their powerful builds have the darkest skin. The tiger men, sometimes referred to as striped men, are similar to the lion men, but lack manes, instead having distinctive stripes down their body, especially on their sides, by their ribs. Their skin is colored in between the colors of the Hawk men and Lion men.

The survivors of the radioactive scouring, that being the Pythian natives, are different in the regard of food. While they still require radiation to survive, it is needed not for energy, but because their bodies are so twisted by radiation that it is all that keeps them alive. They still must drink and eat, as they had to before. They generally die within a little over a day in the case of the beast folk(a week for the dwarves) of lacking radiation. Unlike the Mongon races, they do not simply weaken, but rather their bodies begin to fall apart around that point, resulting in their imminent and gruesome deaths.





See also
